
The Morning’s Crest

The morning’s crest is in its youth,
The dawn has yet to lose a tooth,
The virgin firmament is dark,
The sun’s no more than a tired spark
Transcended by the cold, brash moon.
But then the leaves foretell the noon,
Aglow with some prophetic light;
They say the sun is just in sight,
And as the night’s parade moves on,
The day will boldly spring upon
The black horizon, burning, fierce;
The dark will make the dew its hearse,
The white-ringed sun will take its throne
Amongst the skies’ blue halls, alone
In rule, supreme in power, full of life,
And he will take me as his wife,
And we will marry while we feast.
He’s waiting for me in the east.



Stephen Ramsek is a freshman at Bob Jones University in South Carolina.

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6 Responses

  1. Paul Freeman

    ‘The dawn has yet to lose a tooth.’ Now there’s a line I wish I’d written.

    I enjoyed this unique viewing of dawn and sunrise.

    Thanks for the read, Stephen.

  2. Martin Rizley

    Beautiful description of daybreak. I love the description of the leaves “foretelling the noon” as they glow “with prophetic light.” The picture that has been chosen to go with your poem fits perfectly!

  3. Roy E. Peterson

    Good to see the future of classical poetry will be in capable hands and mind.
    This is a wonderful description both in concept and words.

  4. Sally Cook

    Both your poem and its illustration are intensely descriptive.. I would like to see more of your work on this site.

  5. Margaret Coats

    The poem shows a real command of narrative in unique lines. Each can be savored for itself, and all add up to an original painting. And there is a surprise ending with the discovery of a speaker in the last three lines. Who is she? By eliminating anything she speaks of (dawn, firmament, day, sky), I will guess the earth. Nice overtones recall the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, with the speaker being one of the wise.


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