The Society of Classical Poets website receives millions of views every year. Visitors read engaging, beautiful, topical verse that enlivens Western Civilization’s great conversation. That conversation continues in Journal VIII (drawn from poetry published on our website between February 1, 2019 and January 31, 2020). It’s a conversation we hope you will join. The Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, based in Mount Hope, New York, dedicated to the continuation of Beauty, Goodness, Truth, and excellent poetry.

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Journal VIII


Journal Editors

Evan Mantyk, Connie Phillips, C.B. Anderson, Dusty Grein, Daniel Magdalen


Most Featured Poets

(In order of appearance)

James A. Tweedie
Adam Sedia
Joe Tessitore
Leo Zoutewelle
Theresa Rodriguez
Peter Hartley
C.B. Anderson
Randal A. Burd, Jr.
T.M. Moore
Martin Rizley
David Watt
Joseph Charles MacKenzie
Gleb Zavlanov
Michael Curtis
Anna J. Arredondo
Joseph S. Salemi
Martin Hill Ortiz
Sally Cook
Daniel Galef
Susan Jarvis Bryant
Ron L. Hodges


Other Featured Poets and Translators

Bauer, Charlie
Behrens, David Paul
Bridges, Peter
Bryant, Mike
Canerdy, Janice
Damigo, Tony L.
Carlson, Donald
Carter, Jared
Coats, Margaret
Coy, Michael
Crisell, Rob
Damigo, Tony L.
Darling, Jan
Douthit, Brian
Eager, Charles
Fuller, Annabelle
Foreman, Amy
Galef, David
El-Ghattis, Dania
Elster, Martin
Gallucci, Raymond
Glassman, Michael
Glyn-Jones, William
Graham, J. David
Grein, Dusty
Hahn, Luke
Hardtke, Horus
Hay, C. David
Hayes, Edward C. “Ted”
Hoke, Edward
Jeon, Erin
Keefe, Philip
Kelly, Conor
Lauretta, M.P.
Leach, Daniel R.
Leader, Anna
Lukey, Benjamin Daniel
Magdalen, Daniel
Maibach, Michael Charles
Mantyk, Evan
Martin, Lynn Michael
Marx, Camilla
McKee, Nathaniel Todd
McQuade, Tonya
Milton, Sancia
Newton, Thomas
Nicholson, Jeff
Nicola, James B.
Norton, Terry L.
Oratofsky, Paul
O’Shea, Sheri-Ann
Pack, James Preston
Palmer, Rupert
Pearman, Jared
Peterson, Roy E.
Phillips, Connie
Porter, Landon
Ram, N.
Ream, Alexander King
Robin, Damian
Rodriguez, Ramón, LC
Sale, James
Sarangi, Satyananda
Signorelli, Mark Anthony
Stock, Beverly
Stone, Mark F.
Sugar, Alan
Sunderam, Rohini
Van Inman, Clinton
Venable, Peter
Villanueva, Angel L.
Walford, Rod
Whippman, David
Williams, Ian
Winebrenner, Caleb
Wise, Bruce Dale
Woodruff, Julian D.
Wyler, E.V. “Beth”
Yankevich, Leo
Zappe, Theresa
Zhao, Michael



Featured Image:
Left: Eric Armusik, “Canto 4: Dante and Virgil visit the Great Poets of Antiquity in Limbo” 
Right: Richard Samuel, “Portraits in the Characters of the Muses in the Temple of Apollo”

6 Responses

  1. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    I have ordered Journal VIII and can hardly wait to receive and read the talented poets within. I appreciate everything The Society stands for and I am honored to be a member and even more honored to have my words recognized in the pages of this book.

    Thank you to Evan and everyone here for their support, appreciation, encouragement and inspiration. You have taken my writing to new levels.

  2. rohini sunderam

    I am delighted to have my poetry featured for the second successive year. Thank you Evan and the team that continues to hold us to our best possible work.

  3. John Weerden

    Perhaps you could consider posting the journal to orders from Australia.


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