‘Bemused’ and Other Poetry by N. Ram The Society December 31, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Pantoum, Poetry 5 Comments Bemused “Polyhymnia would not lift her veil, All my attempts at sacred poetry failed, Calliope did not lend me her tablet, Epic poetry left me desolate, Terpsichore was sure, I could never...
‘Listen to the Voice That Speaks within Your Heart’ by David Holper The Society December 30, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments Listen to the voice that speaks within your heart, a whisper set against the roaring tide; softly calls the voice that’s set apart. The world calls loud and clear and smart. But what the...
‘Seasons’ by Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi The Society December 29, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 6 Comments What chilly breeze creates a shudder and crimson leaves begin to flutter down, down like butterflies 'till barren branches reach the skies and herald lonely autumn cries amidst decaying clutter, then...
‘The Big Corn Field’ by Carol Smallwood The Society December 28, 2017 Beauty, Poetry, Rondeau 2 Comments A Rondeau The big corn field was gone today: A machine crouched amid the fray Like a locust after a feast Near the side road facing southeast— Likely to be gone by Sunday. The corn had turned from...
‘Vermont’ by Phillip Whidden The Society December 27, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 30 Comments . Vermont A white wood house defines the slope. The trees Have gone to red and flame. A field beyond Is spread with grass and granite rocks at ease. This stonewall pattern thinks it holds a pond, But it is...
‘The First Funeral’ and Other Poetry by James Sale The Society December 26, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments The First Funeral It is with wonder when I think Of Adam, Eve, no childhood grown, Standing before the living God, Alive with language, all words known. It is with wonder, then, to think They...
‘A Christmas Card’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society December 25, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 7 Comments A Christmas Card A distant clang; here comes the heat To chase the chill from hands and feet! A steady hiss and many pings; The song our radiator sings To celebrate this Christmas morn The day...
‘Nativity I: Christmas Eve 1683’ by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society December 24, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments Snow’s candid praise bedecks St. Florian’s Gate As Sobieski passes on his horse. It is the Eve of Christmas, when men wait The changing of the world’s malignant course… Back in the...
‘A December Wish’ by Leo Yankevich (with Audio) The Society December 23, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings, Video 10 Comments https://youtu.be/dVnGlUaitiY You hear the sound of carols from afar. Bright bulbs and tinsel, cinnamon and cloves. Beyond a hill of snow you see a star. Here you can look at stacks...
10 Greatest Poems by John Keats The Society December 22, 2017 Beauty, Best Poems, Culture, Essays, Poetry 20 Comments by Annabelle Fuller John Keats (born October 31, 1795 - died February 23, 1821) began life as the son of a stable-owner, and ended it as an unmarried, poor and tuberculosis-ridden young man. Somewhere along...
‘Writer’s Clock’ by Monty Med The Society December 21, 2017 Poetry 9 Comments I should be asleep! But try as I might, I can’t help but keep Wanting to write. Not only deep Into the night, But till birds cheep . . And it’s all but light. Monty Med is...
‘Summer Storm’ by Beth Staas The Society December 20, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 5 Comments Sharp lightning stabbed the clouds and pierced a hole that scorched the greening branches down below. Sun, much aggrieved, beamed fingers through, and stole the sparking ashes’ phosphorescent...
‘In Fall I Set a Stone’ and Other Poetry by Gershon Ben-Avraham The Society December 19, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments In Fall I Set a Stone In fall I set a stone upon a stone, As autumn rain dripped tears upon the grave That marks the spot where lie my lover's bones; And wind tossed fallen leaves like rolling waves. A...
‘An Ode to the Indian Soldiers’ and Other Poetry by Sathya Narayana The Society December 18, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondel 3 Comments An Ode to the Indian Soldiers ottava rima Be choking chill or burning heat; be rain or sleet; thou're there O soldier brave to save thy brethren sleeping sound inland, sans pain. Thy eyes...
‘Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel: Architect of the Gulag System’ by Leo Yankevich The Society December 16, 2017 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 10 Comments for Robert Conquest I. Each day Naftaly greets a prison train. Two days ago: spies and reactionaries, yesterday: kulaks from Ukraine, this morning: counter-revolutionaries. Snug in his fur behind...
‘Paperboy, Little Neck, Queens, N.Y. 1954-55’ by Ron Singer The Society December 15, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 1 Comment Paperboys lack actual colleagues, but I was a part-time paper boy, and my mother, a part-time colleague. When I’d oversleep, or in bad weather, she’d rescue me from the steep daily grind. “Leave the...
