‘The Untrue Artist’ and Other Poetry by Reid McGrath The Society September 30, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 17 Comments . The Untrue Artist “The true artist will let his wife starve, his children go barefoot, his mother drudge for his living at seventy, sooner than work at anything but his art” ---George Bernard Shaw I’ve...
‘SAT Tips’: A Poem for Students by Evan Mantyk The Society September 30, 2021 Culture, Education, Poetry 16 Comments . SAT Tips Leave nothing blank, your chances are __As good as one in four; So when the end is not too far __Fill in! to raise your score. Jot notes down on the booklet page __or circle a key word. This helps...
Two Excerpts from Legends of Liberty, Chapter 5, by Andrew Benson Brown The Society September 29, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Epic, Poetry 11 Comments . from Legends of Liberty Volume 1 . The Battle of Concord By that rude bridge men formed up double file,The company from Acton in the van.Their bayonets cast beams—reverse sundialsDissecting the empire’s...
On the Infrastructure Bill and Other Poetry by James A. Tweedie The Society September 28, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 9 Comments . . The Cost of Infrastructure Our property association has Three rich folks down the street. Their houses are Much bigger than the rest, with more pizzazz, More rooms, more gadgets, and more space by...
‘My Lips Have Kissed Her’ and Other Poetry by David D. Irby The Society September 28, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 10 Comments . My Lips Have Kissed Her My lips have kissed her lips. Now I know why the timid sun arises with each day. I understand what moves the birds to fly and why the trees within the breezes sway. My lips have...
Two Poems About Penguins, by Peter Hartley The Society September 27, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 34 Comments . À La Mode In Antarctica The boffins in Antarctica are well Adapted to the climate on the ice. Among the most exclusive personnel, For stylish kit they pay a tidy price. To wow the penguins and to look their...
Video of the SCP Late Summer 2021 Poetry Reading The Society September 26, 2021 From the Society, Poetry, Readings Held on September 19, 2021, hosted by James Sale. See full poetry details below the video: https://youtu.be/57lYz8tJtjM?t=3 Featured Poets “On Antifa, Coming to the Country” by Reid McGrath “Stealth...
‘A Flood in Zhengzhou’ by Damian Robin The Society September 26, 2021 Deconstructing Communism, Human Rights in China, Poetry 11 Comments . on flooding that occurred on July 20, 2021 Each kingdom rose and then it fell; __when bad, the gods destroyed it. If you do not believe in Hell, __there’s no way you’ll avoid it. The Earth has reached...
Two Autumn Poems by Angel L. Villanueva The Society September 25, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 7 Comments . Autumn's Hand I reach across for autumn's hand, When leaves begin to ride the air, To walk amid the changing land. Though I have yet some days unplanned, And winter waits to bring her glare, I reach across...
‘Teddy Roosevelt’s Fraternity’ by Alexander King Ream The Society September 25, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 2 Comments . for DKE We know each guy, and each knows us, No big deal and no big fuss, Tabernacling through this life, Share the joy and bear the strife. So what, amid this toxic day, If one might jaunt into the...
‘It’s Fall, Y’all!’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 24, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . It’s Fall, Y’all! Autumn is here and I’m swathed in a sweater, A snug fluffy scarf and warm mittens. My Ugg-cuddled feet have never felt better; These boots are as cute as soft kittens. Autumn is...
‘In Praise of the Poet’ by James A. Tweedie The Society September 24, 2021 Beauty, Education, Poetry 17 Comments . __Of Helen, Menelaus, war, Achilles, Paris and his treachery, __Of Agamemnon, Troy, and more, I wrote the Iliad and Odyssey. __Of Saracens and Charlemagne, Of Roland and his tragic, fateful day, __Of...
‘City of Holy Faith’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society September 23, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 21 Comments . City of Holy Faith The time to weep is over. Turn away From somber matters of this sordid age And turn your pilgrim gaze to Santa Fe--- Garbed in aspen gold and desert sage. The sky’s an ever-burnished...
