Is outsourcing to foreign countries a good thing or bad thing? The gradual demise of American manufacturing seems to be part of the meaning behind this stunning work by David Bowers.

From David Bowers’ website: Upon first glance Bow­ers’ work seems to take you back to peri­ods of paint­ing long gone.  How­ever, David Bow­ers paint­ings incor­po­rate mod­ern themes and ideas.

There is always a mes­sage in his work.  For him the idea is the most chal­leng­ing and reward­ing part of the paint­ing.  Sym­bol­ism is a main ingre­di­ent in his work.

Bower’s paint­ings are in many pri­vate col­lec­tions through­out the United States and Europe as well as The Museum of Amer­i­can Illus­tra­tion in New York and the National Por­trait Gallery in Wash­ing­ton, DC.

Bow­ers lives in the Pitts­burgh area with his wife Kim­ber­lie, where he paints very slowly and method­i­cally day in and day out.

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