‘Beauty’ by Valerie Dohren The Society September 28, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 8 Comments I saw the face of beauty fixed Upon the rising sun Beyond all mortal compliment Her loveliness there shone Within the constellations set Against the heav’nly realm She glittered ‘cross the...
‘Suicide Nets’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society September 25, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment Lamenting our Complicity in the Installation of Suicide Nets I met a “bum” outside an Apple store holding a sign which read: “I’m taking bets.” “On what?” I said. “On something that’d...
‘O, Scotland’ by Clide Abersuwe The Society September 22, 2014 Humor, Poetry "Breathes there a man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself has said, This is my own, my native land." —Walter Scott I saw this stolid man stand tall, and obviously proud. He wore a bit of...
‘When I First Heard the Learn’d Astronomer’ by I. E. Sbace Weruld The Society September 19, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment A counter to a Walt Whitman poem When I first heard the learn'd astronomer explain his proofs and figures, and arrange the particles of this vast universe, I was excited; I was not estranged. I truly...
Poetry on Chinese Communism by Damian Robin The Society September 16, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment Chinese Cameo 1 Here’s a tale of friends and family— Near the founding of the CCP, Zhou Enlai and Sun Bingwen were friends, both Party members seeking sim’lar ends. Both heaved and puffed up...
‘A Father’s Poem: a Ten-nos*’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society September 13, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments I hope your life will offer you new opportunities, that you will find contentment in the choices that you seize. Remember family's important. You can count on us, especially when the way of life...
‘Bewintered’ by Jane Blanchard The Society September 10, 2014 Humor, Poetry 2 Comments When snow arrives As long forecast, It sets a scene That does not last; But for the while Snow sits around, All else remains Transfixed, spellbound. Jane Blanchard lives and...
‘A Moon Poem’ by Evan Mantyk The Society September 7, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments For the Mid-Autumn, or Moon, Festival My Ford Explorer would ascend no higher: Stuck half-way up that driveway's first steep hill. 'Twas a December night so cold and dire, The truck, that old machine,...
‘The Truth James Foley Stood For’ and Other Poetry by Cid Wa’eeb El Sur The Society September 3, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment The Truth James Foley Stood For, a Ten-nos* James Foley, searching for the truth, a photo journalist, was murdered in cold blood by a masked IS jihadist, beheaded on a video in deserts of...