‘A Message in the Halloween Decorations’ and Other Poetry by Damian Robin The Society February 26, 2014 Poetry 1 Comment A Message in the Halloween Decorations (Based on a True Story) Compressed and clandestine, the Chinese script small, The paper slip’s flimsy “Will it get out at all?” He’s hidden it...
‘Unbroken’ and Other Poetry by Andrew Gelinas The Society February 23, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Unbroken If I should break myself today Unchanged from every burden bare Determined unafraid to say That I shall find the strength to wear Whatever fortune great or small My maker has...
‘The Philadelphia Pepper Pot Legend’ and Other Poetry by S.M. Westerlie The Society February 20, 2014 Culture, Poetry The Philadelphia Pepper Pot Legend This day in 1777, American soldiers, at Valley Forge, camped. By hunger and winter's breath, spirits were damped. Paying a toll for the new...
‘Death by Animated Sponge’ by Janice Canerdy The Society February 17, 2014 Humor, Poetry "More SpongeBob, Mimi"--this I hear a dozen times a day. How much more can I stand to see? No more of this, I pray! I turn the TV off and run to fetch his favorite toys. When he says, "Spongebob's much...
Announcing 2014 Poetry Competition Winners The Society February 15, 2014 From the Society 1 Comment First Place: Bruce Dale Wise (Prize: $500) Second Place: Damian Robin Third Place: Reid McGrath Honorable Mention: Betsy M. Hughes Honorable Mention: Michael Curtis High School Winner: Gloria...
‘Made (by Imprisoned Falun Gong) in China’ and Other Poetry by Khalid Mukhtar The Society February 14, 2014 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Made (by Imprisoned Falun Gong) in China It's mass production everywhere I look, From toys of plastic hope to airplane parts, And after all the livelihood you took, You're pressing mass...
‘The Better Life’ by Tyler Horn The Society February 11, 2014 Beauty, Poetry What’s out to kill us makes us more alive. Let’s go escape with me forget our fear, So run with me my brother lets survive. We just have to get in the car, and drive As fast as we can, racing to the...
The Sculptor to His Apprentice: A Five-Sonnet Cycle by Michael Curtis The Society February 8, 2014 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Instruction The tales of Ovid are a theme that suits The Prince, but will not do for your repute. Avoid lust. Clients of the better kind Desire the tales that beautify the mind. You may...
‘Research Guideline’ and Other Poetry by James Ph. Kotsybar The Society February 5, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Research Guideline Throughout investigative history, a basic principle has long held sway: When we unravel Nature’s mystery, complexity’s the first to fall away. Upon one underpinning...
‘Metaphorical Meditation Musings’ and Other Poetry by Rama Devi The Society February 2, 2014 Beauty, Poetry Metaphorical Meditation Musings My thoughts, like waves of ocean's surface swells that roll repeatedly, then crash on shore, neglect to find how silent treasure dwells in depths of calmness...