‘A Creation Myth’: A Poem by Evan Mantyk The Society December 30, 2024 Culture, Epic, Poetry 17 Comments . A Creation Myth The curtain opens. A million violinsCrescendo. Trumpets blare. A single drumBeat booms. In perfect time, the cosmos spins.The Hero enters, sees what soon must come: A surging wave of life...
HellWard Canto 1: ‘Hospital’: Extract from the Epic Poem by James Sale The Society November 6, 2024 Epic, Poetry 15 Comments . HellWard Canto 1: Hospital ---lines 1-92 It had to be---that long descent began: About me images, one century That started, stuttered, showed how poor is man In all things except his savagery. My...
‘Washington’s Armor’ from Andrew Benson Brown’s Mock Epic Poem The Society October 15, 2024 Epic, Poetry 8 Comments . Washington’s Armor Under a watchful sky, a thick, long snake Was slithering: red regulars and blue Virginians groaned while dragging banners to stake In Fort Duquesne; brown wagons splashed its crew Of...
‘Henry Knox in His Bookstore’ from Andrew Benson Brown’s Mock Epic Poem The Society September 17, 2024 Epic, Poetry, Readings, Video 22 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtNh_jWAzKU . Henry Knox in His Bookstore ---from Legends of Liberty, Volume 3 The chiming of a doorway’s silver bells Announced the timing of a late arriving Patron to...
DoorWay Canto 7: ‘Flight to The Eyrie’ from James Sale’s Epic Poem The Society August 24, 2024 Epic, Poetry 14 Comments . DoorWay Canto 7: Flight to The Eyrie In Canto 7, the narrating Pilgrim Poet deviates from the Zodiac, leaving Sagittarius, to visit the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle, which has nine stars, and here the...
‘Washington Assumes Command at Cambridge’: from the Mock Epic Poem by Andrew Benson Brown The Society August 11, 2024 Epic, Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . Washington Assumes Command at Cambridge from Legends of Liberty, Volume 3 Devoted Billy Lee, a stalking fox, Observed his master’s swaying ponytail. The ribbon coming loose, he stopped to fix It, leaning...
‘Washington Departs from Mount Vernon’: from the Mock Epic Poem by Andrew Benson Brown The Society July 28, 2024 Epic, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . Washington Departs from Mount Vernon from Legends of Liberty, Volume 3 “Wouldn’t you rather stay?” Watching her doveOf sixteen summers, Martha’s hazels, tearingAway from patriarchal pupils, doveBelow...
‘Washington and the Cherry Tree’: Excerpt from the Mock Epic Poem by Andrew Benson Brown The Society July 14, 2024 Epic, Humor, Poetry 25 Comments . Washington and the Cherry Tree from Legends of Liberty, Volume 3 Young George chopped down his father’s cherry tree, Not knowing that a woman lived inside. While playing with his hatchet, too carefree Out...
‘The Rise of Washington’: Excerpt from the Mock Epic Poem by Andrew Benson Brown The Society July 1, 2024 Epic, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . The Rise of Washington from Legends of Liberty, Volume 3 IT’S TIME! Let’s give our story’s star some space. He’s famous through the land, you know his role: “A fire in his eyes, a light in his...
‘King George III Declares War’ from Vol. 2 of Andrew Benson Brown’s Mock Epic Poem The Society May 19, 2024 Epic, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . King George III Declares War from Legends of Liberty, Volume 2 Note: The British have won a pyrrhic victory at Bunker Hill. King George, who has been showing some erratic personality quirks since being...
DoorWay Canto 5: ‘Waters of the Crab’ from James Sale’s Epic Poem The Society March 12, 2024 Epic, Poetry, Terza Rima 19 Comments . DoorWay Canto 5: Waters of the Crab From Canto 4 in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull, the poet has been led by Michael, the Seraph, to the sign of Cancer, the Crab, a water sign and ruled by the Moon....
Legends of Liberty — Prologue Read by Andrew Benson Brown The Society March 8, 2024 Classical Poets Live, Epic, Poetry, Readings 21 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGLFPOccCAI https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7NwnsyJD044?feature=share . . Andrew Benson Brown has had poems and reviews published in a few journals. His epic-in-progress,...
