When Less Is More: A Poetry Challenge The Society May 7, 2024 Beauty, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 63 Comments . When Less Is More An SCP Poetry Challenge by James A. Tweedie In a recent email exchange with a poet friend, I found myself typing the following sentence: “Poetic forms, such as sonnet, etc. force poets...
Sonku Poetry Challenge: Write a Sonnet-Haiku The Society February 16, 2024 Haiku and Senryu, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 53 Comments . Epic poet and poetry video maker Andrew Benson Brown created a bit of excitement with his invented sonnet-haiku or haiku-sonnet published earlier this month---what poet Michael Pietrack has coined as "the...
‘Jack and Jill’ Style Nursery Rhymes Challenge The Society November 2, 2023 Children's, Humor, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 55 Comments . Poet Paul A. Freeman challenges you to write a nursery rhyme in the style of the Mother Goose classic "Jack and Jill." Below is his model example. Post yours in the comments below. . Nigel Neath Nigel...
The Man from Porlock Poetry Challenge The Society October 10, 2023 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 41 Comments . One of England’s best-known poems, “Kubla Khan,” was written by Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). Waking from an Opium-induced dream, he was 55 lines into this epic when he was...
A Poem on ‘Nothing’ Poetry Challenge The Society September 24, 2023 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 90 Comments . Poets create marvels of linguistic delights about anything and everything… but what about nothing? Can your Muse capture the essence of nothing? This could be the hardest challenge your Muse has ever...
Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge: Roadrunner in a Sprinkler During Texas Drought The Society September 16, 2023 Ekphrastic, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 33 Comments . Phil S. Rogers captured these photos of a roadrunner seeking relief in his sprinkler during drought-like conditions in Texas. Phil's ekphrastic poem is below. Add yours in the comments. . A Summer...
Poem of Passion Challenge The Society August 16, 2023 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 88 Comments . Scenes of passion in literature, on the stage, and on the silver screen, have captivated audiences for years. How about spicing up some poetry with a soupçon of sauciness and savagery (tastefully done, of...
World Poetry Day Limerick Poetry Challenge The Society March 21, 2023 Culture, Limerick, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 42 Comments . In celebration of World Poetry Day, write a limerick on the theme of World Poetry Day, poetry in general, or poets. Post it in the comments section below. Learn how to write a limerick here. An example is...
Poetry Challenge: Equilateral Proverbs The Society February 7, 2023 Epigrams and Proverbs, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 66 Comments Equilateral Proverbs: A Poetry Challenge by James A. Tweedie Construct a rhyming, rhythmic intelligible proverb or saying where the first and last words in each line rhyme. Twin couplets are preferred but...
2022 FIFA World Cup Poetry Challenge The Society December 9, 2022 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 21 Comments . Write a poem about the 2022 FIFA World Cup happening now and post it in the comments section below. To get the ball rolling (pun intended), here is a World Cup sonnet by poet James A. Tweedie: . Fast...
Prose-That’s-Really-a-Sonnet Poetry Challenge The Society November 22, 2022 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 51 Comments . Construct a convincing paragraph of well-written, coherent prose that also happens to be a properly composed Shakespearean sonnet. This challenge and the below example come from poet James A....
Metrical Clerihew Poetry Challenge The Society October 9, 2022 Clerihew, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests, Satire 79 Comments . The clerihew is a relatively new poetry form introduced by Edmund Clerihew Bentley in 1905. It is usually a single quatrain of light verse rhyming aabb, without a standard meter. The first line usually ends...
Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge: Fireplaces The Society September 23, 2022 Ekphrastic, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 23 Comments . This photo comes to us from Joshua C. Frank of Texas. Write an ekphrastic poem based on it and post it in the comments section...
Rhyme Two Random Words Poetry Challenge The Society March 23, 2022 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 46 Comments . Your poem can be serious, silly, or something in-between. List the “random words” you chose as your poem’s title and feel free to use whatever poetic form you’d like. Then post the poem in the...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Classic Movie-Inspired Poem The Society February 7, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 95 Comments . Write a poem that casts a fresh eye over a classic movie---any form, any length, any mood. This challenge comes from the lovely Susan Jarvis Bryant. Her example is below. Post your movie-inspired poem in...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Tetra-Pentameter Poem The Society October 2, 2021 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 54 Comments Write a rhyming poem that works as either ten lines of tetrameter or eight lines of pentameter. Post it in the comments section below. This challenge comes from poet Paul Erlandson who learned of it some time...
Bedtime Prayer Poetry Challenge The Society August 26, 2021 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 108 Comments . This challenge comes form poet James A. Tweedie: Perhaps the most familiar of all formal, English-language poems is the classic 18th century bedtime prayer that reads: Now I lay me down to sleepI pray the...
What Rhymes with Orange? Poetry Challenge The Society August 11, 2021 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 109 Comments . Write a poem rhyming the word "orange" with something else. Post it in the comments below. This challenge comes from Cheryl Corey, who provided the below poem as inspiration: . Nothing Rhymes With...
Turn a Famous Poem into a Limerick: Poetry Challenge The Society July 11, 2021 Humor, Limerick, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 153 Comments . Choose a famous poem and write it in limerick form, putting the title of the original poem at the top. Please fit your chosen poem into one limerick (five lines) only. See "How to Write a Limerick." Post...
Poetry Challenge: A ‘Raven’-like Poem on the Death of Edgar Allan Poe The Society June 24, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests, The Raven 28 Comments . Edgar Allan Poe was known for strange and mysterious tales, in poetry and prose. Perhaps fittingly, the circumstances surrounding his premature death at the age of 40 were also strange and mysterious. (Read...
Split Nursery Rhyme Poetry Challenge The Society May 7, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 69 Comments . Split a line from a nursery rhyme and use the halves to open and close a poem. Post yours in the comments section below. This challenge comes from Joe Tessitore, who offers the below two examples: . "The...
National Poetry Month Challenge: What Is Poetry? The Society April 16, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 78 Comments April is National Poetry Month. On this occasion, take words about poetry from a famous poet, or anyone else you deem fitting, and turn them into a quatrain (four-line poem). Below are four examples from poet...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Sonnet in Iambic Monometer The Society March 2, 2021 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests, Poetry Forms 122 Comments . This challenge was conceived by Paul A. Freeman after reading a sonnet in iambic monometer by James A. Tweedie, "Allergies." Mr. Freeman's example is below. Make your own and post it in the comments...
Turn a Joke into a Poem—Poetry Challenge The Society December 8, 2020 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 87 Comments Poet Susan Jarvis Bryant challenges her fellow poets to adapt a favorite joke into a poem with meter and rhyme. Enjoy her examples and then post your own joke-turned-poem into the comments section...
Poetry Challenge: ‘My country used to be… ‘ The Society May 14, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 51 Comments New York poet Joe Tessitore challenges poets to begin a poem with these words: My country used to be... Post your poem in the comments section below. (Poems should be...
Homophonic Poetry Challenge The Society September 16, 2019 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 88 Comments by Joe Tessitore and James A. Tweedie We are issuing a challenge to all poets to create poems that incorporate word homophones. Call it what you like, but we are calling it a Homophonic Poetry Challenge....
ABC Poems: A Poetry Puzzle Challenge The Society March 20, 2018 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests, Popular Poetry Archives 113 Comments By Amy Foreman A cold and rainy afternoon recently gave rise to this little idea of a poem-puzzle. I challenged myself to write a poem where each word started with a different letter of the alphabet, in...