‘Contemporary Chinese Holocaust’ by Jim Dunlap The Society January 29, 2014 Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Imprisonment, torture, pathetic wrong - begat from a people of age-old culture, wit, classic beauty, artistry and song: practices akin to hyena, vulture, or other sadistic depravity - such is the...
‘Greeks, Bearing Gifts’ and Other Poetry by Phill Doran The Society January 26, 2014 Culture, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Greeks, Bearing Gifts The coils of wood cascade as worn blades glide from cedar lengths, rough-hewn deformed and coarse, while nearby, ships await a final tide and summer’s winds chase sand...
A Sonnet by Evan Guilford-Blake The Society January 23, 2014 Beauty, Poetry 1 Comment What wonder! - In the arcs described by wings Aloft and floating on the fair spring air. In graceful glides, parabolas of dare Defying, in ascent, all earthy things. Blue light this, that arises o'er their...
‘The Rainbow’ and Other Poetry by Robert Woods The Society January 20, 2014 Beauty, Poetry The Rainbow A wave of color binds our sentiments before it fades. For each emotion, is a subtlety in hue expressed, And through life's noble journey, may we add these tints and shades To vivid...
“Ballet Lesson” and Other Poetry by Betsy M. Hughes The Society January 17, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Ballet Lesson The flow has ebbed and left a tidal pool. A little tern wades in with webbed feet So delicate they wobble in the cool But keep the balance of this athlete. She moves her slender...
Humorous Poetry by Wayne Lee The Society January 14, 2014 Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments Calpurnia’s Paranoia Beware the Ides of March, she said— if you ignore the signs, you’re dead. But Caesar did not share her dread and shuffled off to work instead. Once on the Senate...
‘Stars from a Different Sky’ by Robert Walton The Society January 11, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Sparks from nearby campfires Might be stars of paradise Glimpsed through twilight’s window Too briefly for surmise Of their height above the pines, Their hues - red, green, or gold -– Or mountains...
‘Building for Eternity’ by Richard D. Lackman The Society January 8, 2014 Humor, Poetry 4 Comments He looked all around him and saw monuments so vast Built with good intentions to endure and hold steadfast Awesome structures pointing up to heaven as to say Here is my creation and forever it will...
‘Bounty’ and Other Poetry by Bronwen Hudson The Society January 6, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Bounty When apples hang untouched on branches’ bottom, Or beans lie grounded, neither grown nor dead, Or bulbs down-nestle into earth of autumn, Then let them lie! Don’t hurry them...
Haiku by Evan Mantyk The Society January 3, 2014 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry The Persecution of Falun Gong I. Meditating group One clear crisp day at Shanghai In earth’s sunny loop II. What is Zhen-Shan-Ren? Truth-Compassion-Forbearance Refiner of men III. Police arrive...