"Scales" by Jacob A PfeifferPoetry Challenge: Equilateral Proverbs The Society February 7, 2023 Epigrams and Proverbs, Poetry, Poetry Challenge, Poetry Contests 66 Comments Equilateral Proverbs: A Poetry Challenge by James A. Tweedie Construct a rhyming, rhythmic intelligible proverb or saying where the first and last words in each line rhyme. Twin couplets are preferred but not required. My examples alternate trochaic tetrameters and pentameters, but any form is acceptable so long as it is consistent. And if you can’t think up a proverb, then any poem on any subject will be fine, so long as each line begins and ends with the same rhyme. Post and share your inspired “Equilaterals” in the comments section. . White the day and black the night. Light reveals and darkness veils from sight. . Died to sin? Or sin denied? Pride denied may lead to deicide. . Bury what is dead or scary. Marry what is extraordinary. . Thirst is rare when one’s submersed. First and last determines best and worst. . Yin and Yang are kith and kin. In the end is not where we begin. . Glitz and glitter—opposites. It’s the pits to be in the obits. . Post yours in the comments below. . . NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets. The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary. 66 Responses James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Note: This doesn’t mean the entire poem has to use the same beginning/end rhyme all the way through. Just so long as it has a rhyme pattern like some regular poetic form. Good luck. (Personally I find these “gimmicks” help make me become better at creating regular poetic forms). It’s sort of like the old vaudeville joke where someone new to New York asks a passerby “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” And the other person says, “Practice, practice, practice.” Reply Paul Freeman February 7, 2023 Sell your soul, discard your shell. Smell the sulfurous whiff of Hell. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Nice couplet/proverb, Paul. You caught the spirit of the thing perfectly! Reply Stephen Dickey February 7, 2023 Seek your greener pastures, out on other slopes or where you will, But the grass is always greener on the same side of the hill. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Nice couplet, Stephen. Thanks for giving it a go. Reply Roy Eugene Peterson February 7, 2023 God said not to spare the rod. Claude went fishing for some cod. Plowman plowed behind a plow. How dirty is plowman now? Vance was searching for romance. Chance overtook him at the dance. Burns was a poet with longing and yearns. Turns out he was a farmer who learns. James went up in fiery flames. Blames his loss on stupid games. Queen of Corona made a scene. Queen was fat while he was lean. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Roy, that first couplet had me rolf! I had an 18th century Scottish ancestor who was brought before the Elders of his kirk and rebuked for having skipped worship to go fishing on the Sabbath. In any case, this is a nice twisty play on the word, “rod!” The rest and the whole is quite impressive. Good go! Reply Roy Eugene Peterson February 8, 2023 I just knew you would “catch” the one about the rod! Thank you, James, for your story. Mia February 7, 2023 Meetings of minds, warm greetings, Fleeting worlds, time bewitching. Stay, stand your ground and slay, Pray to keep the fool at bay. Intentions create dimensions Foundations of rock or rocky subversions. Blind to the grind, Mind in tune with the sublime. Blame does shame, Lame is the fool that plays that game. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Mia, my favorite line in the lot, “Pray to keep the fool at bay.,” proves that sometimes truth can be funny and serious at the same time! Reply Mia February 9, 2023 Thank you James and SCP for another fun challenge. I would also like to say how much I have enjoyed reading all the proverbs on here. friends not seen but yet are met devise poems of sage advice Mark F. Stone February 7, 2023 Practice Makes Perfect How do you make it to Carnegie Hall? Vow not to turn down a gig, big or small. Take enough time to make practice habitual. Make mock recitals an every night ritual. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Mark, Your wit is as quick as ever. Funnee! I see the potential for another challenge hidden in your poetic riposte to a prose comment! Reply Warren Bonham February 7, 2023 When men live full of fear, wondering why they were made, they will dwell on how quickly their own star will fade. Men who dwell on how each has God’s image displayed, will all know they were fearfully, wonderfully made. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Warren, This has a nice reversal of thought and a good theological twist with more than a plate-ful of truth in it. Thanks. Reply Carl Kinsky February 7, 2023 Tired of working but still hardwired, Mired in chores, so glad I’m retired. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Carl, yours is the first to which my immediate response was to say, “Ament!” Reply Carol C. February 7, 2023 A child that’s taught no moral restraint will fall far short from being a saint. The chip you carry upon your shoulder, if nursed will grow into a boulder. Words have a way of flying south when one inserts foot into mouth. Reply James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Ha ha ha ha, Carol! What a great set of truthful mirth! Proverbs to ponder! Reply Paul Buchheit February 8, 2023 Denied their A’s, my students, wild with pride, complied with calls for my tyrannicide. Reply Carl Kinsky February 8, 2023 Really good and funny. Don’t let the students see it. Reply Paul Buchheit February 8, 2023 Thank you! James A. Tweedie February 8, 2023 Paul, I remember during my undergraduate years receiving all “A”s on class assignments but a “B” final grade. After inquiring I found that the instructor was up for tenure and was told she was giving too many “A” grades. So she chose several students at random and arbitrarily lowered their grade. I was well aware of the politics and game-playing associated with tenure so, out of respect for the teacher’s dilemma, dropped my plan for an appeal. Even so, as a university Prof, my wife had to deal with student anger and threats over grades every term. So your proverbial couplet is both well-done and, unfortunately, an all-too accurate description of the way things are these days. Reply Paul Buchheit February 8, 2023 Thanks, James. Interesting feedback! Paul Buchheit February 8, 2023 BTW, thanks for the fun challenge! Carl Kinsky February 8, 2023 Ever so proud at appearing clever, Never admitting that his endeavor Loses readers with the words he uses, Chooses coarse slang that appalls the Muses. Pity the boor that thinks cussing’s witty – Pretty some rhymes while others are sh-tty. Reply Jan February 8, 2023 Where is the ‘laughed ’til I cried’ emoji when you need it? Love this. Thanks for the rofl level humor–needed it this morning. Reply Carl Kinsky February 8, 2023 Thanks. Showing my age but had to look up “rofl”. Joseph S. Salemi February 9, 2023 Even better is this one: rotflmao. It stands for “Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.” James A. Tweedie February 8, 2023 Witty and sh-tty! Lol. Fortunately there are far more of the former than the latter here at SCP! Nice extended flow of thought as you met the challenge head-on and did it well. Reply Carl Kinsky February 10, 2023 Thank you. It was a fun challenge. Norma Pain February 10, 2023 Love this one Carl. Super funny. Reply Carl Kinsky February 10, 2023 Thanks. Glad you liked it. Mia February 11, 2023 or, Among the sh-tty poems he strung Some unsung nuggets of fertile dung. Reply Carl Kinsky February 8, 2023 Really good and funny. Don’t let the students see it. Reply Mo February 8, 2023 Choose drunk company when you schmooze, Lose your way into vats of booze. Reply Morrison Handley-Schachler February 8, 2023 Love it, Mo! Why don’t you this contract man, while you’re a little plastered? I wrote the small print and I can assure you I’m a b*st*rd. Reply Mo February 8, 2023 Ha! Funny, MHS! Joseph S. Salemi February 8, 2023 Good fences, Frost said, make good neighbors. At least they aren’t at drawn sabers. Reply Morrison Handley-Schachler February 8, 2023 When the false promise of first love has set your hormones surgin’, Then recollect a man can be, but not become, a virgin. Reply Jan February 8, 2023 Brilliant. Sad. Wish we all were as wise and thoughtful in foresight as it is possible to be in hindsight. Reply Jan February 8, 2023 What love that truly never fails, though troubles come to all The one whose perfect love prevails, to raise you when you fall Reply Morrison Handley-Schachler February 8, 2023 Always good to be reminded. Very neatly written and comforting in troubled times. Reply Jan February 9, 2023 Morrison, thank you for your kind words; I’m so glad to hear that you found them comforting. Joshua C. Frank February 8, 2023 All those who will not heed God’s call Fall hard and fast, so warns St. Paul. In a life that’s filled with sin, Begin to learn: sin cannot win. Obey your parents all the way. They want you to do well someday. Mary never was contrary. Nary a sin—extraordinary! Reply C.B. Anderson February 8, 2023 Always walk down the selfsame hallways, Today, as in a very new way You showed your prince to be a true toad. Reply James A. Tweedie February 9, 2023 Ha! You doubled up on that last one! To which you might add, “Two-toed