Bunker Hill in Poetry: The Death of Joseph Warren, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society January 14, 2024 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 14 Comments . Bunker Hill: The Death of Joseph Warren from Legends of Liberty, Volume 2 Dramatis Personae Joseph Warren – Physician, spymaster, and major general of the colonial militia William Howe – Commander of...
‘Nero Redivivus’: A Poem by Shaun C. Duncan The Society January 1, 2024 Culture, Epic, Poetry 20 Comments . Nero Redivivus Others suppose that he was not killed, but withdrawn instead so that he might be supposed killed and that he is still alive and in concealment in the vigour of age he had reached at the time...
Classical Poets Live: Torquato Tasso, ‘King of Poets’ The Society November 16, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Epic, Poetry, Readings 16 Comments Classical Poets Live with Andrew Benson Brown Episode 8: Torquato Tasso, "King of Poets" If you enjoy this video, please like and subscribe on YouTube to support the...
Extract from DoorWay Canto 3: Constellation of the Virgin, by James Sale The Society October 28, 2023 Beauty, Epic, Poetry 24 Comments . Extract from DoorWay Canto 3: Constellation of the Virgin DoorWay is the Poet’s journey through Heaven. Having left the constellation of Libra in Canto 2, he now enters the Constellation of Virgo where he...
‘The Reincarnations of Donald J. Trump’: A Poem by Evan Mantyk The Society October 24, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 26 Comments . The Reincarnations of Donald J. Trump after Andrew Benson Brown’s Legends of Liberty . I. 218 B.C. Above the mellow grass, cliff faces soar Like walls to house a huge primeval god. The pass into the...
The Battle of Bunker Hill in Epic Poetry, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society October 18, 2023 Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Bunker Hill an excerpt from the forthcoming Legends of Liberty, Vol. 2 . The Eve of Battle The midnight moon. The month of June. A neck Of land. A hill of sand. A group of shadows With...
Virgil Departs, Beatrice Arrives: Canto XXX of Purgatory, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society August 18, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 9 Comments . . Virgil Departs, Beatrice Arrives: Canto XXX of Purgatory by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns . Now when the primal Heaven’s Septentrion—____seven lights of the Holy...
CPL: Reading of FoFG Poetry Competition Winner, Interview with James Sale, and More The Society May 30, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Epic, Human Rights in China, Interviews, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Readings, Video 13 Comments . Classical Poets Live with Andrew Benson Brown Episode 3: Embrace the Epic, Not the Opaque If you enjoy this video, please like and subscribe on YouTube to support the production. . Podcast on Spotify:...
Beatrice and the Ineffable Smile: Canto XXIII of Paradise by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society May 24, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . Beatrice and the Ineffable Smile: Canto XXIII of Paradise by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns Just as a bird that stands watch to ensure __the safety of her brood, beside the...
‘The Devil Comes to Buckingham’ from Legends of Liberty: Volume 2, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society May 12, 2023 Epic, Poetry, Satire 14 Comments . The Devil Comes to Buckingham from Legends of Liberty: Volume 2 One day as Britons cheered their sovereign’s sight, The devil crawled into his servant’s brain. He entered through the ear as a termite And...
DoorWay Canto 2 Extract from James Sales’ Epic Poem The Society May 6, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 16 Comments . DoorWay Canto 2, Extract The Poet has gone through the ‘DoorWay’ and entered heaven. Here in the second Canto and in the constellation of Libra he meets his dead grandfather (who was a Libran: 30/7) and...
Beatrice Does Not Smile: Canto XXI of Paradise by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society April 24, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . Beatrice Does Not Smile: Canto XXI of Paradise by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns And now my eyes were fastened once again __upon my lady’s face, and all the while __Beatrice __my...
Beatrice Smiles: Canto XXXI of Purgatory by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society March 15, 2023 Beauty, Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 7 Comments . Beatrice Smiles: Canto XXXI of Purgatory by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns “You, on the other side of the sacred river,” __Lethe __she called to me, and sharply to the point,...
Dante Meets Paolo and Francesca: Canto V of Inferno by Dante Alighieri, Translated by Stephen Binns The Society February 15, 2023 Dante, Epic, Poetry, Translation 13 Comments . Dante Meets Paolo and Francesca: Canto V of Inferno by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) translated by Stephen Binns And so from that first circle I went down __into the second, where there is less space __and...