On the 20th Anniversary of 9/11: ‘Sonnet of September’ and Other Poetry by Christopher Matthew Thomas The Society September 22, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Terrorism 3 Comments . Sonnet of September Two thousand one eleven September, terrorists hijacked four planes in the sky. The crew, the passengers, did surrender, to those Bin Laden had sent to die. Two thousand one eleven...
‘I Don’t Know Why I Think Things Will Get Better’ by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society September 22, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . I don't know why I think things will get better. I'm always holding on to flimsy hope. I've held it since I was a young go-getter before the downward slope. Is wishful thinking printed on our genes? Before...
An Interview With Leading Poet and Petrarch Translator A.M. Juster The Society September 21, 2021 Essays, Interviews, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments A version of this interview originally appeared in The Epoch Times by Evan Mantyk A widely published translator of ancient Latin texts, a former high-ranking government bureaucrat, and an incredible poet who...
‘At Brighton Beach (July 19, 2021)’ by Paul A. Freeman The Society September 21, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 30 Comments . At Brighton Beach the seagulls fly, they soar and circle in the sky; they swoop and steal the punters’ chips amidst the backdrop’s sailing ships and underneath the sun’s sharp eye. The lockdown days...
‘Leave Our Kids Alone!’: On COVID-19 Vaccines for Children, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 20, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 27 Comments . Leave Our Kids Alone! “Fauci: Officials Will Decide on COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation for Children Aged 5 to 11 Soon” ---Epoch Times Headline 9/20/2021 The mask is off. Come see the twisted...
‘Taking Flight’ by David Watt The Society September 20, 2021 Love Poems, Poetry 19 Comments . The relentless rain sought to admonish those creatures who dared venture out. The wind carried a sorrowful message, determined to generate doubt. A less desperate man would have faltered on reaching that...
‘We Return’ by Christian J. Weaver The Society September 19, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 4 Comments . Raise your quill to the sky like a madman’s harpoon— Super tempered in blood and the blackest of wine Is the blade of our mania, flashing and white As a lightning bolt fresh from the night. Raise your...
‘Biden Blues’ for the 4th Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom, by Jack DesBois The Society September 19, 2021 Culture, Music, Poetry 24 Comments . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhNIScHrUOM&t=4s . Biden Blues When I was just a kid,I’d shout and I’d refuse.My mama taught me, be polite,Taught me the words to use:No thank you, Joe; no thank you,...
‘El Chapo’ and ‘Jack the Hat’ by Jeff Eardley The Society September 18, 2021 Humor, Poetry 24 Comments . El Chapo El Chapo was a criminal, a very nasty bloke. A dealer in Amphetamines, along with Crack and Coke. He plied his trade in Mexico, where guns and drugs are rife. He made a pile of money and enjoyed the...
‘California Wildfires’ to the Tune of ‘California Dreamin,’ by Margaret Coats The Society September 17, 2021 Culture, Humor, Music, Poetry 25 Comments . California Wildfires to the tune of “California Dreamin’” All her landscape bronzed, Her breezes ashen gray, What can Cali dream on, Despoiled and rechauffée? Never safe, too sultry In her disarray ....
‘Cancel Madame Butterfly’ by Brian Yapko The Society September 17, 2021 Culture, Humor, Performing Arts, Poetry, Villanelle 29 Comments . Cancel Madame Butterfly today! Such racist music cannot soothe the soul. Let’s never show another hate-filled play. The King and I must also cause dismay Since white composers can’t know ethnic...
‘The Lyme Brain’s Refrain’ and Other Poetry by Jack DesBois The Society September 16, 2021 Children's, Culture, Humor, Poetry 14 Comments . The Lyme Brain’s Refrain, or At the Cupboard What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I, what am I, what am I doing? I’m doing something—something I’m doing— But what am I, what am I, what am I...
