A Poem on the New Round of ‘Covidiocy,’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society August 31, 2023 Covid-19, Poetry, Satire 35 Comments . Covidiocy a rondeau It’s coming back! The tyrants tack From tongues that twist and hearts that lack An honest song. It’s on the news--- Cruel rules for fools who suck up schmooze That oozes from each...
A Poem for Those Who Died from Covid Hospital Protocols, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society March 31, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 68 Comments . Marching with the Mourners In Memory of Richard and Rob inspired by the Halt Hospital Homicide Rally I attended in San Antonio on March 25, 2023, for those who lost their lives to evil...
A Poem on the Covid Lab Leak, by Brian Yapko The Society February 27, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire 58 Comments . Born in a Wuhan Lab Newsflash: U.S. Energy Department says it was probably a lab leak. Those men in suits and labcoats thought it worth The lives of millions from their ivory tower To falsify the truth...
On Australia Announcing Fifth Covid Shot: Poems by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 8, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire 77 Comments . Today Australia has announced that it will roll out a fifth dose of the Covid shot later this month. . Fat Cats and Lab Rats The fat cats began with a scam of a plan To shame every pestilent...
‘Media’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society January 29, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire 18 Comments . Media You told us lies, ignored our cries. __Your platforms you abused. You cancelled truth; you damaged youth, __And we are not amused. You took big bites from human rights, __Dissenting voices...
StairWell Canto 8: ‘Covid-Priest’ by James Sale The Society January 28, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 30 Comments . Canto 8: Covid-Priest from The English Cantos Volume 2: StairWell StairWell is the Poet’s Purgatory, and as in HellWard where we met with contemporary challenges such as Brexit, so here in StairWell the...
‘Covid on a Clear Day’ by Laurie Holding The Society December 8, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . Covid on a Clear Day One day I window watched for things to write; the next day I was lost, and underneath the spell of fever, hot, with skin stretched tight, I slept curled up with clenched and grinding...
‘Unmasked Musings on the Plea for Pandemic Amnesty’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society November 16, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 34 Comments . Unmasked Musings on the Plea for Pandemic Amnesty upon reading this Atlantic article Today I hear a murmur of surrender--- A shifty whisper from the cutting edge Of vicious tongues (sword-sharp with...
‘The Three Democrats of the 2020 Election’ by Phil S. Rogers, after Macbeth The Society October 29, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Satire, Shakespeare 18 Comments . The Three Democrats of the 2020 Election after Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1 Scene: Thunder illuminates a 2020 calendar page in an undisclosed conference room where a pot bubbles on an electric...
‘The Mass Mock-Shock of Monkeypox’: A Villanelle by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society May 23, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Villanelle 21 Comments . The Mass Mock-Shock of Monkeypox a villanelle Shun the mass mock-shock of monkeypox--- Force-fed fear declaiming death is nigh. Spurn the ceaseless bleat to lock down flocks. Snub the...
‘Quarantined’ by Gregory Ross The Society March 27, 2022 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry, Rondeau 2 Comments . Quarantined Against the wind, our candles out, The smoke will rise, we have no doubt, Yet in the dark with all our kin, We’ll strike a match and crack a grin, And once alight, our joy will sprout. All...
‘Reflections on a Visit to Salem’ by Brian Yapko The Society February 15, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 29 Comments . Reflections on a Visit to Salem I wander down a haunted, cobbled street And watch the sun rise red above the sea. The maple leaves have turned to red as well. October’s come and Salem is replete With...
‘Ode to Joy’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society February 5, 2022 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Music, Poetry 29 Comments . Ode to Joy My final symphony---my best by far!--- Which crowns a challenged life of brilliant works. Vienna’s finest came! Some from afar: Nobility, musicians, Prussians, Turks. A triumph! Yet it made my...
A Poem for the Canadian Trucker Protest: ‘Ottawa Ho!’ by Jack DesBois The Society February 3, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 29 Comments . Ottawa Ho! In the days of yore, it is written, All the dreamers would dream of the sea. __But the sailor’s way __Has become passé— It’s the trucker’s life for me! How I long for the open...
‘Lockdown’ by Caitlin Venniker The Society January 18, 2022 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 9 Comments . Lockdown The day sprawls wider than a yawn, a mouth that sucks a ticking clock, a door that lets the wind blow in, but no one comes to lift their fist and knock. The rain outside is free to run and fall and...
‘The Lost’ by Adam Wasem The Society January 13, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . The Lost The fog rolled heavy, down to blunt the day, Sharp skyscraper tops dissolved into the gray. Pale ghosts condensed, one here or there, lone, gaunt: Scared eyes, blank masks, as if condemned to...
‘It’s Coming for You!’ by Sandi Christie The Society January 8, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . It’s Coming for You! It’s coming to devour you, you know. There’s no escape no matter where you go. It waits and watches, hides behind the door With fetid breath from pathogenic spores. Far worse than...
’20/20 Vision’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 31, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . 20/20 Vision You’re lurking in the shadows with a wink. I see your flute of crystal, hear you pop Your cork as spirits soar and keen arms link To strains of Auld Lang Syne as clock hands...
‘The North Pole’s on Lockdown’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 23, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . The North Pole's on Lockdown ‘Tis the night before Christmas; it pains me to say--- The North Pole’s on lockdown before the big day. The elves have been furloughed and fester in bed. The toy...