StairWell Canto 8: ‘Covid-Priest’ by James Sale The Society January 28, 2023 Covid-19, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 30 Comments . Canto 8: Covid-Priest from The English Cantos Volume 2: StairWell StairWell is the Poet’s Purgatory, and as in HellWard where we met with contemporary challenges such as Brexit, so here in StairWell the...
“John Adams in Heaven,” from Legends of Liberty by Andrew Benson Brown The Society January 22, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 18 Comments . John Adams in Heaven John and Abigail Adams are being guided through heaven by John Milton. He takes them to a villa in the Elysian Fields, where they meet a famous Roman who shows them a vision of their...
‘Moments from Dante’s Inferno’ by Paul Buchheit The Society January 20, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 15 Comments . Moments from Dante’s Inferno Prepared to travel, if the gods allowed, I saw the woods were dreary, dark as death. I chose to heed a blessing there endowed, before emerging spirits took a breath. And that...
Legends of Liberty, Volume 2: ‘Lightning Ben’ by Andrew Benson Brown The Society December 1, 2022 Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . Lightning Ben an excerpt from Legends of Liberty, Volume 2 Sing, muse! Bestow your gifts on—blah blah blah. I opened my first book with that. You get The point. Obliging poets need to draw The paths of...
StairWell Canto 10 Extract 2 by James Sale The Society September 19, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 44 Comments . StairWell Canto 10 extract 2 Context: In the 10th Canto of HellWard we met 4 poets condemned to Hell. Now in the 10th Canto of StairWell, we meet another 4 poets stuck in Purgatory. This extract takes us to...
Athena Emboldens Telemachus: Book 1 of The Odyssey Complete Text, Translated by Mike Solot The Society September 15, 2022 Culture, Epic, Homer, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . The Odyssey Translator's Note: The Odyssey, Book 1, which exemplifies an essential feature of Homer's art as a storyteller, the way he composes the books of his epics as wholes, each with its own beginning,...
StairWell Canto 10 Extract by James Sale The Society September 5, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 55 Comments . StairWell Canto 10 extract Context: In the 10th Canto of HellWard we met 4 poets condemned to Hell. Now in the 10th Canto of StairWell, we meet another 4 poets stuck in Purgatory. This extract takes us to...
Persia, Ferdowsi, and the Shahnameh: An Essay by Adam Sedia The Society August 17, 2022 Culture, Epic, Essays, Poetry, Rubaiyat 3 Comments . POEMS THAT BUILT A NATION PART II. Persia, Ferdowsi, and the Shahnameh by Adam Sedia A previous essay highlighted how the Finnish national epic poem, the Kalevala, spurred the development of Finnish culture...
‘Where Your Treasure Is’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society May 25, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . Where Your Treasure Is “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where...
Winners of the 100 Days of Dante Poetry Contest The Society April 18, 2022 Acrostic, Dante, Epic, From the Society, High School Submissions, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Terza Rima 7 Comments Judges Angela Alaimo O’Donnell James Sale . OVERALL WINNER . Papa’s Commedia by Nicholas Walz That was hellish—the hulking chopper plunging Through the top: the battered fuselage yawed, Dipped, and...
‘The Poem that Built a Nation: Finland and the Kalevala’: An Essay by Adam Sedia The Society February 28, 2022 Culture, Epic, Essays, Poetry 13 Comments . The Poem that Built a Nation: Finland and the Kalevala by Adam Sedia Nowhere perhaps is the power of poetry more apparent than in its ability to unite a culture---literally to build a nation. Homer’s epics...
An Extract from Canto 4 of James Sale’s StairWell The Society January 21, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 13 Comments . The English Cantos: StairWell Canto 4 Leaving a broken relationship of the past behind in Canto 3, the poet enters a new world of education and what that means. Before entering a specific establishment, the...
‘The Spirit of the Anti-Mary’ by Karen Darantière The Society January 14, 2022 Culture, Epic, Poetry 4 Comments . The Spirit of the Anti-Mary a poem in honor of Our Lady of Gualalupe in reparation for the crime of abortion and abortion-tainted medicines All those who seek me find eternal Life, But those who sin against...
Two Excerpts from Legends of Liberty, Chapter 5, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society September 29, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 11 Comments . from Legends of Liberty Volume 1 . The Battle of Concord By that rude bridge men formed up double file,The company from Acton in the van.Their bayonets cast beams—reverse sundialsDissecting the empire’s...