Ukrainian National Guard soldiers training.Russo-Ukrainian War Poetry: Share Yours Here The Society March 29, 2022 Culture, Poetry 35 Comments . Share your poetry on currently unfolding Russo-Ukrainian war in the comments section below. We received a large response on our first post of poetry on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, and poets are still actively submitting on this topic, so here is your chance again to share your poetry. Please don’t repost any poems from the previous post. . . . 35 Responses BDW March 29, 2022 In Chernihiv, March 3rd, 2022 Radice Lebewsu “Lips that would kiss/ Form prayers to broken stone” —T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men” A soldier hears the howling wind. A missile hits the ground. He rushes from the makeshift camp to reach the heavy sound. With hawk-like eyes, he sees the withered grass and broken street. His cold heart melts. In army boots, his run is fast and fleet. No sooner than he comes to where the former bread line was, he has arrived there on his feet, that dead and dying place. He looks back where that vulture flew into that hungry crowd, but in harsh silence it is now a leaden kind of loud. The hung sun shines among no pines, a thousand miles of clouds. Below the heaved and heavy concrete slabs, and dozens down. Reply Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 I read that story about an older gentleman who was killed by Russian gunfire as he stood in line to get bread for a female companion who had a medical condition and he helped her out. Was that your inspiration here? Reply Mia March 30, 2022 There have been many wars and We believe that some are worse, We seem to pick and choose, But as long as we remain immune We wring our hands and remain mute, Whilst struggling to comprehend Why innocent children die, for such Obviously evil and meaningless lies. We attempt to reassure ourselves That this tragedy could never happen, Here, at home, for we are certain Somewhere far away is where This unleashing of evil takes place. So it was with shock I heard one say A studious man at that, that those Who die brutally in the Ukraine, Must be because they did wrong, It’s karma from the past, a debt They had to pay from previous lives Of slaughter they took part in! What a thought, well perhaps that’s Why Armageddon’s not far off. Yet if reincarnation is believed Then why does an omnipotent God Send us here repeatedly to fail? Does He relish the drama and the play With the whole world His stage Or does He sit alone and cry, knowing That all will eventually come to see Him, Yet again full of regrets, for another Wasted life not lived as He intends. Reply Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 Mia, in the 2d stanza, line 3 needs correction as the word “the” appears twice. Reply Mike Bryant April 1, 2022 Fixed Mia April 1, 2022 Thank you both. I find screens a bit of a pain but still I stay and read.. Mia April 1, 2022 I posted without finishing, I mean until I see double! Evan Mantyk March 30, 2022 Limerick Prince Putin reads history books And knows how an empire looks, So he puts up a fight Feeling might makes him right As he takes all the pawns with his rooks. Reply Mia March 31, 2022 After reading this I now find myself thinking of Putin as Prince Putin and it will not leave my head. Always the mark of a great rhyme is how it stays with you I think. Prince Putin the Emperor and rogue Unleashed war and terror He fell into a trap, For it was all in the plan To leave him without any clothes. What do you think, or should I shut the doorange on it now (still one of my favourite phrases) Reply Evan Mantyk April 2, 2022 Mia, the Emperors New Clothes allusion could be a perfect rejoinder to my limerick. Good idea! Mia April 3, 2022 Yes, it was the word empire in your limerick that made me think of Putin as an emperor and then the rest followed. Thank you. One of the reasons I like SCP, it is inspirational. Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 When Hitler invaded Sudetenland, The West didn’t make a stand. A bully—yes; but he had clout. We all know how that turned out. Today it’s Russia’s Putin—“Vlad”. He’s not just bad—he’s very bad. The senseless, indiscriminate slaughter Has led to lack of food and water. Women, children, Christians, Jews; Every day it’s in the news. He is what he is, and that’s that. Vladmir Putin’s a piece of scat. Reply Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 I. Hitler His pretext was to save the Czechs, The German-speakers among the Poles. Western leaders gave him heck, But Hitler had ambitious goals. He sensed the weakness of the West, And cursed the Treaty of Versailles; Took his chances, beat his chest, And gave the West a big black eye. He dared to dream the dream of old, The glories of a past empire; One by one he watched them fold, As Western cities blazed with fire. II. Putin He fancies himself