“Oedipus and the Sphinx” by Francois Xavier FabreTen Best Rhyming Riddles of 2019 The Society August 20, 2019 Poetry, Poetry Contests, Riddles 13 Comments Thank you to everyone who participated! Judges: Joseph S. Salemi, Adam Sedia, Manfred Dietrich First ($100 Prize) A spike is there, but it’s not gold, Some forests have them, so I’m told. They cannot cough, but can “ahem,” And singers have an eye for them. And when someone pokes fun at you It’s what they do that makes you blue. A helpful hint? I told you so! And that is all you need to know. —James A. Tweedie, Washington State Second My favorite pastime is to sleep, And when awake, I barely creep. Just like a friend who overstays, I hang around for days and days. My given name is quite offensive To one whose slowness is defensive. I favor garb of algae-green With moths aplenty in between. —David Watt, Australia Third To those opposed to order new I bade a merciful adieu The low and high I equalised No rank or station recognised “Revenge” cried them that summoned me Them too I slew for Liberty Like them I often rose and fell And helped to pave the road to Hell What am I? —Rupert Palmer, South Africa Fourth Every second, every day, she nears. Upon arrival, though, she disappears— Or, more accurately stated, moves away, Still chased, while chaste yet, for another day. —James B. Nicola, New York Fifth I have a thousand faces I have no face at all Die not, but turn to many —my thousand children bless my fall. —Sheri-Ann O’Shea, Australia Sixth It Is Dying The Songs of Homer and the fame of Achilles had probably never reached the ear of the illiterate barbarian. —Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire The song of yourself he said you should sing, And cut the shackles English bards begat, And Freedom sounds so sweet. Let Freedom ring Across the land and steamroll structures flat. I shake my spear at Freedoms barbarous And nasty mindless authors who betray The values from the days of old. To us The silly rules do NOT apply today. Today the authors nearly all abort The past. A few aspire to bring it back. Is there a person giving life support Alive today and willing to attack? And twelve of us agree and bravely strive For only two to show it IS alive. —Thomas Newton, Indiana Seventh I was no stranger to your waking mind And you have felt me burn within your soul. I bear your very thoughts, and yet you find Though all may master me, none may control. Surely I chart the heart of man: the joy The love; the fear; the victory and despair. Lavish, I praise, then fickle, I destroy; I mend; I build; I crush beyond repair. As empires shake and crumble, from their dust I linger on to praise or to indict. Though chained, repressed through ages, yet I must Rise, undeterred, to lift the arm of right. And though I rail against you, let me be; You cannot hold me captive and be free. —Camilla Marx, South Africa Eighth They each need fire to be born; By some, a fire’s scar is worn. The fire’s ash helps them to thrive— Without it, they’d not be alive. They grow quite tall as well as round; In the Sierras they are found. Their shallow roots spread far and wide And link with others by their side. The mightiest has a general’s name— As well as natural acclaim. Beside them, one feels truly small— It must strike awe to see one fall. —Tonya McQuade, California Ninth Neither King nor rich I spare, Lay to waste whole towns in days, My impact is hard to bear. Body’s weakness I lay bare, Attack health in unknown ways, Neither King nor rich I spare. On life war, I do declare, Leave my victims in a daze, My impact is hard to bear. Doctors often dumbly stare, At my ever changing pace, Neither King nor rich I spare. I am mankind’s worst nightmare, For my death the whole world prays, My impact is hard to bear. I drive people to despair, Their wellbeing I erase, Neither King nor rich I spare, My impact is hard to bear. —N. Ram, Mumbai, India Tenth I’m always in one place, and yet I take you many places. Let trails on paper not upset You; put me through my paces! My problem is, once in a while I’m caught quite unaware And lead you on mile after mile— And also to despair. —Julian D. Woodruff, New York Answers First: Needle. Second: Sloth. Third: Guillotine. Fourth: Tomorrow. Fifth: Mirror. Sixth: Shakespearean Sonnet. Seventh: Words. Eighth: Sequoia Tree. Ninth: Epidemic. Tenth: GPS NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 13 Responses James Sale August 20, 2019 Well done all the winners. Also, great to see James Tweedie getting more recognition for his work, which can be outstanding as this shows. Delighted for all the winners – and for everyone, keep submitting! One man I know kept praying to God to win the lottery, as week on week he got poorer and poorer and lost everything, till he was on the point of eviction from his property with his family of six as well. Week after week he kept praying, ‘Dear God let me win the lottery’. Eventually, even God got tired with this persistent pest – so as the guy was praying, suddenly God interrupted and said: ‘OK, OK, meet me half way – buy a ticket!’ You see, you have to enter to have a chance! Reply James A. Tweedie August 20, 2019 Wow! What a pleasant surprise to be chosen from so many clever riddles. I wasn’t sure whether our British/overseas members would be familiar enough with the Peanuts comic strip to catch the allusion to Snoopy’s brother, Spike. In any case, I am honored. I also think the collected submissions would make a fine book! Reply Camilla Marx August 21, 2019 Congratulations! It was a well-deserved win! Reply rohini sunderam August 20, 2019 Well done everyone! All superb poems and clever riddles. James Tweedie, that poem/riddle was a definite winner! Reply David Watt August 21, 2019 Congratulations James for your very worthy win! Thank you to the judges for reading and assessing an impressive assortment of riddles. Reply Thomas Newton, Indiana August 22, 2019 Thanks for keeping the Shakespearean Sonnet alive! Reply Nivedita Karthik August 23, 2019 Congratulations to all the winners! Reply Julian D. Woodruff August 23, 2019 I think there were some inventive non-winners, too. Reply NRam September 13, 2019 Congratulations to all the winners!!(I managed to sneak into the top 10 🙂 ) And congratulations to all those who participated and kept guessing the answers with so much zeal!!!! Reply Rohini September 13, 2019 Well said, Ram! Reply NRam September 18, 2019 Thank you, Rohini Mukundan September 17, 2019 Hi Congrats and best wishes Reply NRam September 18, 2019 Thank you, Mukundan Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
James Sale August 20, 2019 Well done all the winners. Also, great to see James Tweedie getting more recognition for his work, which can be outstanding as this shows. Delighted for all the winners – and for everyone, keep submitting! One man I know kept praying to God to win the lottery, as week on week he got poorer and poorer and lost everything, till he was on the point of eviction from his property with his family of six as well. Week after week he kept praying, ‘Dear God let me win the lottery’. Eventually, even God got tired with this persistent pest – so as the guy was praying, suddenly God interrupted and said: ‘OK, OK, meet me half way – buy a ticket!’ You see, you have to enter to have a chance! Reply
James A. Tweedie August 20, 2019 Wow! What a pleasant surprise to be chosen from so many clever riddles. I wasn’t sure whether our British/overseas members would be familiar enough with the Peanuts comic strip to catch the allusion to Snoopy’s brother, Spike. In any case, I am honored. I also think the collected submissions would make a fine book! Reply
rohini sunderam August 20, 2019 Well done everyone! All superb poems and clever riddles. James Tweedie, that poem/riddle was a definite winner! Reply
David Watt August 21, 2019 Congratulations James for your very worthy win! Thank you to the judges for reading and assessing an impressive assortment of riddles. Reply
NRam September 13, 2019 Congratulations to all the winners!!(I managed to sneak into the top 10 🙂 ) And congratulations to all those who participated and kept guessing the answers with so much zeal!!!! Reply