On ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and Other Poems by Anna J. Arredondo The Society January 7, 2025 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments . Watch Out! Now, “The Three Little Pigs” is a tale More for cautioning than for amusing: Learn its lessons and you may prevail; Heed them not, and you may end up losing. For we, none of us, live in a...
‘Dragons Lost at Sea’: A Poem by Isabella Simmonds The Society December 9, 2024 Children's, Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . Dragons Lost at Sea In salty seas green dragons fly the waves, With plastic scales—a man-made guard from rot. Submerged to sleep in rocky water caves; Bereft of flames they blow and bubble not. A cargo...
‘Just Doin’ Our Job’: A Sonnet in Terza Rima by T.M. Moore The Society November 17, 2024 Children's, Poetry, Science, Terza Rima 3 Comments . Just Doin' Our Job As if they didn’t have enough to do already---harvesting the light to make food for the tree and seeing to it you and I have clean air every day---leaves slake their host tree’s...
‘What Mother Goose Neglected to Mention’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society September 29, 2024 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . What Mother Goose Neglected to Mention . A Soup Spoon Reflects upon His Past So the dish ran away with the spoon, we were told, __And he treated her well, bless his soul, But he realized, when he was...
‘The First Fallen Leaf’ and Other Poetry by Pamela Ruggiero The Society August 29, 2024 Children's, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . The First Fallen Leaf A single leaf begins to fall. He wants to be the first of all. His brethren strain to join his fun. For now he’s still the only one. He floats and sways inside the breeze, but,...
‘Leave’: A Poem by Martin Elster The Society August 27, 2024 Beauty, Children's, Poetry 10 Comments . Leave Above the land, suspended, green and grand and splendid, we furnish food for trees, whisper with the breeze till cold winds bluster in and we turn harlequin. Now that we’re on the ground, you tote...
‘Beauty’ and Other Poems by Shindy Cai The Society August 3, 2024 Beauty, Children's, Poetry 8 Comments . Beauty Flowers are the faded stars that fall from silver skies, Raindrops are the sacred tears that leak from angel eyes. The wind is but a melody the gods bestow to earth, The sunrise is an ember that has...
‘The Stoat and the Old Goat’: a Children’s Tale by Jeff Eardley The Society March 9, 2024 Children's, Poetry 16 Comments . The Stoat and the Old Goat This tale concerns a little stoat, With eyes of black and velvet coat, Who frolicked in the virgin snow, Above the village down below. This little chap, so short and lean, He...
‘Probing for the Problematic Polyp’ and Other Poetry by Mark F. Stone The Society February 28, 2024 Children's, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments . Probing for the Problematic Polyp Bob was testy yesterday. __A fractious, famished fellow. You would be, too, if all that you __consumed was juice and Jell-O. He downed the colon cleansing drink. __The...
Poetry for Children: Seven Great Poems to Read to Your Kids The Society January 7, 2024 Best Poems, Children's, Poetry 13 Comments . . Poetry for Children by Shaun C. Duncan . To speak of poetry for children might appear redundant at first. With rhymed and metered poetry hounded out of every "respectable" corner of the literary...
Aesop’s ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ (Crisell Adaptation) and Other Classics Read by Andrew Benson Brown The Society January 3, 2024 Children's, Classical Poets Live, Poetry, Readings 9 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/shorts/87O4CNfrZ2M https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ufJcOO-y7Ho?feature=share https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GG9J2oEEiyY?feature=share . . Andrew Benson Brown has had poems and...
‘Jack and Jill’ Style Nursery Rhymes Challenge The Society November 2, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 55 Comments . Poet Paul A. Freeman challenges you to write a nursery rhyme in the style of the Mother Goose classic "Jack and Jill." Below is his model example. Post yours in the comments below. . Nigel Neath Nigel...
‘Belling the Cat’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society August 28, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . Belling the Cat The mice called a council to try to defeat A troublesome cat who would ruthlessly eat Any mouse in the house that she happened to meet. A young mouse spoke first. “Pay attention to...
‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society August 14, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . The Boy Who Cried Wolf Once there lived a shepherd boy who Despised his dull profession. His job was to alert the town When wolves would show aggression. One Saturday in late July, He thought it would be...
‘The Outing’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society August 11, 2023 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . The Outing . I Miss Deidre Ealing of Tiny Tots School, A woman who'd never be anyone's fool, Observing her charges like little buds sprouting, Decided the next day they'd go on an outing. Departure was...
‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and Other Poetry from Aesop’s Fables, by Rob Crisell The Society July 30, 2023 Children's, Humor, Limerick, Poetry 12 Comments . The Tortoise and the Hare in limericks A tortoise and hare were a-talkin’. Said Hare: “Why, your slowness is shockin’! __If we ran a race, __You’d be a disgrace. I’d win, even if I were...
‘The Number 44: The Cookery Class’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society June 28, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . The Number 44: The Cookery Class Now, this is a tale of a cookery class; It happened in Battersea early one March. The teacher was Jane who though barely thirteen Already sought fame as a culinary...
‘The Adventures of Verb’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society June 25, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry, Satire 28 Comments . The Adventures of Verb At six, I had a dictionary Where I would meet a man named Verb, Superb and quite extraordinary, In every definition’s blurb, Right at the finish, did while doing, For example:...
‘Runway Ready’: A Contemporary Nursery Rhyme by Tonia Kalouria The Society June 19, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 9 Comments . Runway Ready An Anorectic at a Playground . Scrawny, lean and teen Miss Annie sat upon her bony fanny, straddled ‘cross a teeter-totter, filling up on Fibre Water. From above, bungeed a spider, claimed...
A Cautionary Tale on Dieting: Poetry by Paul Martin Freeman The Society June 3, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 6 Comments . The Number 165: Emily Hyatt A Cautionary Tale . Now this is a story that all those should heed Who think the sole gustatory pitfall is greed. For hear now what happened to Emily Hyatt Whose pleasure by...
‘Matters of Class’: An Alphabet Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society May 19, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Matters of Class . Saying hello The modest o’s the most polite of letters; But is he facing up today or down? Each day he questions those he calls his betters In order so he knows to smile or frown. A...
A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman: ‘The Number 151: Teatime in Cheam’ The Society May 5, 2023 Children's, Poetry, Satire 14 Comments . The Number 151: Teatime in Cheam A Cautionary Tale . Now this is a story of two little girls; The older had pigtails, the younger one curls. They lived in the wonderful village of Cheam And both were...
Two Classic Christopher Columbus Poems and a Columbus Biography with PDF The Society May 2, 2023 Children's, Culture, Education, Poetry 10 Comments . Columbus by Joaquin Miller (1837-1913) Behind him lay the gray Azores , Behind the Gates of Hercules; Before him not the ghost of shores, Before him only shoreless seas. The good mate said: “Now must we...
‘A Few Special Letters’: An Alphabet Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society April 21, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . A Few Special Letters . The mother goddess The m’s the mother goddess of the letters: Her shape exemplifies the female form. A bosom there for some, a bottom others; For warmth and comfort is...
‘The Number 274: Timothy Pugh’: A Bus Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society April 6, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . The Number 274: Timothy Pugh Now this is the story of Timothy Pugh Who woke up one morning in Regent's Park Zoo. He couldn’t recall what had happened before, Nor how he had boarded the 274. He couldn’t...
Three Poems for National Poetry Month, by Roy E. Peterson The Society April 2, 2023 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Education, Poetry 16 Comments . The Mystery of Poetry The mystery of poetry __is found between the lines. The poet sends the signals while __the sentence shows the signs. Alliterative artifices __alert the adept minds. The power of each...
‘The Tragedy of the p and the q’: An Alphabet Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society March 24, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . The Tragedy of the p and the q . Lovers in eternity The p and q were two eternal lovers Who faced each other in the alphabet. To all else lost, oblivious of others, The ideal Romeo and Juliet. But though...
‘Ondine and Lucien’s Great Adventure’: A Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society March 10, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . The Number 17: Ondine and Lucien’s Great Adventure; Or, The Kind that Can Float from The Bus Poems: A Tale of the Devil, currently in preparation. Now this is a tale of two very good friends; They lived...
