‘The View from the Hill’ by Martin Rizley The Society March 8, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 13 Comments . "He has made everything beautiful in its time. . ." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) The sun shines so brightly on this verdant hill Where I sit in silence so peaceful and still; I've come here alone to survey the fair...
‘The English Cantos: Volume 2: StairWell. Canto 1 Ascent’ by James Sale The Society March 7, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Dante, Epic, Poetry 13 Comments . The poet has now escaped Hell, and has arrived in Purgatory or what he calls the StairWell. But he seems to have been abandoned by Dante, and has a fresh set of problems to confront. In this first section of...
Poem Circulating Online Laments Canceling of Dr. Seuss Books The Society March 6, 2021 Children's, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Humor, Poetry 35 Comments The author of the above poem, circulating online, is unknown. From The Epoch Times (March 2, 2021) "Biden Omits Mention of Dr. Seuss From ‘Read Across America Day’ Amid Concerns of Racist...
‘The Tango Argentine’ by Daniel Kemper The Society March 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . Do they still dance on old walkwayswith lowered shoulders, mastered breathand almost martial, measured gazethough one that's bent on life, not death?Will men with class step up and raisean arm and pause: a...
‘Tradition’ by Troy Camplin The Society March 5, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 4 Comments . I've battled beside Gilgamesh, the Bull Of Heaven slain by us. I've fought beside Achilles, hot beside a burning hull, And watched as Agamemnon, captured, died. With Oedipus I've lost my vital eyes With...
‘The White Man’s Burden’ by Rudyard Kipling: Poem, Background, and Analysis The Society March 4, 2021 Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 60 Comments . A Teaching Tool for High School English Language Arts or Global History Teachers by Evan Mantyk . Background of Kipling and British India Rudyard Kipling The poet, Rudyard Kipling, was born in British India...
‘Who Knew’ and Other Poetry by Áine Mae The Society March 4, 2021 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 22 Comments . . Who Knew How often I crushed autumn leaves Until I saw a robin drink From one that cupped the fallen rain, And many times too, I did break Icicles dripping from a roof. How often in the spring I plucked A...
A Review of James A. Tweedie’s Mostly Sonnets: Formal Poetry in an Informal World The Society March 3, 2021 Beauty, Essays, Poetry, Reviews 13 Comments Reviewed Book: Mostly Sonnets: Formal Poetry in an Informal World by James A. Tweedie, Dunecrest Press, July 2019 by Theresa Rodriguez As a fellow sonneteer, I felt like I was reading the words of a kindred...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Sonnet in Iambic Monometer The Society March 2, 2021 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests, Poetry Forms 122 Comments . This challenge was conceived by Paul A. Freeman after reading a sonnet in iambic monometer by James A. Tweedie, "Allergies." Mr. Freeman's example is below. Make your own and post it in the comments...
‘In Your Dreams Grandad’ by Jeff Eardley The Society March 2, 2021 Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . . He met her one Summer, the girl of his dreams, A freckle-faced beauty just out of her teens. He chatted her up, and he thought he’d done well, But with these young women, you never can tell. She said...
A Poem on the Tyranny of Google, by Bruce Dale Wise The Society March 1, 2021 Culture, Poetry 26 Comments . . Frankly, There Are Many Ways To Spell Uggly “the Baleks von Bilgen…new coat of arms—a giant crouching under a fir tree” —Heinrich Böll, “The Balek Scales” by Esca Webuilder In the dark...
‘The Magpie’s Chorus’ and Other Poetry by David Watt The Society March 1, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 33 Comments . The Magpie’s Chorus With sunlight at full power And silence in the air, I sought a shaded bower, A cool drink, and a chair. But then, I heard the trilling Of magpies in the trees Pour out like liquid...