‘Night Verses’ and Other Poetry by Brian Palmer The Society April 9, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . Night Verses The airy rush of thoughts today The evening breeze has whisked away. The wind that spoke to me in wings Has flown and left old, scattered things. Some small and faint discarded words Remain...
A Poem on Myanmar Protester Kyal Sin: ‘Fallen Angel’ by Bethany Mootsey The Society April 8, 2021 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 7 Comments . Tribute to 19-year-old Kyal Sin, known as "Angel," a dancer, taekwondo champion, and first-time voter who was killed during the protests against Myanmar’s CCP-backed military coup Remember her proud,...
‘Gun Control Is Mind Control’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society April 8, 2021 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 49 Comments . When all guns have been banned,__When all rifles are taken,When your words have been censored,__When your life has been shaken--- When all schools fear the state,__When our history's erased,When all...
‘The House That Fauci Built’ and Other Poetry by Bruce Dale Wise The Society April 7, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . The House That Fauci Built by Dr. Weslie Ubeca Within the U.S. government, he was the highest paid He sighed, denied, and p-lied; he was a yo-yo on display. Like Doctor Faustus, Doctor Fauci, sold his soul...
‘Unfit for Purpose’ by David Watt The Society April 7, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Our neighbours bought a sheepdog: a heeler brindled blue, And all was well (or so it seemed) until his faults showed through; For when it came to penning sheep, he lost a large amount, And bit the hand...
‘Cherry Blossom Viewing’ by Margaret Coats The Society April 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Shape Poems 34 Comments . Cherry Blossom Viewing Like someone else, in unaccustomed dress, I choose that silken smoothness graze my skin __As fragile branches effloresce, Revealing vernal consciousness within Of transient white or...
‘Memento Mori’: A Sonnet by Sasha A. Palmer The Society April 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . We stick to what we know, what we can touch, Hold in our hands; unable to foretell What lies ahead, denying Time with such Abandonment, pretending we are well Aware of the truth, we close our eyes To...
A Translation of François Villon’s ‘Ballade of Prayer to Our Lady,’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society April 5, 2021 Acrostic, Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 11 Comments . Ballade of Prayer to Our Lady (in the voice of the poet’s mother) by François Villon (1431-1463), from French by Joseph S. Salemi Lady of Heaven, who holds earthly sway And reigns as Empress of the...
Four Poems for Early Spring, by C.B. Anderson The Society April 5, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . Rededication The sullen days of winter Remain a galling splinter Within my thickened skin, So let the games begin! Though I’m inclined to focus Upon the blooming crocus, The loom of April fills My mind...
Life Under the CCP: ‘Family’ by Damian Robin The Society April 5, 2021 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 18 Comments for Xiaoyao Yin and her UK family Loud thumps were more than company; __front door as thin as any. Mum walked across the noise to see __each thump enlarge to many. Then clumps of feet clacked on our...
‘If He Came Now…’: An Easter Rondeau by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 4, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau 20 Comments . If He came now, God’s only Son, To save a world that’s come undone Would we continue to defy His truth, to stoke the ruthless lie That claims His name is not the One? His Word torments the twisted...
‘Peace and Love Are Here’ by Sandi Christie The Society April 4, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . The world is full of suffering and pain; We wait in fear for death to walk our way; We look for anyone that we can blame Projecting fear and hate along the way. Where fear has entered, love can never...
A Poem for Easter Sunday: ‘Lord of the Cross’ by James A. Tweedie The Society April 4, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . “The strife is o’er, the battle won”—18th c. Hymn As hapless hope and hopelessness collide The mid-day sun looms black above the cross; A dies irae bearing bitter loss Where life and death each...
‘Easter!’: Translation of an Italian Sonnet by Joseph S. Salemi The Society April 4, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Translation 13 Comments . Easter! by Rosario Previti (1882-1967), from Italian by Joseph S. Salemi Why your bitter torment on the cross, Martyr of Golgotha, if the world on which You poured your blood in agony remains Savage and...
‘Magnificat’ by Brian Yapko The Society April 3, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 19 Comments . Praise Him for the lightning in the gale,For balmy winds, for crystals in the snow.Wonder at the gaudy peacock’s tail,Observe how huge the elephant can grow! The turtledove, the maculate giraffe,The...
Easter Season Sonnets by Anne de Marquets (1533–1588), translated by Margaret Coats The Society April 3, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Translation 21 Comments . Sonnet 181 Jesus had suffered more than we can tell, But when released, His soul at once aspired To save the just, whom their long wait had tired. See Him descend to Limbo’s dreary hell In search of those...
‘Pilate’s Wife’ by Cynthia Erlandson The Society April 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . I’ve had a nightmare! Let that just man go! You’re right that he’s done nothing wrong. They’re wrong To want him dead. No, nothing you could write Above his head could possibly undo Your guilt....
‘Pietà’ by James A. Tweedie The Society April 2, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . Behold the Queen of Heaven weeping, seeping __Tears that rend her heart and ours. As one __Who mourns she grasps and clasps the seeming-sleeping, __Pierced, and bloodless body of her son. A body void of...
‘A Mother’s Eyes’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 45 Comments . She burns to bear his burden (take the weight) But he is far beyond her guiding reach. Beyond her soothing arms, he meets his fate. Her heavy heart has nothing left to teach… For these are not his first...
Two Poems for Easter, by Martin Rizley The Society April 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . The Lovely World Behold the frozen, flaxen fields at morn– The tall grass shining on the hills of clay Which sunlit wisps of winter frost adorn In dazzling white, as for a bridal day. An air of holy...
A Poem on the Equality Act: ‘Second-Place Sue’ by Julian Woodruff The Society April 1, 2021 Culture, Poetry 18 Comments . Sue was the star of Central High. In girls’ athletics she excelled. Her competition would just sigh. The best of it she ably quelled. Track, swimming, wrestling, volleyball— No other girl could match...
‘For the Birds’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society April 1, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 20 Comments . For the Birds The cardinal in his bold, red cloak; His wife so subtle, so bespoke. In complimentary blues and grays, The raucous jays---they have their ways. And in the trees, the chickadees! Their song is...