‘Poet Tree’: An Excerpt from Legacy: The Saga Begins, by Michael Pietrack The Society March 8, 2023 Beauty, Children's, Poetry 27 Comments . Poet Tree Legacy: The Saga Begins is a 14-chapter narrative poem. In this excerpt, the adolescent hero Abelbee, who has to venture deep into the Great Wood to find wise Vallenbee, arrives at...
A Picnic Poem by Paul Martin Freeman The Society February 12, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . The Number 128: The Picnic “Let’s go on a picnic,” the older one said; “We’ll take tins of salmon and slices of bread.” “We’ll set up a table away from the trees” “And sit in the sunshine...
‘A Wild Horse’: An Excerpt from Legacy: The Saga Begins, by Michael Pietrack The Society February 8, 2023 Beauty, Children's, Poetry 14 Comments . A Wild Horse Legacy: The Saga Begins is a 14-chapter narrative poem written by Michael Pietrack. In this excerpt, the young and fearful protagonist Abelbee receives guidance from his father,...
‘The Snuff Box’ and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society February 2, 2023 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Poetry 32 Comments . The Snuff Box from a true story told in My Mother by Fr. Bernard Vaughan (1847-1922) When I was just a little boy, My mother served us shepherd’s pie. We thirteen children sniffed with joy, With statue...
Launch Event for Michael Pietrack’s Legacy: You Are Invited The Society January 20, 2023 Children's, Poetry 7 Comments . SCP Members and readers are invited by poet Michael Pietrack to his Virtual Launch Party on Saturday, January 21 at 12 Noon EST. The book---Legacy: The Saga Begins---is a complete novel-length adventure...
‘The Players’: An Excerpt from Legacy: The Saga Begins, by Michael Pietrack The Society November 2, 2022 Beauty, Children's, Poetry 26 Comments The Players Legacy: The Saga Begins is a 14-chapter narrative poem that is set to launch on January 21, 2023. This is an excerpt from Chapter 11 in which Vallenbee the Wise speaks to the main character,...
‘Night Visitor’ and Other Ghost Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 31, 2022 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . Night Visitor Between the ticking of the clock I thought I heard a haunting knock. I pondered what I thought I heard, "Perhaps the tapping of a bird?" The hearth was warm and so was I, Until a cold draft...
‘I Sailed Away to Ancient Greece’ and Other Children’s Poetry by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 12, 2022 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . I Sailed Away to Ancient Greece I sailed away to ancient Greece In search of Jason’s golden fleece. I climbed aboard the Argonaut, But could not find the fleece I sought. Odysseus was waiting there And...
‘Green Energy’ After Dr. Seuss’s ‘Green Eggs and Ham,’ by Dan Ward The Society October 4, 2022 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Satire 35 Comments . Green Energy with apologies to Dr. Seuss I do not like green energy Don’t subsidize it, AOC. I do not like it in the dark, My solar panels will not spark. I do not like it with no breeze, Wind generators...
10 New Riddles for Mid-Autumn Festival 2022 The Society September 8, 2022 Children's, Culture, Poetry, Riddles 10 Comments . The Mid-Autumn Festival, or Moon Festival, falls on Sept. 10 this year. A common tradition is to read riddles hung from lanterns while under the moonlight. The holiday usually corresponds to the harvest...
‘Dog Tired, Cat on Top’ by Damian Robin The Society July 30, 2022 Children's, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . Dog Tired, Cat on Top The cat sat on the mat, Been there, seen that. The cat sat on the chair, Seen that, been there. The cat sat on the dog, Well, that’s odd. The dog snored on the floor, Tell us...
‘The Spoonerisms Man, or The Moonerisms Span’ by Jeff Eardley The Society July 22, 2022 Children's, Humor, Poetry 34 Comments . The Spoonerisms Man, or The Moonerisms Span His name was Mr. Spooner and he owned a service station. He kept our vehicles on the road, a noble occupation. So handy with the oily rag, the torque wrench and...