‘Candle’ by C.M. Rivers The Society July 31, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments Slender pillar burning bright, remarkably distinguished. I wish that you could stay the night but you must be extinguished. Your wick shall be collapsed between my thumb and foremost...
‘Sonnet on the Death of Teeth’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society July 30, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments Sonnet on the Death of Teeth I’m amused by a brush with Death In the depths of my bathroom mirror. His grimaces shrink into grinning, His ruthlessness fades to bad breath. His rot had once fogged me...
‘The Federal and the Doric’ and Other Poetry by Alexander King Ream The Society July 29, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments The Federal and the Doric The Federal and the Doric Combined a stern austere; They frowned upon the quad; They spread a healthy fear. Corinthian and Victorian Looked at the ground downcast; No one...
‘A Pink Cinquain’ by Carol Smallwood The Society July 28, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Pink has become a favored cultural color, more subtle, less primitive than red: black mixed with pink is considered seductive, innocent when used with white and acquired its own name just in the...
‘Aldeyjarfoss’ and Other Poetry by Greg Tuleja The Society July 27, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments Aldeyjarfoss If, in some grim sensory exercise In a laboratory, behind a screen Where staunch technicians memorialize Their findings, everything we’ve heard and seen, Or smelled and tasted, or in our...
Two Translations of the Poetry of Ryhor Krushyna The Society July 26, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 3 Comments Translations from Belarusian by the poet's son Ihar Kazak. The Explosion May mayhem never strike our good Earth; The fertile one deserves tranquility and gratitude, So that on earth where in...
‘In the Deep of the Night’ by Daniel Leach The Society July 25, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 11 Comments In the deep of the night do my restless thoughts roam ____To the moon-flooded fields of the sky, And they search for a pure and ethereal home, ____Where emotions and thoughts never die. Where...
‘Kant’ by Connor Rosemond The Society July 24, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 20 Comments Out of the crooked timber laid by man, No straight foundation may ever be built. While Reason clinkers on across the span, The tunes of Sin jaunt forward with a lilt. To lie, to steal, to feel in...
‘‘Til We Forgot: A Lament on Recovery’ by Amy Foreman The Society July 23, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 81 Comments “. . . lest when thou hast eaten and art full . . . then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt . . .who led thee through that...
‘The Condemned House’ by Leo Yankevich The Society July 22, 2018 Poetry 14 Comments After the above black and white photograph by Jared Carter Who alive remembers who lived there seventy years ago? A family of WASPs set in their ways? The leafless tree in front was just a sapling then....
‘I Journey On’ and Other Poetry by James A Tweedie The Society July 21, 2018 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 16 Comments a villanelle The sun descends into the silent sea. As shadows lengthen in the fading light I journey on to seek what yet may be. As death from life yearns to be free, And grief seeks comfort in the...
Review: ‘Organ Harvest’ by Damian Robin The Society July 20, 2018 Culture, Essays, Human Rights in China, Poetry, Reviews 5 Comments Organ Harvest by Damian Robin, published by Fulton Verse, 2018. Read three sonnets from the work here. by James Sale Damian Robin is well known to readers of the Society of Classical Poets web...
‘Oak’ and Other Poetry by Jeffrey Essmann The Society July 19, 2018 Culture, Poetry 5 Comments Oak In quiet awe before a solid oak in summer bloom, I thought: to such as these my Saxon kin of long ago bespoke their pagan prayers—a source of great unease to Charlemagne, these heathens and their...
‘Rebirth’ by Jan Darling The Society July 18, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 26 Comments My Soul awoke and yawned and stretched and pushed And seemed desired to break its earthly bounds Too anxious, I almost its Spirit crushed As birth pangs silenced all but sense’s sounds. Alive at last, it...
‘Candle’ by Carter Davis Johnson The Society July 17, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments My candle burns at both ends Late into the night, And flickers fast, And bounces in my sight. My pen lies docile in my hand. The page is silent now. My eyes transfix; My thoughts do...
‘Letter to England: For Tommy Robinson’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society July 15, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 182 Comments I. But yesterday, your noble fathers bled Upon the fields of France, where countless dead Had found among the vines their final rest, To gild with fame a venerated crest Whose princely brandishing from...