Concepts on Classical Scalds: William Dunbar, Robert Burns, and More The Society December 14, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry, Translation By Sam Gilliland The Poisoned Chalice Let he who lips me then beware, My potion’s more than honeyed mead, One sip, I shall your soul ensnare, Death conquers all, so take you heed! It is a foolhardy...
‘I Keep a Different List’ and Other Poetry by Red Hawk The Society December 13, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments I Keep A Different List My neighbor counts his losses and his gains, but I keep track of raindrops when it rains; he makes note of coins and dollar bills while I am watching ants upon their hills; while...
‘The Great Living Hell’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society December 12, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 2 Comments The Great Living Hell On Communism Under the radar I fly Thru' an ever more darkening sky Thru' the smoke from the volumes that burned Thru' the silence of lessons unlearned Thru' the sound of the...
Essay: Put Down That Poem Before You Kill Yourself The Society December 11, 2017 Culture, Essays, Poetry 14 Comments By Con Chapman Boston may no longer be the Hub of the Universe, but its Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area remains the undisputed capital of America in at least one respect—home of suicidal...
‘A Shen Yun Holiday Sonnet’ by Evan Mantyk The Society December 10, 2017 Beauty, Children's, Performing Arts, Poetry 9 Comments When Santa’s sleigh took to the sky, He saw a wonder by him fly: A Chinese Fairy dance on clouds And point to where there gathered crowds; A theater’s lights shone dazzling bright And beckoned him...
‘The Buds of Life’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society December 9, 2017 Beauty, Poetry, The Environment 6 Comments The Buds of Life On Nightly News I saw a sight obscene: A seahorse in embrace with cotton bud, Soon causing me to ask, ‘What does this mean?’ The answer came most clear, with numbing thud...
‘The Watcher’ by B. L. Perez The Society December 8, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments For Bishop Berkeley & for Madman Blake First, the wind; then, the waves; then the shore —but the Mind—yes, the Mind—long before. First, darkness; then, ignition; then the light —but...
Essay: A Tribute to John Keats by Sam Gilliland The Society December 7, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 1 Comment Any treatise claiming critical review of verse, whether in the widest sense, or, as in this case, the result of compressed choice, purely down to the author’s own consideration, I hasten to add, is probably...
‘Summer Showers in the African Savanna’ by Nivedita Karthik The Society December 6, 2017 Beauty, Poetry Slowly yet steadily the heat starts to soar as the sun’s first rays glimmer in the east sky. With no breeze to cool down the forest floor the temperature reached an all-new high. Nothing...
‘Justice Rendered’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society December 5, 2017 Human Rights in China, Poetry, Terrorism 3 Comments Justice Rendered by Cal Wes Ubideer "Sanctuary cities help protect undocumented aliens." —"Weird" Ace Blues July 1st, 2015, Miss Kate Steinle had been shot. A single bullet struck her in the...
‘Desolate Ocean’ by Gleb Zavlanov The Society December 5, 2017 Poetry, The Environment 2 Comments The silver masses rising in huge numbers, The ship alone upon the sprawling sea, The snores of men found tossing in their slumbers, And salt-tinged breezes shivering with me, The solitary voice of man to...
‘The Morning Muse’ and Other Poetry by Craig Daniel Koon The Society December 4, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 1 Comment The Morning Muse This time of day the Muses pass As rolling clouds and dewy grass, To see their handouts properly bestowed. How much I’ve felt and ever feel That writhing impulse in me reel When...
‘For Patricia Smith’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society December 3, 2017 Beauty, Blank Verse, Poetry 11 Comments Joseph Pulitzer Junior High September 1959 – June 1961 I think we spoke but fifty words, all told. No more than that, and most were just polite— A brief exchange of greetings or a comment On some...
‘What Tolkien Said’ and Other Poetry by Neal Dachstadter The Society December 2, 2017 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments What Tolkien Said “...together through the ages of the world we have fought the long defeat.” Galadriel, of Celeborn Together we fought the long defeat The loss, the win, but no retreat Embossed and...
Essay: My Predecessor, Fray Angelico Chavez Part I by Joseph Charles MacKenzie The Society December 1, 2017 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 4 Comments The poetry of Fray Angelico Chavez can be read here. By Joseph Charles MacKenzie Fray Angélico Chávez, O.F.M. (1910-1996) remains the most important poet of New Mexico’s modern history. It is precisely...