‘Our Day in the Sun’ and Other Poetry by Robert King The Society November 24, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment Our Day in the Sun We, each of us, every one Have had our day in the sun Came a time that day was done Let us then no longer dwell On what we consider we did well Time moves on –so must we...
‘The Little Kindnesses’ by Bic Uwel, “Erased” The Society November 17, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment "...that best portion of a good man's life; His little, nameless, unremembered acts Of kindness and of love." —William Wordsworth, Lines Composed...Above Tintern Abbey At any...
‘Life’ and Other Poetry by Hibah Shabkhez The Society November 11, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Life Ravaged forests again take root Life nestling within the sturdy acorn Cannot be throttled Ashes reborn yield bitter fruit Fragrance scattered upon the winds Cannot be bottled The Old...
‘Dandelions’ and Other Poetry by Kathryn Jacobs The Society November 4, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments Dandelions She touched their gray-haired afros tenderly: an urban six year old with kinky hair who pounced on dandelions (bud-vases were full of yellow stubby). Telling me: “This is the way that...
‘A Nation Mourns: October 22, 2014’ by Wes Caribu Deal The Society November 1, 2014 Poetry Canadian reservist Corporal Cirillo was killed this day at the War Memorial in Ottawa, while standing in his ceremonial and Scottish dress, Glengarry bonnet, kilt, red garter flashes, and the rest. He was...