A Poem for Mardi Gras Travelers, by Ben Broussard The Society February 28, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Memento, Homo… "There is no architecture in New Orleans, except in the cemeteries." —Mark Twain If we should go to New Orleans We’ll see our share of raucous scenes At Mardi Gras soirees and balls With...
‘The Poem that Built a Nation: Finland and the Kalevala’: An Essay by Adam Sedia The Society February 28, 2022 Culture, Epic, Essays, Poetry 13 Comments . The Poem that Built a Nation: Finland and the Kalevala by Adam Sedia Nowhere perhaps is the power of poetry more apparent than in its ability to unite a culture---literally to build a nation. Homer’s epics...
‘Trudeau’s Canada’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society February 27, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 17 Comments . Trudeau’s Canada Jab them all, Big and small. Small are buffer And must suffer. No opinions, Little minions. Cover traces Of their faces, With a mask, Do not ask. Issue orders Across borders. What the...
‘Beneath the Tide’ and Other Pacific Northwest Shoreline Poems by James A. Tweedie The Society February 27, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Beneath the Tide The tidal basin ebbs and flows each dayAs if it were a sentient, breathing thing—A pas de deux, a moon-dance interplay—As time and space, in silence, sway and swing. As like a fraying...
‘Salieri on Mozart’ by Brian Yapko The Society February 26, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Music, Poetry 26 Comments . Salieri on Mozart More wine, Signore... Should I say mein Herr? I know! French cognac. Spirits help me share Dark thoughts. Now listen. I take one full year To pen these operas Kaiser Josef lauds; Then you...
Share Your Poetry on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine The Society February 26, 2022 Culture, Poetry 245 Comments . Many poets have been sending in poetry on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Post your poetry directly...
‘Spring’ by Morrison Handley-Schachler The Society February 26, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 2 Comments . Spring The Spring is coming and each day Earlier falls dawn’s curtain grey Before the star-enchanted world Where, in each other’s limbs fast curled, As Venus, our directrix, bade, In many acts our masque...
‘From the Tower’ by Francisco de Quevedo, Translated by Elwin Wirkala The Society February 25, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Translation 6 Comments . From the Tower by Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645) | translated from Spanish by Elwin Wirkala Retired to these deserts and at peace, and with but few, though learnèd, books beside, I live conversing now...
‘Because He Could Not Jump’ adapted from Lewis Carroll’s ‘The Pig’ by Beverly Stock The Society February 25, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 7 Comments . Poem Introduction Lewis Carroll (who lived 1832-1898 and was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was a master at humorous wordplay and making the illogical logical. His accomplishments as an English writer of...
‘The Pear Pit’ by Leland James The Society February 24, 2022 Children's, Humor, Poetry 8 Comments . The Pear Pit I fell into a pear pitupon a summer’s day.I fell into a pear pitand whiled the time away. How sad will be the hunter,as sad as he can be,finding not a pitted pearbut finding only...
‘Come Winter, Come’ by Cheryl Corey The Society February 23, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 12 Comments . Come Winter, Come Come Winter, come. Lay this body down to rest. A squalling wind is blowing, north by northwest; __And every tree a bower __In Nature’s darkest hour, __And every creature deep __In...
A Poem for the CDC: ‘Unsettled’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 22, 2022 Culture, Poetry 40 Comments . Unsettled written upon reading of the CDC refusing to publish data on booster effectiveness I’m niggled and nettled. The science is settled __Yet fails to make sense or equate. My mind is left addled when...
A Love Sonnet by Alena Casey The Society February 22, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 2 Comments . When words are sharp, and clash like iron blades, I swallow swords. I grimace, turn away. You fear I wield a shield, that love will fade, That wordless I our promises betray. Yet iron sharpens iron, I have...
