‘Dear Editor’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society June 5, 2020 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Villanelle 36 Comments Dear Editor, My odes are grandiose and overblown With pudgy gluts of stodgy adjectives In floods of flabby babble prone to drone, All topped with tired, archaic additives. Forsooth, methinks the...
A Dizi Gui Translation: Chinese Children’s Poetry The Society June 4, 2020 Beauty, Children's, Culture, Poetry, Translation 9 Comments The Dizi Gui (弟子规) is an ancient Chinese text for children that was written in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Kangxi (康熙帝) (1661-1722) by Li Yuxiu. Below are excerpts from the...
A Poem on the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, and Other Related Poetry The Society June 3, 2020 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 6 Comments The Director General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom by Sarban Bhattacharya His accent’s weird, his hair is pretty grey, He is too calm to get into a fray. His moustache bears the villainy of the...
‘Elegy on a Strauss Waltz’ by Adam Sedia The Society June 3, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 15 Comments The room fills with a charming melody— A choir of violins in soaring flight With basses, cellos pulsing—one, two, three— Drum-snaps, flute-trills, horn-calls, rich and bright— A dance of...
‘Parade of the Ten Thousand’ by Rupert Palmer The Society June 2, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments Poet's note: This poem is built upon an episode from Xenophon’s Anabasis, in which the Ten Thousand, Greek mercenaries in the employ of Cyrus the Younger, the ambitious brother of the king of Persia, are...
‘On Reading Irish Saints’ Lives’ by T.M. Moore The Society June 1, 2020 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments When reading Irish hagiography, a few instructions should be borne in mind: First, don’t mistake this for the history you’ve read before, or might expect to find in some thick tome....