‘Yet Another Year’: A Birthday Poem by Satyananda Sarangi The Society December 7, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Poetry 21 Comments . Yet Another Year The birthday bells reverberate __Through haunted towns That lead you to an ancient gate __Beside which clowns Laugh aloud and break down in tears; __They stand and wait, Resembling dreams...
‘Beyond the Shadows’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society November 4, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Poetry 14 Comments . Beyond the Shadows The light from above may be blinding And cause us to shelter our eyes, But promises God makes are binding, For laggards as well as the wise. At last we get used to the...
‘The Truth about Fall Colors’ and Other Autumn Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society October 20, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Humor, Satire 22 Comments . The Truth about Fall Colors I am October’s most submissive bitch, And just when I believed I’d struck it rich, The gold that hovered overhead was blown Away before I’d claimed it for my own. And now...
‘The Emperor’s New Chromosomes’ and Other Poems on Transgenderism by Brian Yapko The Society July 25, 2023 Alexandroid, Culture, Poetry, Satire 22 Comments . The Emperor's New Chromosomes The Emperor would be remade; He felt if he could be a maid He’d be more loved and find relief. His maleness brought him nought but grief. Two doctors showed up sharp as...
‘Encapsulations of Classic Texts’: Four Poems by Joshua C. Frank The Society April 27, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Encapsulations “It’s a shame that the tradition of producing small poetic encapsulations of classic texts seems to have died out.” ---Joseph S. Salemi . I. The Way of Peace an alexandroid Thomas a...
‘The Little Knight’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society April 13, 2023 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 26 Comments . The Little Knight The kitchen door slams open wide; The boy flies through to play outside. His house becomes his castle’s walls; The distant car horns, clarion calls. A stick becomes a mighty sword; The...
‘The Afghan Plight’ by Satyananda Sarangi The Society August 31, 2021 Alexandroid, Culture, Poetry, Terrorism 20 Comments . The starlit sky is filled with smoke ______and men succumb To dread, while folded hands invoke ______to overcome This awful plight; yet prayers heard ______through fervid faith Are breath for Satan....
A Poem on ‘Black Lives Matter’ and Others by C.B. Anderson The Society November 3, 2020 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Ekphrastic, Poetry 20 Comments Context Is Everything When you attempt to cut some string A hammer doesn’t do a thing— Jackknives matter. When life has gotten back to normal, And dining out means dressing formal, Black...
‘After the Rain’ and Other Poetry by Jared Carter The Society August 18, 2019 Alexandroid, Beauty, Poetry 7 Comments After the Rain After the rain, it’s time to walk the field again, near where the river bends. Each year I come to look for what this place will yield— lost things still rising here. The farmer’s plow...
A Straight Shooter: Interview with C.B. Anderson The Society July 31, 2019 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Essays, Interviews, Poetry 2 Comments Roots in the Sky, Boots on the Ground: Metaphysical Poems C.B. Anderson, Kelsay Books, 107 pages paperback, ISBN-10: 1949229688 2019, $17.00 by Carol Smallwood Smallwood: Joseph S. Salemi commented on...
‘Disappointment’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society June 23, 2019 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments Disappointment The waiting's not the hardest part: Much worse is when you finally know That what you craved with all your heart ____Will not arrive. Infatuations come and go, Bad luck upsets your...
‘Sonnet I: Liu Haixiao’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society March 14, 2018 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 24 Comments Sonnet I: Liu Haixiao Mr. Liu Haixiao (pronounced Leo High-shaow) is serving a 16-year prison sentence in Jilin Province, China, where he was arrested for tapping into the local TV network to broadcast...
‘The Pilgrimage to Heaven’ and Other Poetry by Satyananda Sarangi The Society October 19, 2017 Alexandroid, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 36 Comments The Pilgrimage to Heaven Beneath the shadows whence no light embarks On paths renounced by most intrepid men; There, gypsies seldom find enchanting larks Or songs which overflow the silent...
How to Write an Alexandroid The Society August 5, 2017 Alexandroid, Education, Poetry, Poetry Forms 14 Comments By C.B. Anderson Anyone writing formal poetry today has to be grateful for the arsenal of fixed forms—most of them bequeathed to us from masters of the past—that is available to lend structure to poetic...