A Poem on Criselda Vasquez’s ‘New American Gothic,’ by Bruce Dale Wise The Society February 21, 2022 Culture, Ekphrastic, Poetry 22 Comments . A Working Man and Wife “…aware of the humanity on the other side of the door.” ---Criselda Vasquez They stand before some distant trees, on pavement, amber, gray,a three-door cargo van, a...
‘Bluer Skies’ and Other Poetry by Norma Pain The Society February 20, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry, The Environment 20 Comments . Bluer Skies after Ogden Nash Spring ain’t sprung, the grass ain’t growed, The fields ain’t fit for man nor toad. They tell us that the world is warmin’, ‘Pears to me the world is stormin’. Snow...
Poetry for the Canadian Trucker Protest, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 19, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Rondeau, Villanelle 25 Comments . Shining Armor The knights roll in. They have a rift to heal--- A rift that stokes the embers of despair. With grit they steer their trusty steeds of steel. They come in peace to seal a vital deal With he...
‘Everlasting’: A Blank Verse Poem by C.B. Anderson The Society February 19, 2022 Blank Verse, Culture, Humor, Poetry 13 Comments . Everlasting I must admit, when I arrived in Hell I was surprised. Not, as you might surmise, Because I never reckoned it was real— And surely not because I thought I’d led A sinless life—but owing to...
‘Music of the Contours’ by Phillip Whidden The Society February 19, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Shape Poems 8 Comments . Music of the Contours part of "A Double Unfinished Symphony" sonnet sequence The way that curls sway lovelier than straight, ..And curving strands of gold set pearls in grace, ....That nuns' bow necks to...
‘The Ugly Child’ by Anna J. Arredondo The Society February 18, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 18 Comments . The Ugly Child Some poems “hit the spot” and please the crowd--- Relatable, well-crafted, poignant, funny--- They beg to be perused, reread aloud; They squeeze tears from the low, perk up the sunny. Some...
‘Gift for the Living’ by David Watt The Society February 18, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 15 Comments . Gift for the Living The life that he led is a memory now, Subjugated by settled existence, With old hunting grounds bearing the imprint of plough And a musket ball hail for resistance— Certain death the...
‘Nuclear Fusion’ by Jeff Eardley The Society February 17, 2022 Humor, Poetry, Science 9 Comments . Nuclear Fusion written upon hearing of the UK's recent fusion energy breakthrough Those white-coated boffins in England, Have been toiling for years, so it seems. To harness the power of Fusion, As the...
‘God’s M.O.’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society February 17, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . God’s M.O. One hundred thousand people at the game, And half might pray to God: “Let my team win!” While for the other team folks pray the same. If I was God it might make my head spin, But that’s...
A Triolet for Joe Rogan, by J.J. Charles The Society February 16, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Triolet 3 Comments . A Triolet I promise not to be the coward Who says "I’m sorry" to Big Tech While Joe Rogan’s overpowered. I promise not to be the coward Who can’t be brave, who can’t go forward; Our tweets are...
‘Flying Home’ by Michael Charles Maibach The Society February 16, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . Flying Home Alas, I missed My flight back Home, After all these years In life I've roamed. I had then raced To make my flight, I thought I had My timing right. But there before My startled eyes The clouds...
‘Reflections on a Visit to Salem’ by Brian Yapko The Society February 15, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 30 Comments . Reflections on a Visit to Salem I wander down a haunted, cobbled street And watch the sun rise red above the sea. The maple leaves have turned to red as well. October’s come and Salem is replete With...
‘The H.R. Manager’s Toilet Break’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society February 15, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . The H.R. Manager's Toilet Break At ten-fifteen he sits upon His porcelain panopticon And stares into his tiny screen. He clears his bowels and fills his spleen With bile he milks from boundless...
‘You’re In Control’ by Adam Wasem The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 6 Comments . You’re In Control In all, you’re in control; your imperious charms Have inspired a near-insatiable itch in my arms To reach and grasp and hold, in hopes to soothe, To bring our fire and ice together to...
