Two Months On

I walk between the tired trees
restless soldiers standing ground
pray for just a tiny breeze
bringing me a cheerful sound.

Bubbling ruby robins tweet,
squirrels dart from tree to tree.
Leaves crunch underneath my feet.
All these sights I love to see.

Two months past my stroke I seem
to wander further into past.
Wonders from a wondrous dream
Come to life, I pray it lasts.


These Shoes

These shoes I wear to work every day
this blouse, a gift I love from my husband
but I’ve heard ugly rumors, sad to say
that these and other things are contraband

The label says China, but I’ve just found out
the labor was forced, from souls in chains
their lives a sad ruin, with no freedom about
prisoners they be, for them no hope remains

Their crime?  Thinking their lives were free
to live their religion, meditate, and exercise
but China said no, you’ll pay a hefty fee
jailed for life till you become China-wise.

Where is our outrage?
Where is our courage?
Where is our faith?
Where are our morals?

Oh, Falun Dafa I will no longer buy
these goods whose parentage is suspect
and I’ll march and raise my voice to the sky
till your freedoms the entire world protects.


R. Bremner of Glen Ridge, NJ, has worked as a cab driver, a truck unloader, a computer programmer, and a vice-president at Citibank. He is widely published, including International Poetry Review, Passaic Review,  Southlit,  the Mensa Bulletin, and many other magazines, and ten ebooks.  He suffererd a stroke and a liver transplant in recent years, following which re rededicated himself to poetry. Bremner  regularly reads at the Paterson Poetry Center, and the William Carlos Williams center  in Williams’ hometown, and on the PoetrySuperHighway live radio show.  R. Bremner cordially invites all writers to the Write Group’s Free Write sessions at Montclair NJ library every Saturday morning at 10:15 am. You can read his complete bio and bibliography at

Featured Image: “Sunset, Lake George, New York” by Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823-1900).

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