
On Rainy Nights

On rainy nights, in pensive thought,
I claim the respite I have sought
but seldom found on sunny days.
Cool drops soothe more than brightest rays
in times when life’s with trouble fraught.

These introspective times have brought
sweet peace and comfort when I’ve fought
a heated battle with malaise
__on rainy nights.

Sweet peace of mind cannot be caught
like raindrops. Nor can it be bought
with tears; but when life, like a maze,
confounds me, at the flow I gaze
and praise the joys by nature wrought
__on rainy nights.



Janice Canerdy is a retired high-school English teacher from Potts Camp, Mississippi. Her works have appeared in several publications, including Society of Classical Poets Journal (and online) Spirit Fire, Light, The Road Not Taken, Lyric, Parody, Bitterroot, Westward Quarterly, Lighten Up Online, Better Than Starbucks, Saturday Evening Post, Encore (journal of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies), The Mississippi Poetry Society Journal, Your Daily Poem, and LIVE (by Gospel Publishing House). Her first book, Expressions of Faith (Christian Faith Publishing), was published in December 2016.

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14 Responses

  1. Peg

    I enjoyed this poem very much and do so enjoy the rain, as well…thank you!!

  2. Paul Freeman

    Wow! I’ve only seen rain on a handful of days over the past few years. This poem resonates. We even get an extra rhyme – ‘praise’ – for free!

    May I suggest possibly changing ‘brightest rays’ to ‘UV rays’.

    Thanks for the read, Janice.

  3. Tonia Kalouria

    Janice, I, too, feel the rainy days envelop and calm as opposed to the
    jarring sun’s rays. Lovely

  4. Norma Pain

    I love the rain and your poem highlights the feelings I get, especially during a soft summer rain. Thank you Janice. And a beautiful painting supplied by Evan.

  5. Guy Warner

    “Cool drops soothe more than brightest rays”

    Very nice! Is there a premade form you are following, or is this your own design?

  6. Margaret Coats

    Janice, this is a very beautiful rondeau. The form is used to perfection, especially in the last stanza, where it seems you may be moving away from material raindrops to spiritual considerations. In fact you are, but the syntax flows smoothly back to where it started, the joys of the natural world on rainy nights. This poem goes into my collection of best rondeaux!

  7. C.B. Anderson

    It’s funny, Janice, but I have always loved clouds, fog and rain much more than bright sunny days. The latter are a dime a dozen, but the former conditions always lead to deep reverie, whence my preference for them. Nice work.


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