"Dante in Heaven" by William Cave ThomasBeatrice and the Ineffable Smile: Canto XXIII of Paradise by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society May 24, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . Beatrice and the Ineffable Smile: Canto XXIII of Paradise by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns Just as a bird that stands watch to ensure __the safety of her brood, beside the nest __throughout the night which hides all things from her, who, eager to behold them after rest __and seek for them the next day’s nourishment— __hard labor for her, yet a labor blessed— awaits the day upon a bough, ardent __with love of them and love, too, of the sun, __and sees at last the first glint it has sent: just so my lady waited, on and on, __Beatrice __erect and eager, watching the zone of sky __where sol stands highest, the meridian. And, watching her sweet expectation, I __became like one, while longing for a thing, __is still content: a hope will satisfy. But time went quickly by, this time awaiting, __between the wishing for and wish, I mean: __before our eyes the sky was lightening. And Beatrice: “At last, you now have seen __the host of Christ’s own triumph, all the fruit __reaped by the turning spheres, all who’ve ever been!” Her face glowed with a joy then absolute; __her eyes were full of light, so bright and keen. __I must pass on. No words I find will suit. As when the moon is full and all’s serene, __Diana smiles, and nymphs, as she bade, __will paint the sky like one vast fresco scene, and throw a thousand lights upon the shade, __I saw one sun that lit all, as our own __lights all the lustrous bodies on parade: through all that living brilliance, one light shone. __This piercing Substance was so bright and clear, __Christ __this light my eyesight had fully undone. O Beatrice, sweet guide of mine, so dear! __She said to me: “What overwhelms you is __a power that no mortal eyes can bear. Here is the wisdom and the strength no less __than that which opened earth to Heaven’s way. __For so long there had been desire for this.” And just as from a cloud a fire may __break and spread into a burning ball __and travel downward, nature disobey: __fire naturally rises just so, my mind within that festival __of joy expanded till it burst from me, __and what it then became I can’t recall. “Open your eyes and see my full beauty: __you’ve seen such things whose power now will let __you bear the smile of my ecstasy.” As one whose mind has caused him to forget __a vision, and who must then strive in vain __to somehow bring back what senses omit, was I when offered this, now to obtain __a sight sublime, which ever will belong __within the book of what won’t pass again. If all those tongues were now to sound a song, __angelic choir __which Polyhymnia and her sisterhood __Muse of sacred song __had given sweetest milk to make them strong, to help me sing of her, we never could __tell part of what is true in that blessed smile, __nor how her face then glowed with God’s own good. Just so, that Heaven’s rendered in my style, __my consecrated poem must leap at times, __as travelers will o’er stones once in a while. Who sees the weighty subject of these rhymes __and sees the mortal shoulders it must bear, __atremble, will find no poetic crimes. The waters that my bark is plowing here __is no sea for small craft, is not a place __for one who will not work, who shirks in fear. “Why are you more enamored of my face __Beatrice __than of this lovely garden? Turn you toward __these blossoms in the splendor of Christ’s rays. Here is the rose in which the Holy Word __the Virgin Mary and Christ, the Logos __became incarnate; here the lilies blow __the Apostles __whose fragrance was what from them first was heard.” Thus Beatrice. To her good counsel now __I promptly yielded, raised my feeble eyes __once more to battle with that fiery glow. I’ve seen the sun through partly clouded skies __irradiate a flower-filled meadow __with my sight shaded from the glorious blaze: just so, I saw a host of spirits below __the rays that ardently streamed from on high, __yet could not find the source that lit them so. O kindly Power that they’re imprinted by, __you raised yourself and drew yourself away __so that my eyes might see or at least try. The name of that fair flower to whom I pray __the Virgin Mary __each morning and each evening moved me so __that I had fixed upon the brightest ray; and when my sight had been allowed