‘Questatements’ by Alessio Zanelli The Society July 15, 2018 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 11 Comments If seasons pass too fast you'd better run. If they proceed too slow indulge in fun. Sunups are best enjoyed in days of cold. Sundowns when heat waves linger fierce and bold. Old age returns...
‘Sail Fever’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society July 14, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments Sail Fever I knew some terms, the merest germs Of illness called ‘Sail Fever’: Tack starboard, port, keep mainsail taut, Steer boat by tiller lever! One Saturday, beside the bay, A salesman full of...
‘Wasteheart’ by David Whippman The Society July 13, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments The precious are so easy to neglect: I let them down, my family and my friends. It’s futile if I offer my respect - Today is much too late to make amends. Nothing is left for me to do or say. The fact...
‘Love’ by Leonard Dabydeen The Society July 12, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments Where a lamppost spreads a white spot light Nursing silent night with canny purr, A racoon crosses there in sudden flight. Where an old man walks his dog this hour With a leash that’s buckled to his...
‘Nova Scotia and the Clouds of Summer’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society July 11, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 27 Comments Nova Scotia and the Clouds of Summer So silently they march along, the clouds of summer, proud and strong; their grand approach from yonder shore majestically they wander o’er. Not for the likes of me...
‘Love’s Refrain’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society July 10, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments For Elizabeth My morning’s mountain wears the lavish light Of candid clouds and truth-engendered white. Ah, heavens, spread your opalescent ray, And open earth-blind eyes to boundless sight, That love...
‘Alzheimer’s Disease’ and Other Poetry by Sam Gilliland The Society July 9, 2018 Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Alzheimer's Disease I can feel your deep darkness closing in, With its harrowing sense of helplessness, Soon obscenity sours tongues gathering; Havoc’s wrought by every hellish djin As chaos kicks aside...
‘Runnymede Revisited’ and Other Poetry by Edward C. Hayes The Society July 8, 2018 Poetry 12 Comments Runnymede Revisited Note: Runnymede is the location where King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. This poem was written in the 1990s when the English nation was debating whether to join the European...
‘Bristlecone Longevity’ and Other Poetry by Phillip Whidden The Society July 7, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments Bristlecone Longevity The beauty of the tree is not how old, Indeed how ancient in its gnarling now, Not in its silent history yet untold, Nor in the pre-historic roots and bough— Their age—but in its...
A Translation of Sappho’s ‘Old Age Poem’ by J. Simon Harris The Society July 6, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 29 Comments Translator's Preliminary Note This is an original translation of a poem by Sappho (630-580 BC), traditionally known as the “old age poem” or the “Tithonus poem” (in the standard numbering by Lobel...
Three Poems on Her Father, by Sally Cook The Society July 5, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments Heritage I like to say I’d an Egyptian father If that is too obscure for you, I’d rather Explain it just by citing preservation. They preserved mummies, he his indignation At how the world had gone...
‘America the Beautiful’ by James A. Tweedie The Society July 4, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Popular Poetry Archives 22 Comments Poet’s Note: I wrote this poem in the same metrical form as the song “America the Beautiful” (but without the internal rhyme). You can sing it if you want, but I think it is most effective when simply...
Four Poems for the Fourth of July The Society July 4, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 7 Comments Two Lives by Michael Maibach When soldiers die, They give two lives. The one they had, And the one denied. The spouse not met, The child unknown, The life unsaved, The welcome home. The hill...
‘Garden Waltz’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society July 3, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, Terza Rima 18 Comments Garden Waltz a terza rima sonnet in dactylic pentameter with a truncated foot at the end of each line Radishes sway to the rhythm of sunlight and rainfall, Carrots to minerals present in alkaline...
‘Plagiarist’ by Herb Guggenheim The Society July 2, 2018 Culture, Poetry 13 Comments You pushed Grace hard so you could have your book. She did the layout, made the pdf. I bought the thing so I could take a look but, when I read it, I found blatant theft. You’d stolen poems from...
Two Translations of the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, by Leo Yankevich The Society July 1, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 8 Comments The Lord’s Supper They’re gathered round, astonished, full of dread, round him who like a wise man must decide, and who leaves those with whom he’s broken bread, and who comes like a stranger from...