‘Sister Thérèse Scatters Flowers’ and Other Poetry by Brian Yapko The Society December 11, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 22 Comments . Sister Thérèse Scatters Flowers Soeur Madèleine has brought me this bouquet--- Vermillion, scarlet, each rose bright and pretty. She’s kind to join me in my cell to pray, But I cannot accept her...
‘The 2022 State Dinner’ by Cheryl Corey The Society December 10, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire 17 Comments . The 2022 State Dinner Elites come to Washington and dine On lobster harvested in Maine. (They plan To regulate the catch, create a ban, Because enviros claim the fishing line Is killing whales.) Also on the...
‘Child’s Garden’ by Paul Buchheit The Society December 10, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 22 Comments . Child's Garden To never end, we thought, the morning light that kissed our eyes, and breezes whispering with cherub voices, pausing to invite us to a secret world, and conjuring the whims of pussy willow...
2022 FIFA World Cup Poetry Challenge The Society December 9, 2022 Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 21 Comments . Write a poem about the 2022 FIFA World Cup happening now and post it in the comments section below. To get the ball rolling (pun intended), here is a World Cup sonnet by poet James A. Tweedie: . Fast...
‘Elegy for Miran Sutherland’ by Joshua C. Frank The Society December 9, 2022 Beauty, Poetry 28 Comments . Elegy for Miran Sutherland Miran Sutherland was miscarried at 14 weeks. Read his story here. His earthly life a hundred days, He died inside his mother’s womb. His tiny eyes would never gaze On lights that...
A Poem on the Harry and Meghan Netflix Show, by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 8, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire, Villanelle 54 Comments . A Right Royal Circus a villanelle Roll up! Roll up! Come hear the desperate call Of sparkless Markle and her spurned buffoon. With pleas for privacy, they welcome all. They welcome all like flies upon a...
‘Covid on a Clear Day’ by Laurie Holding The Society December 8, 2022 Covid-19, Culture, Poetry 5 Comments . Covid on a Clear Day One day I window watched for things to write; the next day I was lost, and underneath the spell of fever, hot, with skin stretched tight, I slept curled up with clenched and grinding...
On CBS Confirming Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society December 7, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire 27 Comments . CBS Has Now Verified CBS says it’s now verified, The laptop Hunter took in for repair. And other breaking news that it’s supplied Is Washington has crossed the Delaware. . . Plan Needed Republicans...
On Ford Madox Brown’s ‘The Last of England’: An Ekphrastic Poem by Jeffrey Essmann The Society December 7, 2022 Beauty, Ekphrastic, Poetry 5 Comments . On Ford Madox Brown's "The Last of England" Their balcony beringed with cabbages, They fix their eyes on the receding shore And blankly call to mind the ravages Now past and wonder at the ones in store. The...
‘China’s Silent Screams’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 6, 2022 Culture, Human Rights in China, Poetry 25 Comments . China’s Silent Screams The CCP will never hear the screams Of those who strive to find their way back home. It steals all hope and freedom---snatches dreams From lost souls tossed where wolves...
‘Grifters’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society December 6, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry, Satire 19 Comments . Grifters With smug, aggressive faux urbanity __They do their worst to seize control. They think it signals perfect sanity __When they adopt a regal role, Expecting us to stroke their vanity, __Lest our good...
A Poem for Donald Trump: ‘Nessun Dorma’ by Monika Cooper The Society December 6, 2022 Beauty, Blank Verse, Music, Poetry 4 Comments . Nessun Dorma after the Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni The aria "Nessun Dorma" was played for Donald and Melania Trump's first dance at their wedding in 2005. No sleep tonight. The...
‘What Now Will They Build?’ by Michael Charles Maibach The Society December 5, 2022 Culture, Poetry 8 Comments . What Now Will They Build Written upon reading about anti-colonizer graffiti recently found on a Lincoln statue. Read the story here. We see angry children Assembled after dark. Attack defenseless statues Of...
‘Aunt Helen’ by Geoffrey Smagacz The Society December 5, 2022 Beauty, Poetry, Villanelle 16 Comments . Aunt Helen Aunt Helen told me it was time to go. It hurt her to sit upright in the bed, a fact I'd rather that I didn't know. It's OK, I can turn this gear below. Please don't; a flattened mattress hurts my...
‘Advent Poem’ by Alena Casey The Society December 4, 2022 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 25 Comments . Advent Poem When October leaves have fallen and November skies are grey, The stores proclaim that Jesus, hope, and joy are on the way. The virgins hear and heed the call (this world they long to flee), And...
‘What Geese May Teach’ and Other Poetry by Sally Cook The Society December 4, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 19 Comments . What Geese May Teach My mother had the power that knowledge wields, So questions such as—Would you like to go? Were never invitations, but commands To fly away, cross yellow fields and low, Like summer...
‘Last Letter from Florence’ by Lionel Willis The Society December 3, 2022 Art, Beauty, Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Last Letter from Florence A recent incident recalls the fears Your letters have expressed: that seven years In this art-laden place might rob me of Whatever you once thought that you could love: The flat I...
A Poem on Underage Transgender Surgery: ‘Making Children Lie’ by Maura H. Harrison The Society December 3, 2022 Culture, Poetry 13 Comments . Making Children Lie __Canker of mind, the soul Denied—a lonely social wound Is making children lie with pruned __And grafted lines, their whole __Unfolding stories cut And rearranged. Inverted nouns And...
‘Instructions Set in Bone’ and Other Poetry by Peter Lillios The Society December 2, 2022 Beauty, Love Poems, Poetry, Readings 21 Comments . . Instructions Set in Bone With my own knife, by my own hand, I carve these words in no-man’s-land Upon the skull of my late foe, Who sheltered here some weeks ago. He’d only paused to rest a...
Inspired by the ‘Trans’ Jesus Sermon: ‘Check Out Your Church’ by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society December 1, 2022 Culture, Poetry, Satire 39 Comments . Check Out Your Church inspired by this article: Queen's former chaplain, others slam 'perverse' Cambridge sermon about 'trans' Jesus: ' Repulsive and shameful' Are the pronouns in the Bible ripe for...
Legends of Liberty, Volume 2: ‘Lightning Ben’ by Andrew Benson Brown The Society December 1, 2022 Culture, Epic, Humor, Poetry 31 Comments . Lightning Ben an excerpt from Legends of Liberty, Volume 2 Sing, muse! Bestow your gifts on—blah blah blah. I opened my first book with that. You get The point. Obliging poets need to draw The paths of...
‘Boots Before Us’ and Other Poetry by Julian Woodruff The Society December 1, 2022 Beauty, Humor, Poetry 18 Comments . Boots Before Us a sequel to "Shear Wickedness" The time had come. Poor Boots was sinking low, and further down no fitting place to know. Our burden was to fix the bottom floor and see our old friend gently...