‘The Stairway’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society September 28, 2015 Beauty, Poetry Your spirit’s eyes, now opened, see The timeless steps of stone ahead... Old debts weigh down your weakened knee, Each step, a human burden’s shed. While slogging up the sacred...
‘Game Over’ and Other Poetry by Ron L. Hodges The Society September 25, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments Game Over With my friend P. Modernity, We played a game of strategy. Sipping our hot cups of coffee, We spoke over a game of chess. Most of our chat was mere bs, But then the game turned...
‘Ideology’ by Robert King The Society September 22, 2015 Humor, Poetry 1 Comment Ideology is a disease, Impervious to reason, An infection known to seize One in the election season. It has alas no known cure, This paralysis of the brain, No thought is allowed to stir If it runs...
‘Rare Dreams’ and Other Poetry by Dean Robbins The Society September 19, 2015 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 3 Comments Rare Dreams I'm looking through the window of a plane in which I've never been, nor ever will; staring beyond a wing that is not there into a sky I've never seen nor care to see again; above clouds...
‘Danger: Helping Is Forbidden’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society September 16, 2015 Beauty, Poetry Danger: Helping Is Forbidden By Aw "Curbside" Lee It's been a month since he's been seen— the Chinese advocate of civil rights— Li Heping. Two, believed to be police, came to his door on the 10th of...
‘Night and Moonlight’ and Other Poetry by Gregory Palmerino The Society September 13, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 3 Comments Night and Moonlight What more can be said about the full moon that hasn’t already been said before? The queen of tides, now glaring at the shore, sits on her throne as if midnight were noon; a...
‘Metamorphosis, Offering’ by Neal Dachstadter The Society September 10, 2015 Art, Beauty, Poetry A trail it stumbled on a door, A doubled one, upon a floor, Some fellow just as you and me, Approached the portal now we see, And unobtrusive might have been, Except he’d shed, down to the...
‘Confucius Institutes’ by Damian Robin The Society September 7, 2015 Culture, Poetry Confucius Institutes, which advance the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party, are found at universities in the United States and around the world. In colleges and schools, and blocks of...
‘The Backwards Romantic’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society September 4, 2015 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments The Backwards Romantic “Most of those once common occasions for poetry seem embarrassingly old fashioned now that piped-in tunes and hand-held devices provide the background music for life’s journey.”...
‘Arizona Midnight’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society September 2, 2015 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Arizona Midnight Strewn across the vault of ink, Runes and constellations link- ing platinum silver fiery space Unfathomed grace, untiring place. Stare until the nod of head There until the plod to...