To Make a Poet

“A man can learn the art of poetry,”
You say, “and many learn this art by me.”
Poetry teacher, render something clear:
Tell me, how do you teach a man to hear?


The Erudite Poet

Strange use of words, Professor! And a stranger way to show it;
Yet neatly proveda merely clever man is not a poet.

Previously published in Snakeskin.

Morgan Downs is a poet in his 20s living in Massachusetts. 

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2 Responses

  1. Sally Cook

    Dear Morgan –

    It’s good that there is increasing attention being paid to the craft of poetry. But who is the poet and how does he get that way? You cannot separate the poetry from the man.

    Thanks for pointing this out.

    Sally Cook

  2. Dave

    I liked your epigrams. Would be interested to see some of your longer pieces.




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