a czar like Peter the Great, A man of destiny and greater fate. So when he heard that Ukraine might join NATO, It went against his fundamental credo. He focused on the Russians in Luhansk, And then decided it was worth the risk Because of what he saw as an affinity, Historical connection, and consanguinity. To hell with the Accord of Budapest. I’ll take not just the east but all the rest! While Western thinkers thought—a small incursion; At least, that was the stated White House version; Putin’s forces massed along the border And threatened to destroy the world order. And just like Hitler, now he bombs the people, From Kherson to Lviv to Mariupol. Reply Mia March 30, 2022 To put an end to war they had a summit in Turkey, Attended by those seeking peace and prosperity. They tried to broker a deal to end the pain Of bombs and bloodshed in the Ukraine. Understandably Putin could not attend But he tasked his envoys not to return Until they learned how President Erdogan does, What he, President Putin can’t, Get away with it so much that is, All with a sleight of hand. Reply Patricia Redfern April 1, 2022 I agree. Reply Damian Robin April 2, 2022 Two Wishes My mind is addled My knees are knocked My sensible statements Go off half-cocked I wish that I could Change my brain I wish the Russians Weren’t in Ukraine Reply Mike Bryant April 2, 2022 Eight years ago Nigel knew The villain was The damned EU. Reply Paul Freeman April 3, 2022 Farage, I think, is still around, he isn’t buried in the ground like journalists opposing Vlad, all poisoned or shot in the head, or in a gulag doing time, in a cold Siberian clime. Mike Bryant April 3, 2022 Hunter, too, is still around, he isn’t buried in the ground like journalists opposing Vlad. Vlad Zelensky’s sent a scad of freedom lovers straight to jail, May all dictators go to hell. Anon April 3, 2022 The outrage is clear, on both sides; But honestly who would have thought That if you rattle the cage of a proud, Prickly bear he would wake up and roar. That to take Ukraine into NATO, Putin Would think it disrespectful and fatal For his nation, was well understood. It did look like goading, to Putin of course, As he has always been vocal in disputing Ukraine’s democratic right to wave The flag of NATO by his front door. Sadly he doesn’t see the alliance as Peaceful, or one that adheres to reason, Or one that does not go to war unless It is to topple tyrants, bring down titans, Or to eliminate weapons of mass Destruction and win hearts and minds, Through war. What’s more the braggart Doesn’t believe all thirty members of The alliance are all democratic, philanthropic Guardians of peace. After all, in his view, Some in Nato have got away with genocide, Invading and annexing without a single Sanction. So now the angry, misguided Russki has really become fractious, for he is A despot, so democracy means hypocrisy To him, despite clear and fact checked Evidence to the contrary. The upside of this though, for every cloud Has a silver lining, is that now a certain Man in London is grinning his customary, Cheshire Cat grin, for Putin now wears The crown, of war – mongering clown and Our man in London is breathing a sigh Of relief. But that’s how it is, all’s fair In love and war, old sport; whoever said that We gave them the rope so they might hang Themselves, is seriously misguided. We are not To blame for the Ukraine, we’ve even sent them Tanks, I mean, tons of help for heavens sake. Reply Mike Bryant April 3, 2022 The Two Bad Vlads (Yes, Russia and Ukraine are BOTH dictatorships, despite what you’ve heard.) Putin is an ass, it’s plain to see. Ukraine IS a fake democracy. Zelensky, though, is tight with Hunter’s dad, They’re in the Bio Weapons Business – BAD. So Putin’s got Xi in his dirty pocket. Zelensky’s got the West and all our rockets! Let’s send more weapons, tanks and troops, WHOOOPIE!! Yessiree! Let’s set off World War III. E.U. sells ARMS, just like the USA. Too bad, there will be no one left to pay. Reply Damian Robin April 5, 2022 Right Mike, liftin’ up the tarpaulin on somethin’ appalin’. Your words remind me of Arlo Guthrie’s song ” And it’s one, two. three, What’re we fightin’ for? Don’ ask me, A don’t give a damn, Next stop is Viet Nam. And it’s five six, seven, Open those pearly gates, Ain’t got time t’ wonder why, WHOOOPIE!! We’re all gonna die!!” Reply Mike Bryant April 5, 2022 Yeah, Damian… I can remember hearing that one on the radio. Mike Bryant April 4, 2022 Zelenskyy on the Nazi Azov Battalion: “They are what they are. They were defending our country … They are component of the Ukrainian military.” Hmmmm… should we REALLY be sending weapons to these Nazis???? Reply Damian Robin April 5, 2022 Greeting Card Lyric: Old Russian Soldier An old Russian soldier, blistered and grizzled, Gazed at his foe as the war rain drizzled, And wondered what hit him, to his surprise, And wondered what flashed, before