Learning Poetry: A Guide for Students, Teachers, and Homeschoolers The Society May 31, 2021 Education, From the Society, Poetry 2 Comments . For teachers seeking a quick solution, see 10 Great Poems for Teaching in High School Classrooms. Introduction to Poetry Illuminating yet mysterious, exciting yet elegant: classical poetry never goes out of...
A Memorial Day Poem: ‘Friends on the Wall’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society May 31, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . To my friends on the wall who fought valiantly,We thank all the dead for ensuring we’re free.Remembrance, though fleeting, is etched on this wall.Above waves Old Glory. You answered his call. With honor...
Two Poems for Memorial Day 2021, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 30, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 25 Comments . R e w i n d... If time could suck the bullet from torn flesh, And pry its steely bite from splintered bone, Stitch tattered life and limb to start afresh, Unbloody muddy trench, uncast the stone; If time...
‘#shun #shame #shazam! Land of the Canceled’ by Tonia Kalouria The Society May 30, 2021 Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . “We’re running things now; we are great, you are small.” “You will talk as we think, or you’ll not talk at all.” No longer permitted to utter their Truth, they are banished and...
Metrical Variation: Part I, Freedom from Concession The Society May 29, 2021 Essays, Poetry 35 Comments by Daniel Kemper “Metrical variation” is widely used in discussing late twentieth and early twenty-first century poetry writing. Although this term technically includes both random variation and...
‘The Empty Bed’ by Phil S. Rogers The Society May 28, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments . He wakes up with the morning’s light, __stares at the empty bed. A ritual for fourteen years __since tears have all been shed. The empty coffee cup remains __unused upon the shelf, and never touched in...
‘Chaos Abounds’ and Other Poetry by Randal A. Burd, Jr. The Society May 27, 2021 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 5 Comments . Chaos Abounds What thoughts are left unthought? What is profound? Does any quest of value still remain? So much that once was sacred, now profane, Defines the soul still searching. Common ground May not...
A Limerick on Life and Other Poetry, by Joe Tessitore The Society May 26, 2021 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Limerick, Poetry 19 Comments . Limerick I have lived my whole life about me And at last I can finally see That my choice only smothers, Life is all about others And the truth really does set you free. . . Senryu I was born to...
‘A Snowflake’ and Other Poetry by Jacky Pun The Society May 26, 2021 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 12 Comments . Haiku A grounded sparrow Wings hurt, head raised to the sky "Is this how I die?" . . A Snowflake From sky’s descent and earthward bound, __A snowflake, small and bright; It’s slow and steady, floating...
A Poem on the Collapse of Darwin’s Arch, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 25, 2021 Culture, Humor, Music, Poetry 69 Comments . Fallen Arches “Not one change of species into another is on record… we cannot prove that a single species has been changed.” ---Charles Darwin I heard today that Darwin’s Arch had crumbled. Its lid...
‘The Tale of Tatyana The Temptress’ by Jeff Eardley The Society May 25, 2021 Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . Her name was Tatyana she had eyes of steely blue, She seemed the sort of girl from whom you’d learn a thing or two. So ample in the bosom and so slender in the hips, And every man she came across would...
‘Up Beat’ by Damian Robin The Society May 24, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments . I met the Sun this Maytime morning, it stunned the outside wall. Across the day I watched it yawning, make dangling shadows crawl. No curtain clouds closed down its shining. Its single brilliance...
‘Moon Song’ and Other Poetry by Michael Curtis The Society May 24, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Love Poems, Poetry 5 Comments . Moon Song Selene to Endymion Night, for ever, ever night. __Sleep as the Gods would sleep, __Beautiful boy; sleep; sleep; Rest ever in the cool night. I shall smile on you moon-bright, __Lay beside you and...
SCP Spring 2021 Poetry Reading Videos The Society May 23, 2021 Poetry, Readings, Video 19 Comments ...
The SCP Spring 2021 Poetry Reading, Online The Society May 23, 2021 From the Society, Poetry, Readings 10 Comments . Videos of this event now available here. You are invited to a reading of exquisite poetry and conversations with the poets. This reading is part of a quarterly series of online poetry readings planned for...
‘On Turning Seventy’ by James A. Tweedie The Society May 23, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 37 Comments . Today I will be turning seventy, An age I’ll claim with some temerity. I’ll welcome it with both serenity And sober, grave, austere solemnity. I’d hoped to celebrate my destiny By jotting down some...
‘Sunset’ by Michael Miller The Society May 22, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 7 Comments . A life alone is at its center bare, A quiet conversation with myself, A single, threadbare suit I always wear, A volume set aside upon life's shelf. A time or two fate's hands would find me...
‘Climate Charge’: A Poem for Pentecost by Margaret Coats The Society May 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Terza Rima 36 Comments . The Spirit blazes in an upper room; A hundred twenty flames spout sparks to cast Christ’s wildfire on the earth, and make it bloom. The Magdalen, apostle unsurpassed, Conveys her fragrant nard to salve...
‘The Winds of War Now Howl’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society May 21, 2021 Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . May 12, 2021 The weakness of this president’s admin Has put us in the mess that we are in. The winds of war now howl all over the place From Israel to UFOs in space. The hombres cross the border with such...
‘The Good Shepherd’ by Brian Yapko The Society May 21, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . My count of sheep was off as twilight fell And father’s friend, Ben Ezra’s lamb was gone! I had to find her! Searching past the well I climbed the rocks exhausted but pressed on. Delay could mean her...
‘The State of Art’ and Other Poems by Sally Cook The Society May 21, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments . The State of Art The art world has completely turned around. Now critics blind themselves, or close their eyes, Shout how their contacts and their creds abound, And laud sick rancid leavings to the...