to know __the wherefore, how much, by what holy name __that conquered there as it did here below, then from the heavenly heights a bright torch came __and formed a circle and around her wound, __a ring in shape, a crown of living flame. Whatever melody is dulcet sound __to lull the soul down here, warm with quiet fire, __would be as thunder, softer sounds all drowned, compared against the music of that lyre __by which I saw the purest jewel crowned, __by whom the brightest Heaven is sapphire. “I am angelic love, which gyres around __the angel Gabriel __the womb that breathed forth our high ecstasy, __the dwelling place where our desire was found. And, Queen of Heaven, I shall always be __around till you, after your Son, are among __the brightest lights, enhancing divinity.”__ the Empyrean Thus the enwrapping hymn that had been sung __revealed itself, and all the other rays __resounded when Maria’s name was rung. The royal cloak enfolding every blaze __the Primum Mobile __of every turning sphere, more burning, more __quickening, nearest to God’s breath and ways, had high above us its internal shore, __beyond a distance that must needs impede __a mortal vision, what I had eyes for. And so these eyes of mine did not succeed __in following the Lady flame adorns __as she rose after her own blessèd Seed. And as a baby stretches out his arms __toward mother, who has always kept him fed, __with gestures shows the love that always warms, each of those incandescent lights then spread __its high and rising flame in such a way __their love for Mother could not be gainsaid. And still within my view they chose to stay, __singing “Regina coeli,” so sweetly, so __“Queen of Heaven” __that my delight has never passed away. Oh, what abundance, what an overflow __within those rich and fertile arks, who on __this earth the seeds for Christ would ever sow! They live now up in Heaven, labors done, __enjoying all the gold that they spurned there, __the treasures weeping bought in Babylon. __in their earthly exile And he now triumphs on the highest chair __St. Peter __under the Lady’s Son, among the victories __of counsels old and new, and they all share__ Old and New Testaments the glories of which he holds the golden keys. . Original Italian Come l’augello, intra l’amate fronde, posato al nido de’ suoi dolci nati la notte che le cose ci nasconde, che, per veder li aspetti disïati e per trovar lo cibo onde li pasca, in che gravi labor li sono aggrati, previene il tempo in su aperta frasca, e con ardente affetto il sole aspetta, fiso guardando pur che l’alba nasca; così la donna mïa stava eretta e attenta, rivolta inver’ la plaga sotto la quale il sol mostra men fretta: sì che, veggendola io sospesa e vaga, fecimi qual è quei che disïando altro vorria, e sperando s’appaga. Ma poco fu tra uno e altro quando, del mio attender, dico, e del vedere lo ciel venir più e più rischiarando; e Bëatrice disse: “Ecco le schiere del trïunfo di Cristo e tutto ’l frutto ricolto del girar di queste spere!” Pariemi che ’l suo viso ardesse tutto, e li occhi avea di letizia sì pieni, che passarmen convien sanza costrutto. Quale ne’ plenilunïi sereni Trivïa ride tra le ninfe etterne che dipingon lo ciel per tutti i seni, vid’ i’ sopra migliaia di lucerne un sol che tutte quante l’accendea, come fa ’l nostro le viste superne; 1e per la viva luce trasparea la lucente sustanza tanto chiara nel viso mio, che non la sostenea. Oh Beatrice, dolce guida e cara! Ella mi disse: “Quel che ti sobranza è virtù da cui nulla si ripara. Quivi è la sapïenza e la possanza ch’aprì le strade tra ’l cielo e la terra, onde fu già sì lunga disïanza.” Come foco di nube si diserra per dilatarsi sì che non vi cape, e fuor di sua natura in giù s’atterra, la mente mia così, tra quelle dape fatta più grande, di sé stessa uscìo, e che si fesse rimembrar non sape. “Apri li occhi e riguarda qual son io; tu hai vedute cose, che possente se’ fatto a sostener lo riso mio.” Io era come quei che si risente di visïone oblita e che s’ingegna indarno di ridurlasi a la mente, quand’ io udi’ questa proferta, degna di tanto grato, che mai non si stingue del libro che ’l preterito rassegna. Se mo sonasser tutte quelle lingue che Polimnïa con le suore fero del latte lor dolcissimo più pingue, per aiutarmi, al millesmo del vero non si verria, cantando il santo riso e quanto il santo aspetto facea mero; e così, figurando il paradiso, convien saltar lo sacrato poema, come chi trova suo cammin riciso. Ma