‘The Tip Jar Was Snatched at O Cafe. O!’ by Nancy Weber The Society October 28, 2014 Humor, Poetry The tip jar was snatched at O Cafe. O! “Somebody just picked it up,” mused the guy at the register. I’d stopped in to buy six ounces of beans, fresh sweet espresso, number two grind. The young...
Fall Haiku and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society October 21, 2014 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Poetry Fall Haiku New England college towns: Pumpkins, apples, breakfast in a warm café. Swamp-maples afire! Rusty colored barns, silos draped in bittersweet… In their black pea-coats, off of the...
‘The Catskill Mountains’ by Ubs Reece Idwal The Society October 15, 2014 Beauty, Poetry From the Pages of Washington Irving, for my Hudson River Friends Whoever 's made a voyage up the Hudson must remember Catskill Mountains, a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family, I trust. West...
“French Suites” and Other Poetry by Mark J. Mitchell The Society October 12, 2014 Culture, Music, Poetry 2 Comments French Suites Each keystroke is precise, clear as a verb Untouched by modifiers. Sharps and flats Are reliable as death, the light trills All mapped out. This strict staff allows no room For cadenzas....
Poetry on the Mass Protest in Hong Kong The Society October 9, 2014 Poetry 4 Comments Waiting at a Bustop Under an Umbrella By Damian Robin The pro-democracy tear-soaked bud could burst into a petaled flower flood. Protesters gorged the city like a sea and said they’re not...
‘Two Months On’ and Other Poetry by R. Bremner The Society October 7, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Two Months On I walk between the tired trees restless soldiers standing ground pray for just a tiny breeze bringing me a cheerful sound. Bubbling ruby robins tweet, squirrels dart from tree to...
‘610 Office’ by Li ‘Web Crease’ Du The Society October 4, 2014 Poetry 610 is there to take it down, the Falun Gong, that touches Dao. It's clear to see the dangers of forbearance, truth, compassion, love. Note: The 610 Office, created on June 10 (6/10),...
‘Courage’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society October 1, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Courage I saw a tiny spider spin a web Within my humble hut between two beams. He tried to throw a thread across, it ebbed Away. He did not have the will, it seemed. And then the tiny spider tried...