‘Musical Comedy or Doggerel for Dilettantes’ by James A. Tweedie The Society August 31, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Music, Performing Arts, Poetry 15 Comments Musical Comedy or Doggerel for Dilettantes The Sonata Like a Classical sonata, our day opens with a theme, Whether thrown from bed by thunder or lulled softy from a dream. With our breakfast comes a...
‘Canto 3’ by James Sale The Society August 30, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Short Stories 19 Comments Canto 3 is the third canto in the sequence of the English Cantos, the first two of which are available to read on the SCP website. James Sale is attempting in this poem to emulate Dante, and this begins,...
‘A Quick Catullus’ by Robert Klein Engler The Society August 29, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 2 Comments Please bring the wine cuz I'm flat broke, I couldn't even buy a can of Coke. But once you smell my heart's sweet rose, you'll only wish you were all nose. Robert Klein Engler lives in...
‘Orpheus’ by William Ruleman The Society August 28, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 3 Comments in tribute to James Sale and in memory of Joe M. Ruggier (1956-2018), who first published this poem in The Eclectic Muse (December 2017) Those Thracian hordes who grabbed your garment’s hem— Were they...
An Analysis of Norman MacCaig’s ‘Summer Farm’ The Society August 27, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Essays, Poetry 3 Comments Paradox as Explanatory Paradigm in Norman MacCaig’s ‘Summer Farm’ by Phillip Whidden Summer Farm Straws like tame lightnings lie about the grass And hang zigzag on hedges. Green as...
‘A Question of Faith’ by Charles Bauer The Society August 26, 2018 Culture, Poetry, The Environment 8 Comments A Question of Faith The crowd cheered on their betters’ masquerade, Emotions seethed as memes were hatched and grew; Elijah watched as Ba’al’s prophets prayed. Reporters for the 70’s news were...
‘Writing’s Free’ by Martin King The Society August 25, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments I like to write, and writing's free; Liberates mind of memory. I take a chance to be creative; For daily stress, a palliative. Not modern work, you understand; A failure when I tried my...
‘I See a Friend’ and Other Poetry by Joseph Quintanilla The Society August 24, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 9 Comments I See a Friend I see a friend, pull up a stool to talk to this old stupid fool. Both he and I at an impasse and left upset like sharpened glass. Much wisdom spouts from this buck young as liquid warmth...
‘How Would We Like Our Existence To Be?’ by Alessio Zanelli The Society August 23, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments Meaningful. Active and interesting. Strong. ___Simply not counting the days, as if stray, ______dreary, unworthy, but making them count, serve, be remembered and blest all along. ___Challenges ought to be...
‘A Clean Patch of Land’ by Carter Davis Johnson The Society August 22, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments They stood on the porch, Eyes over the land. The young and old man, Making their plans. The old man spoke out Between his long spits. Tobacco and words Spilt from his lips. “I reckon...
‘To the Class of 2018’ and Other Poetry by Benjamin Daniel Lukey The Society August 21, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings 11 Comments Exodos, Prologos to the Class of 2018 In times uncertain, ask your truest friends For counsel, and take all they say to heart— But know that we are bound for different ends, And none but...
‘Eros’ by Hanniel Lim The Society August 20, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 25 Comments The silent seeds in wild wastes germinate; The gardened apple trees dripping in bloom. Creation calls and hears, each for its mate; The ice thawed and I bled — my womb has room. ____So let us do what God...
‘The Ghost of Phil Ochs’ by David Paul Behrens and ‘A Response’ by Evan Mantyk The Society August 19, 2018 Culture, Poetry 15 Comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0BeEHXjXIM The Ghost of Phil Ochs by David Paul Behrens When you see homeless people on the street, When you see people, with no food to eat, You can thank...
‘Island City: Auckland’ and Other Poetry by Jan Darling The Society August 18, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments Island City: Auckland I’ve grown to love this place of sea and noise Where buildings have assumed a regal poise As high they stab on sultry summer nights Daring to dim the stars above their...
