‘It’s Only a Thought’: A Poem by Richard Bailey Johnson The Society August 28, 2024 Love Poems, Poetry, Rondel 7 Comments . It’s Only a Thought It’s only a thought to help pass the night, But what if our love should come to naught? Christ! That would be an unbearable plight. __It’s only a thought. But thoughts can stir...
A Free Verse Poem Rewritten Into Formal Verse, and Other Poetry by Joshua C. Frank The Society January 14, 2024 Poetry, Rondel, Satire 18 Comments . Fallen Hummingbird A formal-verse remake of a free-verse poem of the same name written by my mother on October 16, 2000, in memory of my grandmother Your hands, dear mother, on my mind have been— Your calm...
‘The Blame Game’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society August 4, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondel 38 Comments . The Blame Game a kyrielle They rile. They gall. They know it all. These irksome jerks in folly’s thrall Are perilously cretinous. __It’s always Them. It’s never...
‘Red Flags’: A Sestina Sonnet by Joshua C. Frank The Society May 28, 2023 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry, Rondel, Sestina 16 Comments . Red Flags a sestina sonnet The national flags of the Westerners’ lands Turn red in the dim, fading light of the sunset, Like Communist red—bloody floors in a prison. All the flags look the same when the...
Poems by Théodore de Banville (1823-1891), Translated by Margaret Coats The Society August 7, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, Rondel, Translation, Triolet 21 Comments . Poems by Théodore de Banville (1823-1891) translated by Margaret Coats The Velocipede Half brain, and half a pair of wheels, Transcending anthropology, Calf poised on manufactured heels, Half brain, and...
‘A Hopeless Rondelet’ and Other French Form Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society July 10, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau, Rondel, Villanelle 27 Comments . A Hopeless Rondelet All trust is dead, Killed by lies in love’s disguise. All trust is dead--- It’s buried in a sigh of dread. Its memory spills from mourning eyes. Can Truth rekindle sunless...
Comparing Translations of Charles d’Orleans, by Margaret Coats The Society March 9, 2022 Beauty, Essays, Poetry, Rondel, Translation 34 Comments . "I Heard Chapman Speak Out Loud and Bold" by Margaret Coats My title quotes “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer,” a sonnet by John Keats. When Keats first read Homer, the voice he heard was not...
A Valentine from Geoffrey Chaucer, Margaret Coats, and James A. Tweedie The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Chaucer, Culture, Love Poems, Music, Poetry, Readings, Rondel, Translation, Video 21 Comments . https://youtu.be/3XWcnISYGSE . Rondel for Saint Valentine's Day by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340–1400) | modernized in the original lyric form by Margaret Coats Now welcome, springtime, with your gentle...
‘Funny How a Day Can Go So Slow’ by David D. Irby The Society August 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondel 18 Comments . a rondel It's funny how a day can go so slow, and yet a year just simply seems to fly. We blink, and then another one goes by. Those winds of change don't ever cease to blow. Time's raging river has an...
‘An Ode to the Indian Soldiers’ and Other Poetry by Sathya Narayana The Society December 18, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondel 3 Comments An Ode to the Indian Soldiers ottava rima Be choking chill or burning heat; be rain or sleet; thou're there O soldier brave to save thy brethren sleeping sound inland, sans pain. Thy eyes...