‘Lines Composed in the Adirondack Mountains’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society April 30, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments Lines Composed in the Adirondack Mountains THERE’S a little town nestled in the hills, with an old house I call by that town's name; with husks of flies in the chipped window-sills, a metal...
‘Crossing China’ by Donna Nelesen The Society April 26, 2015 Culture, Poetry I. Anxiety and excitement, a strange mixture Saturated me as I attempted to picture Two days alone crossing China’s famous Silk Road Aboard a train, the local transportation mode. I envisioned...
‘Glory?’ by Enri Vilmos The Society April 23, 2015 Culture, Poetry Record the past and gift-wrap the future Explain the rules of classical culture Listen to the stories plaintively wrought In candlelit taverns for the heroes that fought In wars long-forgotten...
‘Orange Persimmons’ and Other Poetry by Rebecca Snow The Society April 19, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment "Orange Persimmons" is a Haiku. "Released" is an American Cinquain, and "Forever Wearing White" is a Tanka about how the Falun Dafa are being tortured and buried in snow at re-education facilities in...
‘Scoouwa: The Captive’ by Douglas Thornton The Society April 16, 2015 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments Originally Featured in Woodland Poems Near a ridge where far recedes the frozen Forest into valleys wide, Scoouwa’s chin In despondence fell. Faint and overcome With brow perplexed, he searched the...
‘Change: Metamorphosis: Transformation’ by Damian Robin The Society April 13, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments As I was flying high and looking down the lonely regent of my tiny crown in one-dimension’s cold and breath-thin air anxiously intent on prey down there I’d had...
‘The Goddess’ and Other Poetry by Gabe Russo The Society April 10, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry The Goddess I. Black breeze On white foam hands Held high, lifting freedom: Shinning fast Her people’s torch in His eyes. II. Thunder Rolling on dawn-- Tanks over Her hands...
‘Ride to Freedom’ and Other Poetry by Evan Mantyk The Society April 8, 2015 Poetry In support of the national youth bike ride, Ride 2 Freedom. Ride to Freedom Riding, riding, riding fast, There can be no time to spare When the present becomes the past All that’s left is the heart...
‘The Friend’ by James Sale The Society April 6, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments I dreamt I saw him in the queue, A friend I thought had long since died; But we embraced so warmly then; It seemed a dream we’d been apart. And looking at him, then I knew Some different spirit was...
‘Salazar Sneed’ and Other Poetry by Scott M. Sparling The Society April 4, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Poetry Salazar Sneed Salazar Sneed was a man of great need Who traded holey shoes for a pocket of beads. With the beads he then went to the market and bought A pancake pan that was cast iron...
‘Wanderer’s Retreat’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society April 1, 2015 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Short Stories 2 Comments Wanderer's Retreat I Across the dive bar floor strode a figure, Tall but slightly slouching, wearing a cloak. His facial features, save nose and chin, were Submerged in hooded shadow as he...