
The Society of Classical Poets Journal IX has been published. It features poetry selected from poetry published on the SCP website between February 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021. It also features exquisite color art created by living artists who are at the top of the fine arts field today. A complete listing of poems, poets, and art featured in Journal IX is below.

You may obtain a paperback copy of Journal IX here.

You may obtain a hardcover copy of Journal IX here



Autumn Ecstasy by Cynthia Erlandson

Where Are the Leaves? by Jeff Kemper

Winter’s Breath by Angel L. Villanueva

The Glory of Spring by M.P. Lauretta

Longing by Gustavo Ramos, 2019, oil on panel, 18 x 24 in. (www.gustavoramos.art)

On Romantic Longing by Martin Rizley

Snowdrops by Martin Rizley

Angel Ship by C. David Hay

The House of Life by Martin Rizley

Upon a Boat, by Ocean Bound by Alexander King Ream

Spindle, Shuttle, Loom by Joseph S. Salemi

Our Worthy Sons by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Hummingbird Communion by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Still by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Stream by Leland James

Elegy on a Strauss Waltz by Adam Sedia

Approaching Storm, Night by Adam Sedia

A Paean for Eternity by Satyananda Sarangi

Oh, When I Hear by Theresa Rodriguez

A Formalist’s Delight by Theresa Rodriguez

Oh, What Is Prayer? by Theresa Rodriguez

The Onus of Vernal Duty by C.B. Anderson

Liturgy by C.B. Anderson

Turnabout by C.B. Anderson

Famine de l’âme by Anna J. Arredondo

Childhood Cancer Survivor by Richard Lackman

Castles in Our Heads by Talbot Hook

Lanterns in the Autumn Dark by Daniel Magdalen

Mastering Magic by Mike Bryant

Arabesque by Anna Rose Bain, 2021, oil on linen, 30 x 20 in. (www.artworkbyannarose.com)

Carmen Cygni, a Retourne by Mike Bryant

Full Lives, Empty Souls by T.M. Moore

My Father’s Cardinal by Cynthia Erlandson

Barnes’ Owl in the Snow by William Glyn-Jones

Hearts and Clouds by Roy E. Peterson

Flodden by James A. Tweedie
Evening Idyll by James A. Tweedie

In Praise of Formal Poetry by James A. Tweedie

Tango by James A. Tweedie

Mont Saint-Michel by James A. Tweedie

Essay by Michael Curtis

The Climber by Rod Walford

We Siblings Three by Randal A. Burd, Jr.

A Hunt Along the Cahaba by Gregory Ross

Speak with Kind Gentleness by Mark F. Stone

Hunting by William Conelly

Solstice Week by William Conelly

From J.S. Bach’s French Suites: An Allemande by Leo Zoutewelle (1935–2021)

Mist in the Forest by Leo Zoutewelle (1935–2021)

With Spring in Their Step by David Watt

Washington’s Grief by Alex Rubstein, high school poet

The Art Professor by Sheila Mulrooney

The Rats of Kathmandu I. and II. by Peter Hartley

Taj Mahal by Peter Hartley

There’s Much to Be Said About Swings by Janice Canerdy

O Children, Hear by Amanda Hall

The Winds of Time by David Paul Behrens

Rosarium by Benjamin Thomas Cepican

A Sonnet by Benjamin Thomas Cepican

Gratia Plena by Alexandra Guo, high school poet

Retrato de Lucía by Amaya Corbacho Martín, 2011, oil on canvas,
65 x 49.2 in. (amayacorbacho.wordpress.com)

Humility by Alexandra Guo, high school poet

Prayer Team by Peter Venable

Sonora: The Desert by John Marmaro

Peradventure Before Naptime by Denise Sobilo

On Rembrandt’s “Return of the Prodigal Son” by Brian Yapko

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1669, oil on canvas, 103.1 x 80.7 in.

To Some Other Poets by Sally Cook

Father and John: How It Once Was by Sally Cook

In Our Town by Sally Cook

Earth Song by Lawrence Fray

Shooting Star by Shari Jo LeKane

Pope Urban II Sonnet-Speech, Clermont, 1095 by Paul A. Freeman

Donald J. Trump by Evan Mantyk

Christopher Columbus by Evan Mantyk

Shisendo, Hall of the Poetry Immortals by Margaret Coats

“All Divinity Is Love or Wonder” by Cindy Hill
Winner and Runners-Up of The Society of Classical Poets 2020 Haiku

—Savannah Leahy, Competition Winner
—Rob Crisell
—Oluwasegun Oluseyi Adesina 
—Emory Jones 
—Cindy Lou Bechtold
—Sharmon Gazaway
—Patricia A. Marsh  
—Sondra Rosenberg 
—Shourya Vardhan Agarwal 
—Lucia Fisher
—Ernesto P. Santiago
—David Whippman
—Vanessa Valencia 
—Toni Newell 
—Douglas J. Lanzo
—Yvonne Longden


