‘Heartfelt Baptism’ and Other Poetry by Mike Ruskovich The Society October 7, 2021 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 3 Comments . Heartfelt Baptism The morning rain that washes this day clean of yesterday's despair, of last night's sleep, and promises to turn the pastures green by falling gently, penetrating deep, is waking spring in...
‘Why Freedom Had to Die’: A Song by Jack DesBois The Society October 6, 2021 Covid-19, Humor, Music, Poetry, Song Lyrics, Video 3 Comments . https://youtu.be/ErwnJkA4G68 inspired by a T-shirt at a Boston freedom rally You may be wondering why Freedom had to die. You may be wondering why Freedom had to die. If you were wondering why Freedom had...
‘Olio Bergoglio’ by Julian Woodruff The Society October 6, 2021 Culture, Poetry 11 Comments . on “Pope Francis’ Plans will ‘destroy’ contemplative life: Franciscan friar” Here’s a question: What’s it to the pope how cloistered nuns hear Mass? Is there no hope, for those who love the...
‘A Pantoum of Wager’ and Other Poetry by Leland James The Society October 6, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Pantoum, Poetry 1 Comment . A Pantoum of Wager God said to Satan: Have you seen my servant Job, a man who fears God and shuns evil. Satan replied: You’ve bought him with blessings. Take them away and he’ll spit in your eye. God...
‘In Love’s Counting House’ by Charles d’Orléans (1394–1465), translated by Margaret Coats The Society October 5, 2021 Chant Royal, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry, Translation 19 Comments . In Love's Counting House by Charles d’Orléans (1394–1465) One day I asked my heart to heed A claim for pay that I commended, And we in secret soon agreed That he would tell, for pains expended In risky...
‘Regret Hangs on Where Opportunity Once Existed’ by Richard Buchanan The Society October 4, 2021 Beauty, Humor, Love Poems, Poetry 17 Comments . Regret Hangs on Where Opportunity Once Existed There are lots of sad words we lament with such ease,But there’s none any sadder and mournful than these:I regret my decisions, and wish to go backTo that Y...
‘How Long Will It Last?’: A Haiku and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore The Society October 3, 2021 Beauty, Haiku and Senryu, Poetry 8 Comments . Haiku How long will it last? Butterflies are in decline. Monarch flutters past. . . Nevermore (and Somewhat Less) Beside a little country church, The ravens on the gravestones perch To do, not what you...
Poetry Challenge: Write a Tetra-Pentameter Poem The Society October 2, 2021 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 54 Comments Write a rhyming poem that works as either ten lines of tetrameter or eight lines of pentameter. Post it in the comments section below. This challenge comes from poet Paul Erlandson who learned of it some time...
‘The Shepherd Who Remained in the Fields’ and Other Poetry by Duane Caylor The Society October 2, 2021 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . The Shepherd Who Remained in the Fields I had to stay behind to watch the flocks,a sentry against lions, bears, wolves, thieves,and other dangers slouching through the rocksand hills. No matter how much...
White House Nursery Rhymes: ‘The Case Against Humpty Dumpty’ by Roy E. Peterson The Society October 1, 2021 Culture, Humor, Poetry 11 Comments . August 31, 2021 Humpty Dumpty looked at the wallHumpty Dumpty said “This must fall.”Mexican cartels, yes rapists and thugs,Cross now with ease and sold Humpty his drugs. Humpty Dumpty left a long...