his eyes, And wondered in vain, as his old life fizzled. Reply Damian Robin April 5, 2022 Greeting Card Lyric: My Major Son When you were at Uni, My wee bony boy, Your life was much simpler, No troops to deploy, No buttons or bombs, No targets to smash, No homes to avoid, No dead men to stash. O my sweet boy, How life was more sure, No enemy to kill, No crack attack corps, No flak-fire reprisal, No reactive show, More chance of survival, You could have said ‘No’. Reply Mike Bryant April 7, 2022 What is happening to America’s reputation in the world because of Biden’s bioweapon labs and other financial interests in Ukraine? Interesting article. Reply BDW April 11, 2022 At a Train Station in the City by Radice Lebewsu “FOR THE CHILDREN” —on a Russian rocket missile The bodies wait to exit this war’s crematorium, but these will not be leaving from that auditorium. They lie upon the ground below no Tower of the Stork, like petals fallen from a dead, black bough in Kramatorsk. If one goes higher, one can see the Sun about to set, Kazennyi Torets River en route to the long Donets, and if one goes yet even higher, maybe one can see a thousand miles away…such fine and lovely scenery. But here they’re getting ready for the coming Russian troops, the onslaught of the innocents continues forth, forsooth. Reply Dominic D'Souza April 12, 2022 I recently returned to my home in the US after helping my step daughter and children along with her sister in law and child cross into Poland from Ukraine. I ultimately got them settled with help from a friend, in Switzerland. My families are from Sumy, to the East of Ukraine. During my flights home, I wrote the three short poems. I’m sure they may have some technical issues, but I thought they may be worthy of sharing. Here is one of the poems: Relief from the Catastrophe I saw a lot But I really saw nothing I felt a lot But I really felt nothing Consider my home, your home No longer The sound of thunder The flash of lightening Now we must flee We live our lives We fight our daily battles But darkness consumes the fragile peace Thunder and lightening From men who would be gods And so the journey begins To uncertainty, perhaps hope For our children For each other The obligation overwhelms us I saw a woman Clothes somehow reflecting her tiredness She had no shoes Her feet were swollen So she continued, obliged to hope Why must we feel this? It is not our catastrophe We are distant We are safe But we are them, so we must feel To touch a hand To feel a smile This is the gift They can receive Relief, from the catastrophe So brave, so proud They are more than us They are who we can be We are in darkness But they bring us light Reply Damian Robin May 13, 2022 Thank you, Dominic, for these reflections from direct experience of family trauma, with their glimmering hope, Reply Vyacheslav April 19, 2022 Devil’s strengths Bathing in the blood every 4 years for Putin is a great holiday, then he starts enslaving people, destroy houses and simply runaway, and it doesn’t matter if today is Monday or Sunday, from missiles, You do not hide in the subway. Black grace cherishes devilish selfishness, nothing will stop his aggressiveness, an only force acts against force, my mission to find and destroy an evil source. Reply Damian Robin May 13, 2022 Greeting Card Lyric: Soldier Boy A splattered soldier on the edge of camp, camouflaged in worry, dust, and damp. He runs up blowup tanks like boarding ramps, to where an outline of his unit cramps. A city camp of brazen brick, charred wood, and clothes all greasy green, with burns and blood. He hopes there will be respite in this crash of walls and soldier bone and shell-shot ash. His heavy helmet like a flowerpot of lumped ceramic plonked on hair root rot. His mouth is grinding teeth and army grit, dry except for slugs of phlegm and spit. He’s been living on adrenaline. It’s kept him going with a will to win, and lust for arms of Russian ration tins, and leaps towards where victory begins. Reply Alan S Jeeves May 26, 2022 A Rust-Covered Sword _I_ You may assail me with your Kazak blade Then, in a single moment, I am gone; In the darkness of the daylight I go, My heart beats its last and I am no more And you praise your combat skill and prowess (Your smile is a wry smile, a soldier’s smile) But my tears form raindrops before I die That rise to heaven where they are welcomed And rain lasts forever (and one day too) Then, the sword shall be rusted and futile. _II_ Yet, my pen is of gold, tarnishing not, And it strikes at your soul and speaks the truth For, its words will live for two thousand years (As the words of Jesus are heard today) So, you seize my pencil to snap in two Though, I hone both halves to write with each hand: Now, your tears pointlessly fall to the ground Where, there, they dry and are lost for all time. A fresh drop of rain will wash them away, I know it will come – the raindrop is me. Reply Alan S Jeeves July 13, 2022 NIGHTMARE OF THE EASTERN WIND Prologue In the end, the bitter end, he who orders the death and destruction of another nation shall, himself, sleep the sleep of the vanquished. I Dead mouths of many dreams that sing and sigh And call out feebly in the midst of night Calling, fearsome as their bleak wanton cry And frighting, as the unthinkable fright Until the dark of their plight passes by. II For, cold are the eyes that slumber in fear And cold is the heart of the soul that sleeps And sour is the taste of the sleeper’s tear And dire are the many secrets he keeps For, wild is the scream that seeps in his ear. III The ruler of tracts o’er the eastern lands Where red is the sky and black are the days And burned are the souls the ruler commands As flaming night comes and flaming night stays So, then a nation betrays at his hands. IV Nothing is priceless or free of its cost And value is learned when payment is due For, battles are won though, wars can be lost, (Battles are many yet, victories few) And dead mouths sound as a new dream is tossed. Epilogue Sleep heavy and sleep long as you are, at last, held to account for your sins. Payment shall be heavy and long and shall last for eternity. Reply Martin Mc Carthy August 8, 2022 The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has never denounced the actions of Vladimir Putin. In fact, he is at the core of his ambitions. Do God and killing and the agenda of a dictator all go together? For me, it simply doesn’t add up, so I wrote this poem about it. God’s Dictator ‘A just and holy war.’ But war for what? To kill…to take what others have got? To do God’s bidding at any length… to invoke his might and strength? To bomb everything, every house and steeple, and never see that God is for all people. 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BDW March 29, 2022 In Chernihiv, March 3rd, 2022 Radice Lebewsu “Lips that would kiss/ Form prayers to broken stone” —T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men” A soldier hears the howling wind. A missile hits the ground. He rushes from the makeshift camp to reach the heavy sound. With hawk-like eyes, he sees the withered grass and broken street. His cold heart melts. In army boots, his run is fast and fleet. No sooner than he comes to where the former bread line was, he has arrived there on his feet, that dead and dying place. He looks back where that vulture flew into that hungry crowd, but in harsh silence it is now a leaden kind of loud. The hung sun shines among no pines, a thousand miles of clouds. Below the heaved and heavy concrete slabs, and dozens down. Reply
Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 I read that story about an older gentleman who was killed by Russian gunfire as he stood in line to get bread for a female companion who had a medical condition and he helped her out. Was that your inspiration here? Reply
Mia March 30, 2022 There have been many wars and We believe that some are worse, We seem to pick and choose, But as long as we remain immune We wring our hands and remain mute, Whilst struggling to comprehend Why innocent children die, for such Obviously evil and meaningless lies. We attempt to reassure ourselves That this tragedy could never happen, Here, at home, for we are certain Somewhere far away is where This unleashing of evil takes place. So it was with shock I heard one say A studious man at that, that those Who die brutally in the Ukraine, Must be because they did wrong, It’s karma from the past, a debt They had to pay from previous lives Of slaughter they took part in! What a thought, well perhaps that’s Why Armageddon’s not far off. Yet if reincarnation is believed Then why does an omnipotent God Send us here repeatedly to fail? Does He relish the drama and the play With the whole world His stage Or does He sit alone and cry, knowing That all will eventually come to see Him, Yet again full of regrets, for another Wasted life not lived as He intends. Reply
Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 Mia, in the 2d stanza, line 3 needs correction as the word “the” appears twice. Reply
Evan Mantyk March 30, 2022 Limerick Prince Putin reads history books And knows how an empire looks, So he puts up a fight Feeling might makes him right As he takes all the pawns with his rooks. Reply
Mia March 31, 2022 After reading this I now find myself thinking of Putin as Prince Putin and it will not leave my head. Always the mark of a great rhyme is how it stays with you I think. Prince Putin the Emperor and rogue Unleashed war and terror He fell into a trap, For it was all in the plan To leave him without any clothes. What do you think, or should I shut the doorange on it now (still one of my favourite phrases) Reply
Evan Mantyk April 2, 2022 Mia, the Emperors New Clothes allusion could be a perfect rejoinder to my limerick. Good idea!