Peonies and Butterfly by Steven J. Levin, 2019, oil on canvas,
18 x 24 in. (stevenjlevin.com)

While Sitting by Her by Peter Hartley

Mourning Sickness by Peter Hartley

How Resolute Are the Condemned by Peter Hartley

No Longer There by Peter Hartley

Love That Lasts by James A. Tweedie

Becoming Jane by Fei Meng, painted in Photoshop with Wacom pen & tablet. (www.feimengart.com)

Endless Bloom by Angel L. Villanueva

Kindred Souls by David D. Irby

Her Petrarchan Heart by Daniel Kemper

Sonnet No. 9 by Don Kubicki

Ardor and Atoms by Andrew Benson Brown


Balanced Diet by Jacob A. Pfeiffer, 2019, oil on panel, 10 x 8 in. (jacobapfeiffer.com)

Cooking for Vegans by Joseph S. Salemi

Don’t Become the Crazy Old Cat Lady by Joseph S. Salemi

The Unknown Circle of Hell by Joseph S. Salemi

A Half-Baked Rondeau Redoublé by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Ruing Tattoos by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Wake-Up Call by C.B. Anderson

Crying Fowl by C.B. Anderson

Context Is Everything by C.B. Anderson

Embracing Polyphenols by C.B. Anderson

An Indictment of Lewis Carroll by C.B. Anderson

Our Fond Delusions by C.B. Anderson

Unexpected Visitors by Heide Presse, 2018, oil on linen panel,
24 x 18 in. (www.heidepresse.com)

Uninspired by Siri Espy

Woman Is by Don Shook

Woman Is (Also) by Anna J. Arredondo

Nothing Ventured by Anna J. Arredondo

Hollywood Interview by David Whippman

An Obituary for Common Sense by Jan Darling

Early Thaw by Anna J. Arredondo

How to Be Like Byron by Andrew Benson Brown

Rote Musings by Edward Ahern

Weight of the World by Jacob A. Pfeiffer, 2008, oil on panel,
36 x 24 in. (jacobapfeiffer.com)

If Milton Were Alive Today by Andrew Benson Brown

Editing with the OED by Maurice J. O’Sullivan

Gastro-Google Blues by Rod Walford

An Ode to Letters by Russel Winick

The Menu by Rod Walford

Outvoted by Russel Winick

Golf by Russel Winick
Puzzled by Clark Louis Gussin, 1994, oil on linen, 32 x 26 in. (clarkgussinart.com)

Losing It by Jeff Eardley

Your Memory Starts to Slip by Jeff Eardley

I Shall a Mighty Hunter Be! by E.V. Wyler

The Valley by Martin Hill Ortiz

Mary Le Cuisinier by Beverly Stock


The New Year’s Eve by Jing Wang, 2014, oil on canvas, 60 x 30 in.

The Virus and the Cure by Rob Crisell

The Odyssey of Sunny Guo by Jeff Kemper

My Son by Xiqian Dong, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 in.

To a Prisoner of Conscience by Martin Rizley

Its One Mistake by Peter Austin

Hong Kong’s Freedom Fighters by Douglas J. Lanzo

Goddess of Democracy by Oliver Chang, 2019, digital media.
(Instagram account @TempleOfTales)

The Communists Are Killing Hong Kong’s Democracy by Lu “Reed ABCs” Wei (BDW)

The Prisoners in Manacles by Lu “Reed ABCs” Wei (BDW)

Fr. Truong Buu Diep, Servant of God by Neilson Carlin, 2021,
oil on canvas. (www.neilsoncarlin.com)

Stealth Warfare by Damian Robin

A Sonnet for the Citizens by Claude Clayton Smith

On a Turtle of Broken Jade by Brian Yapko


The Madness of Nero by Eric Armusik, 2009, oil on oak, 48 x 36 in. (www.ericarmusik.com)

Feeding Time by James A. Tweedie

On Your Marx by Damian Robin

Get Set by Damian Robin

Go To Hell by Damian Robin

No Epitaph by Joe Tessitore

Son of Mario by Joe Tessitore

It’s Coming… by Joe Tessitore

On the Hijacking of Ballet by Joe Tessitore

The Omen by Eric Armusik, 2015, oil on birch, 48 x 36 in. (www.ericarmusik.com)

Georges Danton’s Ghost Counsels by Rob Crisell

A Reminder to Our Young People by Philip Keefe

Liberality by Michael Curtis
The Martyr of Equality by Isaac Cruikshank, 1793, hand-colored etching on paper, 9.6 x 8.7 in.