A Woke Version of Cole Porter’s ‘Anything Goes’ by Julian Woodruff The Society May 20, 2021 Culture, Humor, Music, Performing Arts, Poetry 26 Comments . Everyone Knows Fog and smoke! Such confusion we’re subject to! So much danger to me and you From the yahoos without a clue! Now we’re woke! It’s high time that we reassess This society’s thorough...
A Poem from Storm-Hit Texas, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 19, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . My Texas Tempest Silver Lining It’s said that during times of heightened pain Your world contracts. You’ll find it’s apt to shrink--- A small domain; no fuss, no stress, no strain--- A place for you...
Two Poems about Stone, by Joseph S. Salemi The Society May 19, 2021 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . Isolde and the Men of Stone Who could believe, except on ancient trust? The stones grew pliant, yielding into shape When softer nature touched them; human forms Emerged, as marble figures...
‘Phones’ After Poe’s ‘Bells’ and Other Poetry by Paul Buchheit The Society May 19, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . The Phones with apologies to Edgar Allan Poe Phones, phones, phones, See the people with their phones, Silver, pink and paisley phones, On the subways and the buses and the sidewalks, all alone, Lost in...
An Interpretation of DarkSide Ransomeware’s Apology, by Bethany Mootsey The Society May 18, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments . Light Side an interpretation of the apology by the DarkSide ransomware hackers Our motives are mercenary, and apolitical.Putin puts in a good word; we’re good guys!We’re taken aback that we hacked...
A 2020 Election Allegory: ‘The Purloined Lectern’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society May 18, 2021 Culture, Poetry, The Raven 5 Comments . The Purloined Lectern by C. Aubre DeWiles It was the fall, November, 2020, in the night. My friend, Earl Dolan Page, and I were chatting in low light. We sat within his little study in his little...
‘The Dove Returned’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society May 18, 2021 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 12 Comments . The Dove Returned The dove returned! The Earth is dry; A golden sun lights up the sky. This ark shall rest on land again Each creature freed from cage and pen, Each yearning bird released to fly! The old...
A Poem on Uyghur Concentration Camps: ‘All Aboard’ by Cheryl Corey The Society May 17, 2021 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 5 Comments . Two by two, the Uyghur stand in long Lines. They carry nothing to call their own, The final destination, a great unknown, A distant, re-education labor camp, To spend their days and nights in toil For state...
‘I, Judas’ by Jeff Kemper The Society May 17, 2021 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . My erstwhile master taught me well And I supposed I could adjust As did the comrades in our cell, But when he said he’d bite the dust I levied that I’d say goodbye And champion another trust. I should...
‘Not a Sparrow Falls’ by Peter Hartley The Society May 16, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 21 Comments . A portent for our loss, this bird, so nigh Its end. The slowly creeping dusk had dared It to emerge, its doughty spirit bared, Eyes bright as lightning in a sullen sky. The lesser creature never questions...
A 100th Birthday Celebration Poem, by James A. Tweedie The Society May 16, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Unimaginable written in celebration of the 100th birthday on May 16th of the Poet's mother, Marjorie Tweedie, a resident of Walnut Creek, California I have a good imagination. In my mind’s eye, a spotted,...
‘A Woke Recipe for Disaster’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 15, 2021 Culture, Pantoum, Poetry, Rondeau, Villanelle 26 Comments . A Woke Recipe for Disaster a villanelle Heap fresh and zesty chaos on despair. Rub salt in history’s wounds till hatred sticks, Then sugar discontent with bogus care. Pour rage and scorn on free-speech...
‘My Paola’s Love’ by Martin Rizley The Society May 15, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 5 Comments . My Paola’s love is constant as the sun That daily sheds its beams on hill and dale; No sooner set, it hastes again to run With steady pace, the same unswerving trail. When cold winds blow, the warmth of...
‘In Praise of the Helicap’ by Jeff Eardley The Society May 14, 2021 Humor, Poetry 15 Comments . in response to Mike Bryant's "CDC: New Guidance" “The Helicap’s a wondrous thing,” I heard the salesman say, I ordered one from Amazon, it came the other day. It fits just like a bathing cap; it's...
A Poem on the Near-Earth Asteroid Apophis and Other Poetry by Adam Sedia The Society May 14, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments . Apophis Apophis is the name of a near-earth asteroid that passed by our planet a few months ago, a name it shares with the Ancient Egyptian evil serpent god and one of the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt. Apophis,...
Winners of the Friends of Falun Gong Poetry Contest Announced The Society May 13, 2021 Human Rights in China, Poetry, Poetry Contests 12 Comments . Congratulations to the winners! Readings of the top three winning poems have been published here: . FIRST PLACE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69i-IfOt9-k Connected by Sasha Palmer I’m Russian-born, live...
‘On the Beating Up of Sarah Liang’ by Damian Robin The Society May 12, 2021 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 12 Comments . Sarah Liang is a veteran reporter with the Hong Kong Epoch Times who was recently assaulted by communist agents. It seems there’s little hope to bless __as Hong Kong’s hard time hardens. Its skin-thin...
‘The Bunyip’s Spell’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society May 12, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . The Bunyip’s Spell A native girl of spirit strong, As graceful as the flitting fishes; Went swimming in a billabong, Against her mother’s stated wishes. And though the water, murky grey, Embodied trouble...
‘Epigrams for Today and Tomorrow’ by C.B. Anderson The Society May 11, 2021 Culture, Epigrams and Proverbs, Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . Raw Now, listen, if you want to know the truth: The world's a battleground of claw and tooth. . Spare the Details Elections, like the spawning of the salmon, Are something we would rather not...