

Complete poem text here.

Poetry: Alan Nordstrom (1939-)
Audio/Visual Work: Society of Classical Poets
Voice-Over: Evan Mantyk
“Milky Way with Tree” by Videvo, licensed under Videvo’s Royalty-Free License (videvo.net)
“Valley Sunset” by Alejandro Magaña (A. M.) licensed under the Mixkit Stock Music Free License (mixkit.co)
Sound FX:
“Crickets and insects in the wild ambience” by Mixkit under Mixkit free license



Alan Nordstrom, now retired, was a Professor of English at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

4 Responses

    • Damian Robin

      Thank you for this link, Sandi.

      And thank you, Alan Nordstrom, for such an insightful, elegant, profound and yet simple poem and for the other revelatory poems in a similar vein and the commentary on them on your NOETRY page.

      And thanks Evan and company for the fine video.

  1. Paul Freeman

    ‘There’s none we find more wondrous than we.’

    I like it. Well done, Alan.


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