Mia April 3, 2022 Yes, it was the word empire in your limerick that made me think of Putin as an emperor and then the rest followed. Thank you. One of the reasons I like SCP, it is inspirational.
Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 When Hitler invaded Sudetenland, The West didn’t make a stand. A bully—yes; but he had clout. We all know how that turned out. Today it’s Russia’s Putin—“Vlad”. He’s not just bad—he’s very bad. The senseless, indiscriminate slaughter Has led to lack of food and water. Women, children, Christians, Jews; Every day it’s in the news. He is what he is, and that’s that. Vladmir Putin’s a piece of scat. Reply
Cheryl Corey March 30, 2022 I. Hitler His pretext was to save the Czechs, The German-speakers among the Poles. Western leaders gave him heck, But Hitler had ambitious goals. He sensed the weakness of the West, And cursed the Treaty of Versailles; Took his chances, beat his chest, And gave the West a big black eye. He dared to dream the dream of old, The glories of a past empire; One by one he watched them fold, As Western cities blazed with fire. II. Putin He fancies himself a czar like Peter the Great, A man of destiny and greater fate. So when he heard that Ukraine might join NATO, It went against his fundamental credo. He focused on the Russians in Luhansk, And then decided it was worth the risk Because of what he saw as an affinity, Historical connection, and consanguinity. To hell with the Accord of Budapest. I’ll take not just the east but all the rest! While Western thinkers thought—a small incursion; At least, that was the stated White House version; Putin’s forces massed along the border And threatened to destroy the world order. And just like Hitler, now he bombs the people, From Kherson to Lviv to Mariupol. Reply
Mia March 30, 2022 To put an end to war they had a summit in Turkey, Attended by those seeking peace and prosperity. They tried to broker a deal to end the pain Of bombs and bloodshed in the Ukraine. Understandably Putin could not attend But he tasked his envoys not to return Until they learned how President Erdogan does, What he, President Putin can’t, Get away with it so much that is, All with a sleight of hand. Reply
Damian Robin April 2, 2022 Two Wishes My mind is addled My knees are knocked My sensible statements Go off half-cocked I wish that I could Change my brain I wish the Russians Weren’t in Ukraine Reply
Mike Bryant April 2, 2022 Eight years ago Nigel knew The villain was The damned EU. Reply
Paul Freeman April 3, 2022 Farage, I think, is still around, he isn’t buried in the ground like journalists opposing Vlad, all poisoned or shot in the head, or in a gulag doing time, in a cold Siberian clime.
Mike Bryant April 3, 2022 Hunter, too, is still around, he isn’t buried in the ground like journalists opposing Vlad. Vlad Zelensky’s sent a scad of freedom lovers straight to jail, May all dictators go to hell.