chi pensasse il ponderoso tema e l’omero mortal che se ne carca, nol biasmerebbe se sott’ esso trema: non è pareggio da picciola barca quel che fendendo va l’ardita prora, né da nocchier ch’a sé medesmo parca. “Perché la faccia mia sì t’innamora, che tu non ti rivolgi al bel giardino che sotto i raggi di Cristo s’infiora? Quivi è la rosa in che ’l verbo divino carne si fece; quivi son li gigli al cui odor si prese il buon cammino.” Così Beatrice; e io, che a’ suoi consigli tutto era pronto, ancora mi rendei a la battaglia de’ debili cigli. Come a raggio di sol, che puro mei per fratta nube, già prato di fiori vider, coverti d’ombra, li occhi miei; vid’ io così più turbe di splendori, folgorate di sù da raggi ardenti, sanza veder principio di folgóri. O benigna vertù che sì li ’mprenti, sù t’essaltasti, per largirmi loco a li occhi lì che non t’eran possenti. Il nome del bel fior ch’io sempre invoco e mane e sera, tutto mi ristrinse l’animo ad avvisar lo maggior foco; e come ambo le luci mi dipinse il quale e il quanto de la viva stella che là sù vince come qua giù vinse, per entro il cielo scese una facella, formata in cerchio a guisa di corona, e cinsela e girossi intorno ad ella. Qualunque melodia più dolce suona qua giù e più a sé l’anima tira, parrebbe nube che squarciata tona, comparata al sonar di quella lira onde si coronava il bel zaffiro del quale il ciel più chiaro s’inzaffira. “Io sono amore angelico, che giro l’alta letizia che spira del ventre che fu albergo del nostro disiro; e girerommi, donna del ciel, mentre che seguirai tuo figlio, e farai dia più la spera suprema perché lì entre.” Così la circulata melodia si sigillava, e tutti li altri lumi facean sonare il nome di Maria. Lo real manto di tutti i volumi del mondo, che più ferve e più s’avviva ne l’alito di Dio e nei costumi, avea sopra di noi l’interna riva tanto distante, che la sua parvenza, là dov’ io era, ancor non appariva: però non ebber li occhi miei potenza di seguitar la coronata fiamma che si levò appresso sua semenza. E come fantolin che ’nver’ la mamma tende le braccia, poi che ’l latte prese, per l’animo che ’nfin di fuor s’infiamma; ciascun di quei candori in sù si stese con la sua cima, sì che l’alto affetto ch’elli avieno a Maria mi fu palese. Indi rimaser lì nel mio cospetto, “Regina celi” cantando sì dolce, che mai da me non si partì ’l diletto. Oh quanta è l’ubertà che si soffolce in quelle arche ricchissime che fuoro a seminar qua giù buone bobolce! Quivi si vive e gode del tesoro che s’acquistò piangendo ne lo essilio di Babillòn, ove si lasciò l’oro. Quivi trïunfa, sotto l’alto Filio di Dio e di Maria, di sua vittoria, e con l’antico e col novo concilio, colui che tien le chiavi di tal gloria. . . Stephen Binns is an editor at the Smithsonian (the institution, not the magazine). His most recently published poetry appeared in the January 2023 issue of First Things. NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 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What is more gentle than That? “Their love for Mother.” That’s a nice touch, using Mother as a name, without article of any kind. The incandescent lights: I wonder who are they are? Angels, with Gabriel? The translation has momentum: it carries the reader, so she doesn’t have to work, or if she does, at least she doesn’t need to “shirk in fear.” Love is a smile we begin on earth, to finish properly there, where day breaks and the shadows flee. I think Dante’s own Muse has been whispering helpfully to you. Reply Russell Spera May 24, 2023 Another excellent Canto! The terza rima reads so smooth, great flow. You made a difficult task seem easy. Looking forward to more. Reply Cynthia Erlandson May 25, 2023 This is so very beautiful and impressive! “just so, my mind within that festival / of joy expanded till it burst from me, / and what it then became I can’t recall.” — is among my favorite lines, though there are many. I can’t even imagine the poetic multi-tasking a translator must have to do, especially to keep the terza rima. Dante must be extremely pleased. I also love the ingenious extended metaphor of your poem “Evening, Washington Metro” in First Things. Reply Stephen Binns May 25, 2023 Thanks to all from your gracious and graceful words and for your impressively attentive reading. I, in turn, have enjoyed all of your own work in Classical Poets, and yours, Cynthia, in First Things, especially “Ascension Day.” I attend the Latin Mass. If you do