‘The People, Yes’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society April 30, 2021 Culture, Poetry 4 Comments . "I Lived and languished.” —Andrei Platonov by "Weird” Ace Blues Last year we learned th’ Empire struck back with fierce synergy. The populace was pummeled by the techno-tyranny. O, Obi Wan...
‘Like Abelard and Heloise’ and Other Poetry by Arthur L. Wood The Society April 30, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Readings 6 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5FdfL8sVRM Like Abelard and Heloise Like Abelard and Heloise This woman has the gorgeous mind. Her touch of tenderness and ease Calms the ravages I find. Her cheeks are one...
On Wearing Masks: ‘For Shame’ by Joe Tessitore The Society April 29, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments . written while walking out my front door You weren’t born with that thing on your face, So look in your mirror and see the disgrace Of a coward whipped into his or her place--- Your dignity’s vanished and...
‘Like a Bell’ by Robert Boucheron The Society April 29, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 15 Comments . Like a bell struck in the clear night, A voice that no one hears Tells me to leave my bed and write With ink distilled from tears. The stars exert their influence, The moon shines white on black, The...
An Ancient Prophecy on Vaccinations Discovered by Margaret Coats The Society April 28, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Vaticination Sibylla says, Fear archers of immunity! Beware the vanguard shock troops sharpening double tongues, Whetted with grave authority To weaken hearts and spew contagion into lungs. They bend...
An Ode: ‘Spring Mourning’ by Daniel R. Leach The Society April 28, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 5 Comments . The first soft days of Springtime greet my eyes __Like a young girl’s face smiling fresh and clean, The sunlight falls, like hope, from cloudless skies __Upon a budding world, all tender green; But sweet,...
On the Hypocrisy of Gov. Newsom, and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society April 27, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 17 Comments . The Tale of Governor Do-as-I-Say-Not-as-I-Do-som It’s funny how Democracy In many states now colored blue Produces rank hypocrisy, A birthright of the privileged few. And there we notice Gavin...
‘A Shout Out to Traditionalist Poets’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society April 27, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Poetry Forms 19 Comments . We’re poets first-and-foremost and agree that meter, rhyme and rhythm oft are spurned; the plethora of poetry we see is free verse and should frankly be returned to sender if an emo, teenage brain or...
On the Couple Who Accidentally Painted Over Modern Art, and Other Poetry by Julian Woodruff The Society April 26, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . Brush with Shame In reference to “Couple accidentally paints over $500,000 artwork,” Ben Cost, New York Post, 4/3/21 The whole world over they are in a stew: Our artists and creators share the...
‘Spring Fling’ by Cheryl Corey The Society April 26, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . O Spring, you’re such a tease, Fickle as a good-time lover; Temptingly, you hover Warm against my cheek, Windless, save a zephyr; And oh so soft your whisper Of promise, only to hide Away again. I...
Sonnets on Themistocles, Sen. McCarthy, and Wenyi Wang, by Evan Mantyk The Society April 25, 2021 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 28 Comments . Themistocles Athens, Greece, 483 B.C. “Barbarians loom upon the coast—dark clouds. Athenians see them, but don’t think they’d pour Their cataclysmic flooding on our shore. They only hear the nearby...
‘A Day When Silence Spoke’ by Daniel Magdalen The Society April 25, 2021 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 23 Comments . This poem is commemorating the peaceful appeal of 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners for freedom of belief, in Beijing, on April 25, 1999. The appeal ended when practitioners left after being given empty...
‘A Tribute to Prince Philip’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society April 24, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 6 Comments . The gaffe-prone Duke of Edinburgh has died, who asked if native Aussies still chucked spears and told some Brits they’d end up slitty-eyed for living in Beijing too many years. Yet what a gap this man of...
‘The Seven Dwarves of Old Age’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society April 24, 2021 Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . The Seven Dwarves of Old Age The seven dwarves of old age __Have come to live with me, But what could be the use of them __Is more than I can see. First Napper came and gave a wink __And slept upon my...
‘Anastasia’ by Brian Yapko The Society April 23, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 34 Comments . Martyred daughter of a libeled Czar, You for whom St. Basil’s bells have rung, Condemned to die dishonored and unsung, Yet gentlest of the Romanovs by far In silent black-and-white forever young. It...
A Poem for the 457th Birthday of Shakespeare, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 22, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry, Shakespeare 43 Comments . Bardolatry He boasted an iambic ear, That playwright with insight, Shakespeare; Yes, Measure for Measure He’s given much pleasure With Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear. The Bard’s jealous...
‘The Madcap, Rambler-Driving Poet of Ogden’ by Tonia Kalouria The Society April 22, 2021 Humor, Poetry 12 Comments . __Like Don Quixote’s windmills, rhymes keep spinning in my head! My dark-passion is to write Light Verse; my curse, to go unread. __I keep submitting—vain attempts!— though earnest, judged a...
On the George Floyd Verdict and Other Poetry by Richard Lackman The Society April 21, 2021 Culture, Poetry 54 Comments . A Eulogy for Justice It looks like we got justice for George Floyd Because of the techniques that were employed. But what about the life of Ashli Babbit? Shouldn’t justice be a constant habit? The Floyds...
Two Poems on Transgenderism by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 21, 2021 Culture, Poetry 78 Comments . A Chemistry Lesson There was a time she pined to be a boy, Around the age of six or maybe eight, When centipedes and beetles were her joy And skinning knees in trees, her frequent fate. There was a time she...
Four Poems on the Theme of Lost Love, by James A. Tweedie The Society April 20, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 11 Comments . Poet's Note: These poems are non-autobiographical. . When Love is Lost To see the summer sun and wish for rain; To smell the springtime flowers and wish for snow; To wake at dawn and wish for night again; To...
