
after the Epoch Times series’ How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling the World

History’s tide brought us forth to this day,
A dark, sullen mist hanging low on display,
The Communist Specter’s tail shriveled and feeble,
Yet tight is its desperate grip on our people.

A kingdom once reigning with luminous piety,
Now atheist wasteland, a fouled-up society,
The juxtaposition of ancient and new—
But watch as the tides of history renew.

Bask at the sedulous ornamentation,
The carefully handcrafted robes of the maidens,
In evident contrast with styles today:
The outrageous hairdos and denim decayed.

Once in the courtyards of school and academy,
Was scholarly ambition upheld with avidity.
Contemporary schooling, so farcical in comparison
Degenerate idealism’s taint is embarrassin’.

Courtesy kept and character cultivated,
Innate human nature divinely-created,
A dignified bearing and language refined,
With chivalrous grace was a noble defined.

Yet in this new era where honor’s displaced,
The crude and the vulgar are now commonplace.
Modern man’s lost his original mannerism,
Can we still flee from the terrible cataclysm?

Traditional values are taking the stage,
Seize the deliverance before the end day.
Seek out Redemption the Creator now offers,
As virtues prevail and righteousness conquers.



Clara Huang is an 11th grade student at Fei Tian Academy of the Arts in New York.

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5 Responses

  1. jd

    Quite an amazing poem full of wisdom for one so young.
    A special touch was leaving us with a hopeful final stanza.

  2. Paul Freeman

    When I was your age, I was writing rubbishy Second World War short stories and probably didn’t even know what a poem was.

    Wonderful work, Clara, and I’m not lying if I say I’ve learned one or two things from your work.

  3. Margaret Coats

    Good use of rhythm, Clara, and of rhyme (including some double and triple rhymes) along with assonance. You managed to take that very long Epoch Times series with its mountains of information, and turn it into passionate verse.


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