Anon April 3, 2022 The outrage is clear, on both sides; But honestly who would have thought That if you rattle the cage of a proud, Prickly bear he would wake up and roar. That to take Ukraine into NATO, Putin Would think it disrespectful and fatal For his nation, was well understood. It did look like goading, to Putin of course, As he has always been vocal in disputing Ukraine’s democratic right to wave The flag of NATO by his front door. Sadly he doesn’t see the alliance as Peaceful, or one that adheres to reason, Or one that does not go to war unless It is to topple tyrants, bring down titans, Or to eliminate weapons of mass Destruction and win hearts and minds, Through war. What’s more the braggart Doesn’t believe all thirty members of The alliance are all democratic, philanthropic Guardians of peace. After all, in his view, Some in Nato have got away with genocide, Invading and annexing without a single Sanction. So now the angry, misguided Russki has really become fractious, for he is A despot, so democracy means hypocrisy To him, despite clear and fact checked Evidence to the contrary. The upside of this though, for every cloud Has a silver lining, is that now a certain Man in London is grinning his customary, Cheshire Cat grin, for Putin now wears The crown, of war – mongering clown and Our man in London is breathing a sigh Of relief. But that’s how it is, all’s fair In love and war, old sport; whoever said that We gave them the rope so they might hang Themselves, is seriously misguided. We are not To blame for the Ukraine, we’ve even sent them Tanks, I mean, tons of help for heavens sake. Reply
Mike Bryant April 3, 2022 The Two Bad Vlads (Yes, Russia and Ukraine are BOTH dictatorships, despite what you’ve heard.) Putin is an ass, it’s plain to see. Ukraine IS a fake democracy. Zelensky, though, is tight with Hunter’s dad, They’re in the Bio Weapons Business – BAD. So Putin’s got Xi in his dirty pocket. Zelensky’s got the West and all our rockets! Let’s send more weapons, tanks and troops, WHOOOPIE!! Yessiree! Let’s set off World War III. E.U. sells ARMS, just like the USA. Too bad, there will be no one left to pay. Reply
Damian Robin April 5, 2022 Right Mike, liftin’ up the tarpaulin on somethin’ appalin’. Your words remind me of Arlo Guthrie’s song ” And it’s one, two. three, What’re we fightin’ for? Don’ ask me, A don’t give a damn, Next stop is Viet Nam. And it’s five six, seven, Open those pearly gates, Ain’t got time t’ wonder why, WHOOOPIE!! We’re all gonna die!!” Reply
Mike Bryant April 4, 2022 Zelenskyy on the Nazi Azov Battalion: “They are what they are. They were defending our country … They are component of the Ukrainian military.” Hmmmm… should we REALLY be sending weapons to these Nazis???? Reply
Damian Robin April 5, 2022 Greeting Card Lyric: Old Russian Soldier An old Russian soldier, blistered and grizzled, Gazed at his foe as the war rain drizzled, And wondered what hit him, to his surprise, And wondered what flashed, before his eyes, And wondered in vain, as his old life fizzled. Reply
Damian Robin April 5, 2022 Greeting Card Lyric: My Major Son When you were at Uni, My wee bony boy, Your life was much simpler, No troops to deploy, No buttons or bombs, No targets to smash, No homes to avoid, No dead men to stash. O my sweet boy, How life was more sure, No enemy to kill, No crack attack corps, No flak-fire reprisal, No reactive show, More chance of survival, You could have said ‘No’. Reply
Mike Bryant April 7, 2022 What is happening to America’s reputation in the world because of Biden’s bioweapon labs and other financial interests in Ukraine? Interesting article. Reply
BDW April 11, 2022 At a Train Station in the City by Radice Lebewsu “FOR THE CHILDREN” —on a Russian rocket missile The bodies wait to exit this war’s crematorium, but these will not be leaving from that auditorium. They lie upon the ground below no Tower of the Stork, like petals fallen from a dead, black bough in Kramatorsk. If one goes higher, one can see the Sun about to set, Kazennyi Torets River en route to the long Donets, and if one goes yet even higher, maybe one can see a thousand miles away…such fine and lovely scenery. But here they’re getting ready for the coming Russian troops, the onslaught of the innocents continues forth, forsooth. Reply