In Memoriam: Poet Leo Zoutewelle (1935-2021) The Society April 19, 2021 From the Society, Poetry 25 Comments Dear SCP Members and Readers, Poet Leo Zoutewelle died on March 11, 2021 in Charlotte, North Carolina under the care of Presbyterian Hospital hospice. He was born on December 19, 1935 in Holland and grew up...
‘Pilates’ by Jeff Eardley The Society April 19, 2021 Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . She started her Pilates class, Upon the Internet. The city was in lockdown, So, she knew, some work she’d get. She started on her webpage, Working hard into the night. She knew it wasn’t easy, So, she...
‘Crocuses’ by Adam Sedia The Society April 18, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 13 Comments . You meekly poke your purple heads Through stubborn clumps of snow That yet persist in fallow beds Though balmy breezes blow; First to hail the waxing sun, First to scent the air, First to paint the...
‘Lumbar-Fusion Post-Op Blues’ by Jeff Kemper The Society April 18, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments . The Odyssey of a recovering patient of the Orthopedic and Spine Specialists (OSS) hospital in York, PA; January 2019. (My hospital experience could not have been better. Surgeons, nurses, aids, therapists,...
Four Petrarchan Sonnets by Peter Austin The Society April 17, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . . On a Starred Night derived from a George Meredith poem On a starred night, Prince Lucifer uprose; From smoke and stink and howl of the distraught And sulphur stench and brimstone, change he sought. Garbed...
‘Right on Cue’ by David Whippman The Society April 17, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 27 Comments . Who took the years? Who stole the time away? Where did it go? I just don’t understand. There were so many things that I had planned, Such clever dialogue I had to say. Have I been written out of my own...
National Poetry Month Challenge: What Is Poetry? The Society April 16, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 78 Comments April is National Poetry Month. On this occasion, take words about poetry from a famous poet, or anyone else you deem fitting, and turn them into a quatrain (four-line poem). Below are four examples from poet...
‘My Magic Machine’ By Norma Pain The Society April 16, 2021 Beauty, Children's, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . I wish I could build me a magic machine, A magic machine that would last, Till the octopus sings and the Orca grows wings, And the lowly worm ceases to cast. I’d fashion the walls out of wonder and...
‘The Game of Life (CCP Edition)’ by Bethany Mootsey The Society April 15, 2021 Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Humor, Poetry 4 Comments . We appreciate your purchase of this version of the game That caused Mr. Milton Bradley to become a household name. Though we cannot laud the methods for his capital success, We endorse Life, with some...
A Poem for the Chibok School Girls of Nigeria, by Bethany Mootsey The Society April 15, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Sestina, Terrorism 18 Comments . Sestina 276 On the night of April 14-15, 2014, 276 mostly Christian female students were kidnapped from a high school by the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria The dream was vivid, sickeningly...
‘How to Write a Formal Poem (That Doesn’t Seem Like One)’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society April 14, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 23 Comments . How to Write a Formal Poem(That Doesn’t Seem Like One) abandon capitals at all times. TrustYour sense for sound but, please, avoid rhymes. ChooseA rhythm you can readily adjustAnd phrase what you mean so...
‘Arte Discipulus’ by Julie Desmond The Society April 14, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . Horace, in your guide to painting poems, Bid a poet paint in synchrony. Carve, in sandy caves where writers roam, Ships ensconced in loam and birds at sea. Horace, sir, you broke me at hello. Genius, wit...
‘CDC: New Guidance’ by Mike Bryant The Society April 13, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 37 Comments . Dillard “Sparky” Barker Is a Doc at CDC. He’s announced a market- Driven cure for you and me. Helicaps—not beanies Are the answer to our prayers. The downward blowing breezes Now defeat all virus...
‘Messed Up Doesn’t Rhyme with Best’ by Phillip Whidden The Society April 13, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 5 Comments . Is poetry that’s free as free as all That? Surely it’s the poet who is free Or not. He makes the choice to make a sprawl Of words (and punctuation?) dribblingly Straight (straight?) along the...
‘An Elegy for Bach’s Lost Cantatas’ by Lionel Willis The Society April 12, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 6 Comments . Though many scores were lost, those that remain May well be thought the richest heritage Ever bequeathed by one blessed human brain: Incomparable gems on every page, Now reverently passed from age to...
A Poem on Biden’s Infrastructure Plan, by James A. Tweedie The Society April 11, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 11 Comments . Dear President Biden You act as if you were elected To spend my great-grandchildren’s money. By spending trillions you’ve infected Each one of them with debt gone viral, And I don’t think it’s wise...
‘Isaiah 5:20—Uncancellable’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society April 11, 2021 Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Isaiah 5:20---Uncancellable They often call good evil, And call the evil good. Misclassifying basics? One wonders how they could. With light for darkness put, And darkness put for light, Seems schooling,...
Short Pandemic Poems by Joe Tessitore The Society April 10, 2021 Covid-19, Haiku and Senryu, Humor, Poetry 27 Comments . The Plague They muzzle their breath, Sealed in rooms as if in tombs, Scared to death of death. . . A Tale from the City They’ve worn my patience very thin So I wear my mask upon my chin “Nose...
‘Dusk Till Dawn’ and Other Poetry by Áine Mae The Society April 10, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 14 Comments . Dusk Till Dawn The ocean rainAnd sleep played me—A willing pawn.I dreamt of youFrom nautical duskTill nautical dawn. . . Love Is More We shall be soul mates tillThey etch our names...
A Poem on Prince Philip (1921-2021): ‘As an Actor in Macbeth’ by Phillip Whidden The Society April 9, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 36 Comments . excerpted from the sonnet sequence Philip, Prince of Greece and Great Britain He wore a white gold crown wherever he Was living, Denmark, Greece, and also here In Scotland and in England. Like a spree Of...