We Shall Never Forget

Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duty’s call,
Should be remembered by us all.

Who left the comfort of their home,
To face perils as yet unknown,
An embodiment of goodness on a day,
When men’s hearts had gone astray.

Sons and daughters like me and you,
Who never questioned what they had to do,
Who by example, were a source of hope,
And strength to others who could not cope.

Heroes that would not turn their back,
With determination that would not crack,
Who bound together in their ranks,
And asking not a word of thanks.

Men who bravely gave their lives,
Whose orphaned kids and widowed wives,
Can proudly look back on their dad,
Who gave this country all they had.

Actions taken without regret,
Heroisms we shall never forget,
The ones who paid the ultimate price,
Let’s never forget their sacrifice.

And never forget the ones no longer here,
Who fought for the freedoms we all hold dear,
And may their memory never wane,
Lest their sacrifices be in vain.



Childhood Lost

What is the price of a childhood lost?
And who is the one to pay the cost?
For the child who’s often left alone,
And forced to grow up on their own,
Left at home without a reason why,
While mommy goes out to get high,
For the child who lives in constant fear,
Who wants for love, but none is near,
And left to cry throughout the night,
With no one near to hold her tight,
No sheltering arms to wrap around,
Or childhood comforts to be found,
When compassion is a forgotten word,
And loving thoughts are never heard,
When hopes and dreams have all been tossed,
What is the price of a childhood lost?


Other poetry by Alan W. Jankowski:

When a Child Dies the Whole World Cries
Political Banter
Opinions and Advice
Don’t Feed the Trolls


Alan W. Jankowski is the award winning author of well over one hundred short stories, plays and poems. His stories have been published online, and in various journals including Oysters & Chocolate, Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal, eFiction Magazine, Zouch, The Rusty Nail, and a few others he can’t remember at the moment. His poetry has more recently become popular, and his 9-11 Tribute poem was used extensively in ceremonies during the tenth anniversary of this tragic event. When he is not writing, which is not often, his hobbies include music and camera collecting. He currently resides in New Jersey. He always appreciates feedback of any kind on his work, and can be reached by e-mail at: [email protected]

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