We suggest, but do not absolutely require, that poetry be metered in some fashion or have a similar number of syllables per line.

We generally only accept poetry on five themes:

  1. Beauty: Beauty in human nature, culture, the natural world, classical art forms, and the divine.
  2. Great Culture: Good figures, stories, and other elements from classical (pre-1900) history and literature.
  3. Falun Dafa: Today, this upright practice faces the worst spiritual persecution in history perpetrated by the Chinese communist regime, which is propped up by foreign investment and exports.
  4. Science: Technological and scientific achievements both ancient and modern.  Narratives on scientific topics, including the questioning and expanding of the modern scientific paradigm.
  5. Humor: Clean humor only please. Also includes riddles and children’s poetry.

On the above five themes, we also accept short stories, essays, art, news, and videos.

Email to [email protected]

Featured Image: “The School of Athens” fresco by Raffaello Sanzio (Wikimedia Commons)

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

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2 Responses

  1. Bruce Dale Wise


    If one looks only at the middle part
    of Raphael’s The School of Athens, one
    discovers in the open central arch
    that Plato’s old and Aristotle’s young.

    Draped in a pale red, Plato, on the left,
    points skyward, while he clasps a book close in.
    At right is Aristotle, who extends
    his hand, and holds his book edge next to him.

    Gray-headed Plato’s slightly shorter than
    is Aristotle, who’s dressed in subdued blue;
    both seem they’re walking forward, so each man
    ‘s par-a-pa-tet-i-ca-lly straight and true.

    Brown-bearded Aristotle is in front
    of broader-shouldered Plato slightly back,
    as they survey the earth and firmament,
    one touched in gold, the other lined in black.

    Beneath them, sprawled on large white steps, at ease
    on his right elbow, reading, Socrates.

  2. tvanjoolen

    Hello Poets,

    I just signed up. What happens to a submitted poem? Is it posted? Is it considered for the next poetry contest?

    Thanks & Regards,


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