‘There Was a Free Nation That Swallowed a Lie,’ Nursery Rhyme Sung by Jack DesBois The Society December 12, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Humor, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics, Video 13 Comments . There Was a Free Nation That Swallowed a Lie sung to the tune of "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" . https://youtu.be/luLcKkCHWFo There was a free nation that swallowed a lie. I don’t know why...
‘So Simple’ and Other Poetry by Mike Bryant The Society December 10, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 23 Comments . So Simple Lies are told to Balkanize, To disenfranchise, federalize, To bloat the vote. An anecdote, A narrative, a false footnote To cast their spell on sheepish folk, Who swell with pride because they’re...
‘We Are in for Another Covid Christmas!’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 8, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . We Are in for Another Covid Christmas! We are in for another Covid Christmas: __Lockdown tales of woe. ____Now forbidden to fly his sled __Santa is drenched in dread And Rudolph’s rosy nose has lost its...
‘A Shot in the Dark’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 2, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 35 Comments . A Shot in the Dark "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " ---Ronald Reagan The experts push experimental science, Big...
‘CDC: Urgent Directive’ by Mike Bryant The Society November 27, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 32 Comments . CDC: Urgent Directive Dillard “Sparky” Barker Is a Doc at CDC. It seems he’s done a study That is sad for you and me. “Accidental deaths are At an all-time scary high. And just because we care We...
A Poem on Fauci and ‘Dead Puppies,’ by Joe Tessitore The Society October 29, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . Dead Puppies On a break from the propaganda mill I found puppies I thought I could kill, So I shot them with zombie-rich juice--- I am Fauci, I need no excuse. I just couldn’t believe how they screech, So...
‘Face-to-Face’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society October 26, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . Face-to-Face Meeting up, Darjeeling tea, So familiar, you and me. Here’s your cup, you raise it up Do a little "cheers" to me, Joke on "hospital-it-tea," Say, “How healing is a cup, More than a mask,...
‘Prince Albert in a Can’ and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society October 17, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . Prince Albert in a Can What can I say? I wore a mask and did The social distance thing, got Pfizer-vaxxed And tested negative five times (I kid You not!), did online research, asked A lot of questions,...
Three Poems on Having COVID-19, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society October 15, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry, Villanelle 48 Comments . A Pox Upon My House a pantoum I heard the hiss of sickness as my mind cracked. I scoured and bleached and reached new hygiene heights. I locked down, muzzled up and shunned all contact--- Its moans and...
‘What Did Paul Revere?’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society October 10, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . What Did Paul Revere? Listen, my children, and shed a tear, Because everything that he held dear Did vanish in the blink of an eye And banished, those who dared to defy The Bill of Lies of the Reign of...
‘Why Freedom Had to Die’: A Song by Jack DesBois The Society October 6, 2021 Covid-19, Humor, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics, Video 3 Comments . https://youtu.be/ErwnJkA4G68 inspired by a T-shirt at a Boston freedom rally You may be wondering why Freedom had to die. You may be wondering why Freedom had to die. If you were wondering why Freedom had...
On the Infrastructure Bill and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society September 28, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . . The Cost of Infrastructure Our property association has Three rich folks down the street. Their houses are Much bigger than the rest, with more pizzazz, More rooms, more gadgets, and more space by...
‘At Brighton Beach (July 19, 2021)’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society September 21, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 30 Comments . At Brighton Beach the seagulls fly, they soar and circle in the sky; they swoop and steal the punters’ chips amidst the backdrop’s sailing ships and underneath the sun’s sharp eye. The lockdown days...
‘Leave Our Kids Alone!’: On COVID-19 Vaccines for Children, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 20, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 27 Comments . Leave Our Kids Alone! “Fauci: Officials Will Decide on COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation for Children Aged 5 to 11 Soon” ---Epoch Times Headline 9/20/2021 The mask is off. Come see the twisted...
A Poem on Vaccine Mandates: ‘Freedom Blighters’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 12, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 45 Comments . “Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” ---C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology It’s said that life’s a bitch and...
In Memory of Sean Howard: A Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society September 5, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 9 Comments . Sean who passed away this week in Honolulu, Hawaii Although there are a few who’ll grieve and mourn, Who’ll celebrate his life and then move on, The unexpected loss will be hard borne By those who called...
A Vaccine Mandate Protest Song by Jack DesBois The Society August 30, 2021 Covid-19, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics, Video 91 Comments . Waking Up (Freedom Doesn't Come in a Can) A Protest Song Written and Performed by Jack DesBois I was lying in my bed, Waiting for the day to start, Waiting for the sun to get me on my way, And I...
‘The Gospel According to Galahad’ by Julian Woodruff The Society August 27, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . The arrogant are all about these days. How disrespectful are their callous ways! They go about as freely as you please— No mask, no vaccine, carrying disease And likely death wherever they may go (Which...
‘Big Shots’ by Mike Bryant The Society July 28, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . You’re glad you’ve nabbed The Covid jab That’s newly fabbed In some large lab Created by The jaundiced eye, The sneaky, sly, Big corporate guy. The slimy thug, Our taxes sent To make the bug More...
‘Sequoia Forests, Plexiglass, and Masks’ by Cynthia Erlandson The Society July 9, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . This poem is inspired by a column in The Epoch Times written by John Falce, entitled “The Experience of Freedom” The rugged beauty of our land’s terrain Is varied, airy, beautiful, and wide, Reflecting...
‘The CCP Position on the Origin of Covid’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society June 15, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . The CCP Position on the Origin of Covid Point to their part Of the globe, And you’re a racist Xenophobe. . . Conmander in Chief Things are quickly getting better, Many times Joe Biden’s said it. Though...