The Singing Lines of Theresa Rodriguez: A Review of Sonnets The Society January 12, 2021 Essays, Poetry, Reviews 13 Comments by Andrew Benson Brown Theresa Rodriguez, Sonnets. 2nd edition. Shanti Arts, 193 Hillside Road, Brunswick, ME, 04011, 2020. 75 pp. $12.95. In his literary criticism, William Empson showed a subtle...
‘Humility’ and Other Poetry and Translation by Alexandra Guo The Society January 11, 2021 Beauty, Culture, High School Submissions, Humor, Poetry, Translation 12 Comments . Humility Lo, I have seen the Muses plain. What need Have I to go on living?—’Twas in Rome: I touched the flesh (it was a holy deed) That Michelangelo shaped out of stone. O what a great and glorious...
‘My Father’s Cardinal’ by Cynthia Erlandson The Society January 11, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 16 Comments . I wonder where my father’s cardinal is--- The colored-pencil drawing that he made In art class---he was only in fourth grade, I’d been impressed to learn. _____________________It was not his Idea to...
‘Amen and Awoman’ and Other Poetry on the State of the U.S. The Society January 11, 2021 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments . Wokeness by Russel Winick “Amen and Awoman” the Congressman said, The Leftists all thought it was great. What more woke insanity now lies ahead? That young females...
‘With Goals in Tow’ by Janice Canerdy The Society January 10, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 12 Comments . With Goals in Tow I’ve fewer days ahead of me than those I have been blessed to see. Though time moves on so rapidly, my hopes sustain. God still has plans for me, I know. He’s guiding me as to and...
‘Flodden’ and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society January 10, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Performing Arts, Poetry 16 Comments . Flodden Historical Note: The Battle of Flodden took place between English and Scottish armies on September 9, 1513. The battle proved a tragic disaster for the Scots who lost an estimated 12,000-17,000 men...
Two Poems Making Use of ‘Conceits,’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society January 9, 2021 Beauty, Blank Verse, Culture, Essays, Poetry 26 Comments . The Death of Today’s Sequoia Flecte ramos, arbor alta, tensa laxa viscera: Et rigor lentescat ille, quem dedit nativitas, Ut superni membra regis miti tendas stipite. —Venantius Fortunatus (c. 530-609...
‘In Nature’s Loving Show’ by Donald McCrory The Society January 9, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 18 Comments . In nature’s loving show of all things fair the fruits of youth seem sweetest to the eye, the world applauds youth’s beauty as most rare and pours sweet praise on looks that sadly die. Light limbs,...
‘The Inca Kings’ and Other Poetry by Siham Karami The Society January 8, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Villanelle 2 Comments . The Inca Kings Who stole the kings? Even Pachacutec's mummy now is gone from Lima's hospital display of Inca royalty—the T-Rex of them all, ferocity turned brittle bones and shrunken body in a...
‘An Ode To Letters’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society January 8, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments . An Ode to Letters We cannot be sure what the future will hold, But I doubt this prediction will fail. That no one will ever unearth in an attic An old treasure trove of email. . . Outvoted In my marriage I...
Petrarch’s Canzone 129, translated by Steven Monte The Society January 7, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Translation 5 Comments . “Di pensier in pensier, di monte in monte” by Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374) __From thought to thought, from mountain to mountain, Love guides me, and every path in which I’ve strayed is hostile to a...
A Poem on Sir Edward John Poynter’s ‘Faithful unto Death,’ by Peter Hartley The Society January 7, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 14 Comments . From Parthenope’s coast each to his post, Beseeching eyes upraised with steady gaze. That night would nature’s cruelty erase A city from the broiling earth and roast The dying with the lying dead....
‘Uncivil War’ by James A. Tweedie The Society January 6, 2021 Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . with reference to Macbeth V,5 . So bleak and dreary, like a stormy day, The world a whirl of whorls of endless rain And wind, with crash and flash from out the fray As cannonades exchange defiance and...
‘The Mission of the Magi’ by Jeff Kemper The Society January 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments . after Matthew 2:1-12 From distant regions of the east they came, Wise Magi, searching for a royal son, Into Jerusalem with single aim: Determined, they, until their search was done. “Where is this little...
A Poem on the Revealing of Election Fraud: ‘Epiphany’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 6, 2021 Culture, Poetry 32 Comments . Fools sneered at his rightful place; __“He isn’t our leader” they said. They labeled his traits a disgrace. __En masse, they demanded him dead. They screamed that his term was treason __And fought...
On the 2020 Election: ‘I Asked the Lord, Please Tell Me’ by Martin Rizley The Society January 5, 2021 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . I asked the Lord, “Please tell me, where's the outrage From those who claim to love the cause of right? Why aren't more people going on the rampage To battle dark deception with the light? A nation has...
‘A Warning from the Red-Light Zone’ by Jeff Eardley The Society January 5, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 48 Comments This ode concerns a wealthy gent, To London Town, one day he went. He’d paid to see an Opera, But got more than he bargained for. For as he reached the City wall, He stopped to take a cell...
Poetry on the Planned Illegitimate Election of Joe Biden as U.S. President The Society January 4, 2021 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 25 Comments . Biden Kneels Before the Red Beast by Damian Robin from a scenario of Evan Mantyk On silver-smoke-screen in mid air __the Red Beast’s horde has beckoned. Its full face groomed, a beauty rare, __but...
Rhyming Drugstore Advertisements,1885 The Society January 4, 2021 Culture, Found Poem, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments Selected by Beverly Stock ---From Liver Pills to stuff that kills, and makes it smooth to die, The last is not their mission, though, and yet within their power, But if you’re sick--go to them quick, or...
‘To Solitude’ by Chris Laverty The Society January 3, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . Away with loneness--he whose winter bites, who haunts the wasted wilderness and shores, born in thunder on the misty moors; who, bred by wolves, with howling fills the nights. But bring his smooth browed...
‘Hunting’ and Other Poetry by William Conelly The Society January 3, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . . Hunting My father strides ahead of me.His khaki cap is all I see,beside the barrel of his gun.We’re hunting upland quail that runfrom us in loose community. The way is one that he knows best:zigzag...
‘Nevermore! If Edgar Allan Poe Submitted “The Raven” today’ by Tonia Kalouria The Society January 2, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry, The Raven 14 Comments Dear Edgar, __We’re sorry our response has taken so much time, but it grieves and pains to tell you that you’ve missed our paradigm. __While past works were droll and erudite ---nay,...
A ‘New Year’s Revolution’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society January 1, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 32 Comments . . The Rub I’ve had a taste of wonder and I cannot give it back. I’ve seen each deep state blunder and the swamp’s heart dipped in black. I’ve witnessed this great country as it’s getting back...