Complete the poem: ‘The Tyranny of Fear and Lies…’ The Society September 15, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Poetry Contests 47 Comments This challenge comes from New York poet Joe Tessitore. He asks you to use the following couplet in a poem. Post your version in the comments section below: . How very much do I despise The tyranny of fear...
‘Oh No… UFOs’ by Mike Bryant The Society September 14, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 21 Comments . "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ---H.L....
‘Regrets and Repercussions’ by Peter Hartley The Society September 13, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 27 Comments . Regrets and Repercussions Inconsequential are the things we do Sometimes, or things we don’t, we don’t know why. So will we wonder far too late and sigh To think that if we knew we could undo The past...
A Poem on Vaccine Mandates: ‘Freedom Blighters’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 12, 2021 Covid-19, Culture, Humor, Poetry 49 Comments . “Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” ---C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology It’s said that life’s a bitch and...
On An Australian Desert Town: ‘The Station View Itch’ by David Watt The Society September 12, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 16 Comments . Where meagre rains are tinted red From dust the Western winds have borne, The publican to stranger said: “We’re fortunate that here is shorn A class of wool unique in hue— The pre-dyed fleece of...
A Poem for Sept. 11, 2021: ‘Twenty Years’ by James A. Tweedie The Society September 11, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Terrorism 6 Comments . Twenty years . . . So long ago as that? When fantasy became reality And falling human bodies turned to splat. Death in living color on TV. Maxwell’s silver hammer coming down On our collective metaphoric...
Poetry for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 11, 2021 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau, Terrorism 24 Comments . Heroes Where are they now---the bold who brave The choke of smoke to ways that pave The path to breath beneath wide skies? Where are the ears that hear the cries Of souls they fight death’s bite to...
Two Literary Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society September 10, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Education, Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . A Summary of Oedipus the King by Sophocles, and Notes This play, no doubt to Sophocles’ surprise, When first performed took only Second Prize. Summary King Oedipus of Thebes, both good and wise— Or...
‘Future Shock’ and Other Poetry by S.A. Todd The Society September 9, 2021 Culture, Poetry 7 Comments . Future Shock Our newfound World is happy, calm and clean The human factor, countered by machine. Where every thought is carefully processed and value to the Groupthink goals assessed. All individuality,...
‘The World’s Greatest Love’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society September 8, 2021 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 13 Comments . from Eternal Spring Once upon a time in space God contrived the human race, Gave two things to help us cope: One was love, the other hope. Man was destined for a fall, But love sustained him after all. When...
Musings on Dali’s ‘Christ of St. John of the Cross,’ by Peter Hartley The Society September 7, 2021 Art, Beauty, Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 18 Comments . I This crucifixion hides the anguish. Racked With pain, belied by bloodless hands and feet; Intolerable torments, they compete As muscles in that arching back contract. His hanging head forestalls all eye...
‘A Black Swan in Tiananmen Square’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 6, 2021 Culture, Poetry 28 Comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw5AJQgDeQQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt . What can it mean---this swan of black? What cryptic codes must eggheads crack? What will this ebon-feathered thing Of beauty...
‘On Lonely Paths’ and Other Poetry by Martin Rizley The Society September 6, 2021 Beauty, Poetry 9 Comments . On Lonely Paths On lonely paths I like to walk, beneath pure azure skies, Where white clouds stretch like streaks of chalk, and one lone eagle flies; I watch him gliding overhead and feel as blithe and...
The 21 Best Haiku of 2021 The Society September 5, 2021 Beauty, Best Poems, From the Society, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry, Poetry Contests 43 Comments Winner and Runners-up of the Society of Classical Poets 2021 Haiku Competition Judged by Margaret Coats (see her remarks below) See all entrants here. . WINNER . Fog enshrouds the nightWoven in the heavy...
In Memory of Sean Howard: A Poem by James A. Tweedie The Society September 5, 2021 Beauty, Covid-19, Poetry 9 Comments . Sean who passed away this week in Honolulu, Hawaii Although there are a few who’ll grieve and mourn, Who’ll celebrate his life and then move on, The unexpected loss will be hard borne By those who called...