A Poem on Critical Race Theory, by James A. Tweedie The Society June 6, 2021 Culture, Deconstructing Communism, Poetry 21 Comments . Signs of the Times “Post-modern” is the “ism” of the land; Reality is hanging by a thread. Objective truth? Rejected out of hand. And God and moral absolutes are dead. Ignore what ancient wisdom had...
A Poem on Affirmative Action: ‘Unintended Consequence,’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society June 6, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . Unintended Consequence The African-American High schooler had poor grades. Folks worried for his future, Seeing little effort made. Some caring people spoke to him, And urged it would be best, If he worked...
‘A Slice’ and Other Petrarchan Sonnets by Peter Austin The Society June 5, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . A Slice from a sonnet by Eleanor Alexander For me, my friends, no graveside vigil keep, With gnashing teeth and sodden handkerchief And grievous howls of outraged disbelief That I, so virile once, am six...
What’s Writing Classical Poetry All About? The Society June 4, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry, Readings 11 Comments Originally published in The Epoch Times by James Sale Very recently, I hosted a live online poetry event for New York’s Society of Classical Poets (SCP). I introduced six American poets, of whom two were...
‘Tank Man—Remembering The Unknown Rebel’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society June 4, 2021 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 23 Comments . During the Tiananmen Square Massacre, Tank Man (his name has been reported as Wang Weilin, a 19-year-old student) was arrested for “political hooliganism.” Varying reports suggested he was either...
A Poem on the Australian Mice Plague, by Norma Pain The Society June 3, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . To the Residents Down Below I am a bookish kind of rat And like each rat before me, I’ve come to the conclusion that There’s few folks that adore me. Although I feel that this is wrong, I try to be...
‘The Birthday Rose’ by Cheryl Corey The Society June 3, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . Her birthday cake was verily a sight--- A work of art, a sugary-sweet confection, That much to all the revelers’ delight, The baker decorated to perfection. It brought a special twinkle to her eye, To...
‘Épuration’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society June 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 14 Comments . On the Greek isle of Tilos are the ruins of the sanctuary of Pythian Apollo. Over them has been built the Church of the Archangel Michael. "Now rot here on the earth that nourishes men. No longer will you...
Comments on the Decline of American Universities The Society June 2, 2021 Culture, Education, Essays, Poetry 4 Comments American historian Victor Davis Hanson and Canadian professor Jordan Peterson recently commented on the decline of American universities. Though they did not specifically mention poetry, the mainstream poetry...
‘Resist!’ by Joe Tessitore The Society June 1, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . The enemy has canceled me And yet, as far as I can see, I still exist, I am still here And so resist and have no fear. Theirs is a vile, historic curse, But this time, friends, it will be worse. There’s...
Two Poems on Old Age, by C.B. Anderson The Society June 1, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 26 Comments . Default, to a Fault There are as many deeds I ought to do As there are jobs in urgent need of doing. My task is knowing whether to pursue Them, or, too overwhelmed, to stop pursuing. As numerous as shores...