I Love This Life

a rondeau

I love this life in spite of all
the trying times and every wall
I must tear down to find success,
although sometimes my happiness
is thwarted, slowing to a crawl.

When lofty expectations fall
back to the earth, when I feel small
and uninspired, still I express
I love this life.

When joy is overwhelmed by pall,
I’m always able to recall
good times; then peace dispels duress.
When I’m assured the Lord will bless
with sweetness stronger than the gall,
I love this life.


In Praise of Lovely Homes

Relaxing on the porch as darkness fell,
I sipped iced tea, reflecting on my day.
There was breathtaking beauty all around,
the perfect lawn, a pleasure to survey.

I’d had a scrumptious meal with fine red wine
and watched a Lifetime romance on TV.
I’d waltzed around the den as CD’s played
the tunes I love the best by Kenny G.

Then came my thirty-minute bubble bath,
so warm and soothing. While still damp, I lay,
just briefly, on the comfy bed. I dressed
and used a lightly-scented body spray.

That’s when I got the tea and came outside
to relish what should be the best of nights.
Euphoria was at a height—AND THEN
IT STOPPED! I saw two brightly glaring lights.

The Johnsons, owners of the house, were back
two days before they were supposed to be!
I tossed the tea glass in a well-pruned shrub
and fled before they got a glimpse of me.

The Blakes’ weeklong vacation will begin
tomorrow. Like the Johnsons, they will hide
their house key in a fake rock near the porch.
Man, I can hardly wait to get inside!


Janice Canerdy is a retired high-school English teacher from Potts Camp, Mississippi. Her poems and prose writings have appeared in several publications, including Society of Classical Poets Journal, Wild Violet, Light Quarterly, The Road Not Taken, Lyric, Parody, Bitterroot, Cyclamens and Swords, Westward Quarterly, Lighten Up Online, Better Than Starbucks, Indiana Voice Journal and Southern Tablet; and anthologies, including those published by the Mississippi Poetry Society, the National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Whispering Angel Books, and Quill Books. Her first book, Expressions of Faith (Christian Faith Publishing), was published in December 2016. 

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

19 Responses

  1. E. V.

    Your lovely poem, I Love This Life, could help someone in distress remember that good and bad come in cycles … and sometimes we have to hold on, waiting for the good to come around again. I loved the twist in the second poem!

  2. J. Simon Harris

    I’m glad I finished reading your second poem, “In Praise of Lovely Homes”. I didn’t much like it at first, and almost stopped reading just before the turn. But I didn’t stop, and I was very pleased with the ending. What a funny twist! Thanks for brightening up my afternoon!

  3. James A. Tweedie

    The sacred and profane complement each other well! Each a gem in its own right. More, please.

  4. Carb Deliseuwe

    The rondeau strengthens the clichéd “I Love This Life” every step of the way with nice turns of phrase. The narrator of “In Praise of Lovely Homes” is definitely a leader in leisure; its naughty humour is delicious, clever, and unique. Touché.

  5. David Watt

    The unexpected twist and clever humor of ‘In Praise of Lovely Homes’ makes for delightful reading. ‘I Love This Life’ is equally well executed, the salt to ‘In Praise of Lovely Homes’ pepper.

  6. Fr. Richard Libby

    I liked both poems, but laughed out loud at the end of “In Praise of Lovely Homes”. Congratulations!

  7. Dave Whippman

    “In Praise of Lovely Homes” is well-written with a great twist in the story.

  8. Nyashadzashe Chikumbu

    Wow this is really soothing, I loved the lines ‘When lofty expectations fall
    back to the earth, when I feel small
    and uninspired, still I express
    I love this life.’ It has made my days. Your works are inspiring. Great work !


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