Dominic D'Souza April 12, 2022 I recently returned to my home in the US after helping my step daughter and children along with her sister in law and child cross into Poland from Ukraine. I ultimately got them settled with help from a friend, in Switzerland. My families are from Sumy, to the East of Ukraine. During my flights home, I wrote the three short poems. I’m sure they may have some technical issues, but I thought they may be worthy of sharing. Here is one of the poems: Relief from the Catastrophe I saw a lot But I really saw nothing I felt a lot But I really felt nothing Consider my home, your home No longer The sound of thunder The flash of lightening Now we must flee We live our lives We fight our daily battles But darkness consumes the fragile peace Thunder and lightening From men who would be gods And so the journey begins To uncertainty, perhaps hope For our children For each other The obligation overwhelms us I saw a woman Clothes somehow reflecting her tiredness She had no shoes Her feet were swollen So she continued, obliged to hope Why must we feel this? It is not our catastrophe We are distant We are safe But we are them, so we must feel To touch a hand To feel a smile This is the gift They can receive Relief, from the catastrophe So brave, so proud They are more than us They are who we can be We are in darkness But they bring us light Reply
Damian Robin May 13, 2022 Thank you, Dominic, for these reflections from direct experience of family trauma, with their glimmering hope, Reply
Vyacheslav April 19, 2022 Devil’s strengths Bathing in the blood every 4 years for Putin is a great holiday, then he starts enslaving people, destroy houses and simply runaway, and it doesn’t matter if today is Monday or Sunday, from missiles, You do not hide in the subway. Black grace cherishes devilish selfishness, nothing will stop his aggressiveness, an only force acts against force, my mission to find and destroy an evil source. Reply
Damian Robin May 13, 2022 Greeting Card Lyric: Soldier Boy A splattered soldier on the edge of camp, camouflaged in worry, dust, and damp. He runs up blowup tanks like boarding ramps, to where an outline of his unit cramps. A city camp of brazen brick, charred wood, and clothes all greasy green, with burns and blood. He hopes there will be respite in this crash of walls and soldier bone and shell-shot ash. His heavy helmet like a flowerpot of lumped ceramic plonked on hair root rot. His mouth is grinding teeth and army grit, dry except for slugs of phlegm and spit. He’s been living on adrenaline. It’s kept him going with a will to win, and lust for arms of Russian ration tins, and leaps towards where victory begins. Reply
Alan S Jeeves May 26, 2022 A Rust-Covered Sword _I_ You may assail me with your Kazak blade Then, in a single moment, I am gone; In the darkness of the daylight I go, My heart beats its last and I am no more And you praise your combat skill and prowess (Your smile is a wry smile, a soldier’s smile) But my tears form raindrops before I die That rise to heaven where they are welcomed And rain lasts forever (and one day too) Then, the sword shall be rusted and futile. _II_ Yet, my pen is of gold, tarnishing not, And it strikes at your soul and speaks the truth For, its words will live for two thousand years (As the words of Jesus are heard today) So, you seize my pencil to snap in two Though, I hone both halves to write with each hand: Now, your tears pointlessly fall to the ground Where, there, they dry and are lost for all time. A fresh drop of rain will wash them away, I know it will come – the raindrop is me. Reply
Alan S Jeeves July 13, 2022 NIGHTMARE OF THE EASTERN WIND Prologue In the end, the bitter end, he who orders the death and destruction of another nation shall, himself, sleep the sleep of the vanquished. I Dead mouths of many dreams that sing and sigh And call out feebly in the midst of night Calling, fearsome as their bleak wanton cry And frighting, as the unthinkable fright Until the dark of their plight passes by. II For, cold are the eyes that slumber in fear And cold is the heart of the soul that sleeps And sour is the taste of the sleeper’s tear And dire are the many secrets he keeps For, wild is the scream that seeps in his ear. III The ruler of tracts o’er the eastern lands Where red is the sky and black are the days And burned are the souls the ruler commands As flaming night comes and flaming night stays So, then a nation betrays at his hands. IV Nothing is priceless or free of its cost And value is learned when payment is due For, battles are won though, wars can be lost, (Battles are many yet, victories few) And dead mouths sound as a new dream is tossed. Epilogue Sleep heavy and sleep long as you are, at last, held to account for your sins. Payment shall be heavy and long and shall last for eternity. Reply
Martin Mc Carthy August 8, 2022 The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, has never denounced the actions of Vladimir Putin. In fact, he is at the core of his ambitions. Do God and killing and the agenda of a dictator all go together? For me, it simply doesn’t add up, so I wrote this poem about it. God’s Dictator ‘A just and holy war.’ But war for what? To kill…to take what others have got? To do God’s bidding at any length… to invoke his might and strength? To bomb everything, every house and steeple, and never see that God is for all people. Reply