Chant Royal on Urban Disturbances by Margaret Coats

Bread and Circuses, Checks and Netflix by Susan Jarvis Bryant

God Knows! by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Epiphany by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Not All, But Some by James A. Tweedie

Lucrative by Rod Walford

Easter Sunday in Otara by Rod Walford

Prince Hamlet Speaks About Election Fraud by Evan Mantyk

Strange Election by Evan Mantyk

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Must Fall by Evan Mantyk

I Asked the Lord, Please Tell Me by Martin Rizley

Our Bishops, on Nov. 4, 2020 by Julian Woodruff

On Antifa, Coming to the Country by Reid McGrath

Self-Defense by Reid McGrath

The New Millennium Report: June 2020 by Crise de Abu Wel (BDW)

How Strange It Is by Brice U. Lawseed (BDW)

No Signal, Please Stand By by Lu “Reed ABCs” Wei (BDW)

A Long, Dark Winter by Usa W. Celebride (BDW)

This Luxurious Empire by Anissa Nedzel Gage


Saint Sebastian Interceding for the Plague Stricken by Josse Lieferinxe, 1497–99, oil on panel, 32.2 x 21.8 in.

Anno Domini 1348 by Brian Yapko

A Rose Is a Rose Is a Rose… by James A. Tweedie

Viral Hair Care by James A. Tweedie

Halloween, 2020 by Cynthia Erlandson

The Roll of Pandemic Poetry by Jan Darling

Mayor Rules Chocolatier “Essential Business” by Mark F. Stone

Li Wenliang (1985–2020) by Dr. Weslie Ubeca (BDW)

Remember God by Connie Phillips

Needled by Susan Jarvis Bryant

The Church is Locked on Easter Day by Benjamin Thomas Cepican

A Cut Above by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Pandemic Advice in the Style of The Greats by Susan Jarvis Bryant

Corona Fatigue by Raymond Gallucci

Quiet Hours by Heide Presse, 2012, oil on linen, 24 x 20 in. (www.heidepresse.com)

The Screen Is Life by Michael Charles Maibach

My Covid-19 Birthday Bash by Jeff Kemper
We’ll Get Through This Together by Joe Tessitore

Take Me Out to the Ball Game, 2020 by Joe Tessitore

Senryu by Joe Tessitore

Breathe Free or Die by Joe Tessitore

Arlene by Peter Austin


Laocoön and His Sons by Hagesandros, Athenedoros, and Polydoros,
marble copy found in the Baths of Trajan, 1507, after a
Hellenistic original from ca. 200 B.C., height 8 ft.

Laocoön by Adam Sedia

Legends of Liberty: Chapter 1: Invocation by Andrew Benson Brown

Andrew Benson Brown by James Stump, 2020, photograph.

Declaration of Independence, detail, by John Trumbull, 1818,
oil on canvas, 18 x 12 ft.

Canto 1: Ascent (from “The English Cantos: Volume 2: StairWell”) by James Sale

A Life I Could Not Save by Richard Lackman

Yarran and Myaree by David Watt

The Captain by Phil S. Rogers

The Vestals – Protectors of Inner Fire by Anna Wypych, 2019, oil on canvas, 27.5 x 39.5 in. (annawypych.pl)

Half a Blanket by Terry L. Norton

The Wolves and the Sheep by Terry L. Norton

The Old Man and Death by Terry L. Norton

Five Rivers to Cross by Dusty Grein


Copy of a Painting by Cornelisz De Heem by Herman Smorenburg, 2014,
oil on wood, 19.7 x 15.7 in. (www.HermanSmorenburg.com)

Portrait of God by François-René de Chateaubriand (1768–1848),
from French by Adam Sedia

To Night by José de Espronceda (1808–1842), from Spanish by Adam Sedia

Landscape by Kawabata Gyokusho, 1800, ink and color on silk, 14.4 x 11.4 in.

The Iroha Poem by Kukai 空海 (774–835), from Japanese by Francesca Leader

Hymn to Beauty by Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867), from French by Alexandra Guo

A Bridal Couple by Schwäbischer Meister, c. 1470,
tempera on wood, 24.5 x 14.3 in.

On Marital Fidelity by John Gower, from French and Latin by Margaret Coats

“From Thought to Thought, From Mountain to Mountain”
by Francesco Petrarch (1304–1374), from Italian by Steven Monte.
Meditation by Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867), from French by Joshua Mincio

Hector and Andromache by Friedrich Schiller (1759–1805),
from German by Jonathan Shoulta

In Spring by Ernst Schulze (1789–1817), from German by David B. Gosselin

The Dizi Gui弟子规 by Li Yuxiu 李毓秀 (17th-18th century),
excerpts from Chinese by Evan Mantyk


Laughing Fool possibly by Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen,
ca. 1500, oil on panel, 13.8 x 9 in.

A Smorgasbord of Craziness by Joseph S. Salemi




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3 Responses

  1. James Sale

    Thanks for this Evan – looks like another huge milestone in the progress of the SCP. Can’t wait to read it and drop a review on Amazon; but I note your advice about waiting for the price to drop – I’ll give it a month or two but then I simply must have it whatever the price!

  2. Sharmon Gazaway

    Just received my hardback copy today and am awed by its elegance and art. I’m thrilled to have my tiny haiku included among such a caliber of poets.

  3. sookdeo manansingh

    i am delighted to find this poetry site and look forward to be part of this poetry team


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