‘Ode to Cole’s “The Titan’s Goblet”’ and Other Poetry by William Krusch The Society August 16, 2018 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments Ode to Cole’s “The Titan’s Goblet” O Grand Enigma! Tower of Life! Thy lofty scene ___Is but the glimpse of that eternal mystery, For in thy cup amidst the twilight’s gloaming...
‘Past the Silence of Barbed Walls’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society August 15, 2018 Beauty, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 11 Comments This poem is dedicated in memoriam to Ms. Wang Lixuan. Because she was raising awareness about the repression of peaceful Falun Dafa practitioners in communist China, she was unlawfully arrested and detained,...
Sonnet ‘07.03.18’ by Edward Hoke The Society August 14, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 58 Comments The constancy of change is to be wished; To find a partner and to settle down, To build a life, where new routines exist, To memorize her breathing, in and out. These all seem like regression to the...
Ten Best Riddles of 2018: Contest Winners Announced The Society August 13, 2018 Humor, Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 8 Comments Thank you to everyone who participated and made this a great year for rhyming riddles! —Evan Mantyk, Judge First Place ($100): Monty Phillips, France I’ve never been exactly sure How long I’ve been...
‘Pentadactyl’ and Other Poetry by Joe Spring The Society August 12, 2018 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments Pentadactyl 5-foot dactylic poem with a truncated fifth foot on the odd-numbered lines. With apologies to Pterodactyls. Dactyls are terrible lizards that fly at the mind pounding their emphasis...
‘The Ballad of the Poor Troubadour’ and Other Poetry by Chris Tessitore The Society August 11, 2018 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments The Ballad of the Poor Troubadour I’m past my prime __and I’m out of time— I never made a dime from a rhyme. There ain’t much worse __than an empty purse— I suffered from the curse of the...
The Rise of Conservative Art and Poetry The Society August 10, 2018 Art, Culture, Essays, Poetry 20 Comments An earlier version of this piece was published in The Epoch Times By Evan Mantyk When Jon McNaughton released his new painting, “Crossing the Swamp,” on July 31, he probably wasn’t expecting to get...
‘Journey to a Smile’ by David Watt The Society August 9, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments ‘Leonardo the Great’ was a painter sublime, Never rushing to brush while to-do-lists claimed time; As commissions part-done, lay about, gathered dust, His attention distracted (to patrons'...
‘They Come For One, They Come For All’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 7, 2018 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 30 Comments On the recent and coordinated banning of Alex Jones' media outlet Infowars.com by Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Apple by Seer Ablicadew They come for one, they come for all, we see it on our phones. The...
‘Art’ by Phillip Whidden The Society August 7, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments Why photograph a fact when you can catch A nightmare, be a Jackson Pollock or A Dalí at his Druid weirdest? Snatch A depth of fanged subconscious and then pour Some paint of guts across your...
‘Re-Formation’ by Amy Foreman The Society August 6, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments The Lord: "Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand." (Jeremiah 18:6) Swiftly He kicks the wheel, rotating steadily— Lump on bat, now pressed flat, muddy-slick...
‘God-Farm’ by Sathya Narayana The Society August 5, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments A little baffling it's, a bit insane and funny too, this whole God-farm affair. You sow invisible seeds in ghostly plain and wait for hallowed rains through silent prayer! You wait and wait to reap the...
‘The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World And What Became of One of Them’ by James A. Tweedie The Society August 4, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments ...
‘Crossing the Swamp by Jon MacNaughton’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society August 3, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry, The Environment 10 Comments (All poetry by Bruce Dale Wise) Crossing the Swamp by Jon MacNaughton by Caud Sewer Bile "If freedom of speech is taken away...we may be led, like sheep to...slaughter." —George Washington The boat...
‘In the Poetry Writing Workshop’ and Other Poetry by William Ruleman The Society August 2, 2018 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments In the Poetry Writing Workshop “Milton conceived the Paradise Lost as a whole before he executed it in portions. We have his own authority also for the Muse having ‘dictated’ to him the...
‘Computer Worship’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society August 1, 2018 Culture, Humor, Poetry 32 Comments —from A Gallery of Ethopaths* The computer is a simple tool— It cannot change an arrant fool Into a brilliant, thoughtful scholar, Although the damned thing costs top-dollar. It cannot help someone to...