Sibylline Sonnets for Passiontide, by Margaret Coats The Society April 3, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 36 Comments . (See an explanation on what Sibyls are here.) . The Tyburtine Sibyl The Tyburtine sibyl has the iconographic attribute of a hand, indicating her foreknowledge of insults suffered by Jesus. Not from my...
‘Uncle Sam’s Tomb’ by Phil S. Rogers, after Coleridge’s ‘The Knight’s Tomb’ The Society April 2, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . Uncle Sam's Tomb after Samuel Coleridge's "The Knight's Tomb" (see below) Where will the grave of that great figurehead be, That leader of free men and symbol of might, That vision of justice in our country...
‘Woman’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society April 1, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 25 Comments . Woman For years I’ve known exactly what it means To own the weight and wonder of my sex--- The crimson flow of knowledge in my teens, The curve and swell---my spell---the heady hex That lures love...
‘The Short-Lived Triumph of the Junior School’s Health & Safety Officer’ by Shaun C. Duncan The Society April 1, 2022 Culture, Humor, Poetry 22 Comments . The Short-Lived Triumph of the Junior School's Health & Safety Officer The children wait in line to sanitize Their grubby hands before their morning class. The teacher guards the door, and none may...