as well, I hope that your choir is as fine as ours, which is pretty close to Polyhymnal (if that can be a word). My daily descents into the Washington Metro may have been an inspiration for starting on “Inferno.” Every face down there wears a spectral glow, and every right arm is crooked like that of a Church Doctor, holding his theology . . . and yet it doesn’t seem to be Paradise. So where am I then? Thank you, Monika, for bringing to mind my favorite Hopkins poem, “May Magnificat”: Is it only its being brighter Than the most are must delight her? Is it opportunest And flowers finds soonest? Pax vobiscum! Reply Cynthia Erlandson May 25, 2023 Thank you very much, Stephen; I’m delighted that you are one of my readers, and as delighted to be one of yours. Actually I am an Anglican (of the traditional variety — 1928 Book of Common Prayer), and have certainly heard a lot of celestial-sounding polyphonic church music (which wasn’t exactly what you were asking; I had to look up polyhymnal!) Musicality in my poems is always one of my top goals. Pax vobiscum. Reply Stephen Binns May 25, 2023 Thanks again, Cynthia. Ah. Anglican. I should have known from your well-chosen epigraphs from Eliot. Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. 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Monika Cooper May 24, 2023 Thank you for another canto from your Divine Comedy translation. Almost every morning this May I’m raising “my feeble eyes / once more to battle with that fiery glow.” Mary’s month: there’s something to that. I love the part with Diana’s nymphs painting the sky like a fresco, all of those dancing pearl-tints, and the sun so gentle there she’s compared to the moon. Or is it the sun? I guess it is the sacred substance of Christ Himself: perhaps the disc of the Host is alluded to. What is more gentle than That? “Their love for Mother.” That’s a nice touch, using Mother as a name, without article of any kind. The incandescent lights: I wonder who are they are? Angels, with Gabriel? The translation has momentum: it carries the reader, so she doesn’t have to work, or if she does, at least she doesn’t need to “shirk in fear.” Love is a smile we begin on earth, to finish properly there, where day breaks and the shadows flee. I think Dante’s own Muse has been whispering helpfully to you. Reply
Russell Spera May 24, 2023 Another excellent Canto! The terza rima reads so smooth, great flow. You made a difficult task seem easy. Looking forward to more. Reply
Cynthia Erlandson May 25, 2023 This is so very beautiful and impressive! “just so, my mind within that festival / of joy expanded till it burst from me, / and what it then became I can’t recall.” — is among my favorite lines, though there are many. I can’t even imagine the poetic multi-tasking a translator must have to do, especially to keep the terza rima. Dante must be extremely pleased. I also love the ingenious extended metaphor of your poem “Evening, Washington Metro” in First Things. Reply
Stephen Binns May 25, 2023 Thanks to all from your gracious and graceful words and for your impressively attentive reading. I, in turn, have enjoyed all of your own work in Classical Poets, and yours, Cynthia, in First Things, especially “Ascension Day.” I attend the Latin Mass. If you do as well, I hope that your choir is as fine as ours, which is pretty close to Polyhymnal (if that can be a word). My daily descents into the Washington Metro may have been an inspiration for starting on “Inferno.” Every face down there wears a spectral glow, and every right arm is crooked like that of a Church Doctor, holding his theology . . . and yet it doesn’t seem to be Paradise. So where am I then? Thank you, Monika, for bringing to mind my favorite Hopkins poem, “May Magnificat”: Is it only its being brighter Than the most are must delight her? Is it opportunest And flowers finds soonest? Pax vobiscum! Reply
Cynthia Erlandson May 25, 2023 Thank you very much, Stephen; I’m delighted that you are one of my readers, and as delighted to be one of yours. Actually I am an Anglican (of the traditional variety — 1928 Book of Common Prayer), and have certainly heard a lot of celestial-sounding polyphonic church music (which wasn’t exactly what you were asking; I had to look up polyhymnal!) Musicality in my poems is always one of my top goals. Pax vobiscum. Reply
Stephen Binns May 25, 2023 Thanks again, Cynthia. Ah. Anglican. I should have known from your well-chosen epigraphs from Eliot.