‘Tonight I Sail the Dreamy Sea’ and Other Love Poems by Roy E. Peterson The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 12 Comments . Tonight I Sail the Dreamy Sea Tonight I sail the dreamy sea Where we can find tranquility. The sails are set. The sea remote. Just you and I within the boat. I’ll sail to you and pick you up; Then we can...
‘I’m Here’ by Mike Bryant The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 25 Comments . I’m Here __Your smile, it hypnotizes. It rises with the Inca doves and sun. __Sleep done, your love surprises And spices dawn with lush and precious fun. __Your widened eyes are fashioned In passion that...
A Valentine from Geoffrey Chaucer, Margaret Coats, and James A. Tweedie The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Chaucer, Culture, Love Poems, Music, Poetry, Readings, Rondel, Translation, Video 21 Comments . https://youtu.be/3XWcnISYGSE . Rondel for Saint Valentine's Day by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1340–1400) | modernized in the original lyric form by Margaret Coats Now welcome, springtime, with your gentle...
‘An Oldie’s Valentine Love Poem’ by Jeff Eardley The Society February 14, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry 9 Comments . An Oldie's Valentine Love Poem We met when she was seventeen, The fairest maid I’d ever seen. With eyes of blue and flaxen hair, My mouth agape, I had to stare, And wonder, if a girl like she, Would ever...
A Valentine: ‘To a Girl Named Olivia’ by Joseph S. Salemi The Society February 13, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Love Poems, Poetry 19 Comments . To a Girl Named Olivia What shall I say to you of untold love In this more than empty space that lies between Our two selves wound in tongue-tied reticence? I have touched your hand in images and dreams, As...
‘Aspects of Love’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society February 13, 2022 Culture, Love Poems, Pantoum, Poetry, Rondeau Redoublé 35 Comments . Aspects of Love . I. Unrequited a rondeau redoublé Tonight, my eyes are open and aware. The kiss I trusted was a lustful lie. I’m letting go of love that isn’t there. My heart holds dreams no...
‘Where Did I Lose My Mind?’ by Richard Buchanan The Society February 13, 2022 Humor, Poetry 9 Comments . Where Did I Lose My Mind? I just found my glasses on top of my head. My iPhone had dropped to the floor from my bed. The car keys I lost were much harder to find. Oh, where in the world did this fool lose...
‘Road Trip’: A Villanelle by Evan Mantyk The Society February 12, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 26 Comments . Road Trip I ride the countryside for you my friend. The white and yellow lines can’t separate The dots I will connect at this trip’s end. With spinning force that pushes on the bend Until the highway...
A Poem for Ethan Gutmann, by Damian Robin The Society February 11, 2022 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 4 Comments . As a Matter of Course for Ethan Gutmann, pioneer in investigating organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party Of course, you are a wanted man __on Party databases— So too are you a wanted man __by...
A Poem on Doping in the Olympics, by James A. Tweedie The Society February 10, 2022 Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . At What Cost? In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: A righteous man perishing in his righteousness, And a wicked man living long in his...
‘No Going Back’ and Other Poetry by Peter Hartley The Society February 10, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 10 Comments . No Going Back We feel our lives are slowly closing round Us when the nights grow longer than the days, When winter brings us sadness and malaise, And all around us is a chill profound. Across the moss the...
‘A Note to Karen’ by C.B. Anderson The Society February 9, 2022 Humor, Poetry 20 Comments . A Note to Karen It’s been a bumpy ride, With bruises long endured By both the groom and bride. At last, my heart is cured Of you, and I am much Obliged that you agree Our lives should never touch Again,...
‘Bottle Battle Blues’ by Mark F. Stone The Society February 9, 2022 Humor, Poetry 10 Comments . Bottle Battle Blues When baby cries (as does his ilk), I pacify my son with milk. One day the milk would not pass through the nipple as it ought to do. I think the bottle bore a grudge. That liquid clot...