sloth composed a shrewd ode.” I didn’t think there would be so much creative fun from so many people. Mute musicals are moot. Cute cuticles? A hoot! That’s it. No more from me. CD, I can’t see you, can you see me? Amen, I did it again . . . Sorry Reply Norma Pain February 10, 2023 You are all so clever, I failed in each endeavor… no, that’s not right! First word must rhyme with last word cursed… is that correct? Casanova drove her to Dover…. huh!? Left her there, sad and bereft. How am I doing now? Reply James A. Tweedie February 11, 2023 Norma, You are funny and clever in each endeavor yourself! I particularly like #3 which works in some locales but not others, depending on local accents! I’m glad you took the time. Reply Norma Pain February 11, 2023 Thank you James. It took me long enough though! Wael Almahdi February 12, 2023 Suffering and seasons give rise to latitude Jointly they breed a more Stoic attitude Reply Austin Martin February 18, 2023 We are living in the age of madness, Just ask the woman who they say has a penis. Reply Evan Mantyk February 25, 2023 Jim, I was shaking my head at how many people weren’t following the rules and then I wrote one and realized I didn’t quite follow them either… Though promising a precious thing, Equality tastes emptily, Communism comes as prison, Evolution’s no solution… Tradition holds our lives’ true mission. Reply Alexis February 28, 2023 Face a failure’s rough embrace Misplace your pride to win the race. Efface the mark mistakes debase. 🙂 Reply David Watt March 5, 2023 Woke’s a leftist masterstroke- Smoke to shield a socialistic yoke. Reply Mike Bryant March 5, 2023 A label lies so I’ll decide which fable’s wise. I’ll table guys and gals who fly unstable skies. Reply Larry Coltin June 1, 2023 Sense’s used to to perceive a world shrouded in darkness, Can be tuned to reveal a plethora of wondrous insights. Reply Milan June 6, 2023 Sunshine is for all, and more than only mine. Wine is sacred love; which makes our hearts to shine. Reply Russell Jacklin July 30, 2023 Lust is an emotional craving we all acquire Desire is an expressed and expected must Reply Norma Pain July 30, 2023 Must you only stare at me with lust? Just love is the only thing I trust. Where does love hide, now so rare? Share love with me if you still care. Reply Russell Jacklin July 30, 2023 Beautiful, I need to practice to reach this level Reply Joseph S. Salemi July 30, 2023 Swive the woman whom you wive — Sex is in the marriage specs. Reply Gigi Ryan August 26, 2023 Chase your fears to fears erase; Brace yourself and terrors face. Fame and wealth are worldly gain; Aim ye for an honest name. Gold and silver can be bought and sold; Old one’s wisdom has a price untold. Rare the table graced with love and care; Fare is second to that joyful air. Wild the temper of the foolish child; Mild the nature of him undefiled. Choke out sense, the wise provoke; Soak the world with all that’s woke. Reply Evan Mantyk August 27, 2023 Gigi, I especially liked the second couplet even though the rhyme is imperfect and the last one, though I might put quotation marks around wise to emphasize the irony of how the word is used now. The third couplet could be quite good but sounds awkward to me in the second line. Perhaps “Older wisdom…” At any rate, welcome to the Society! Reply Gigi Ryan August 28, 2023 Evan, I appreciate the feedback and helpful suggestions. Thank you! Gigi Patrick Murtha October 9, 2023 The things we often teach Are well beyond our reach; And those within our clutch We hardly reach or touch. Reply Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 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James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Note: This doesn’t mean the entire poem has to use the same beginning/end rhyme all the way through. Just so long as it has a rhyme pattern like some regular poetic form. Good luck. (Personally I find these “gimmicks” help make me become better at creating regular poetic forms). It’s sort of like the old vaudeville joke where someone new to New York asks a passerby “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” And the other person says, “Practice, practice, practice.” Reply
Paul Freeman February 7, 2023 Sell your soul, discard your shell. Smell the sulfurous whiff of Hell. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Nice couplet/proverb, Paul. You caught the spirit of the thing perfectly! Reply
Stephen Dickey February 7, 2023 Seek your greener pastures, out on other slopes or where you will, But the grass is always greener on the same side of the hill. Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson February 7, 2023 God said not to spare the rod. Claude went fishing for some cod. Plowman plowed behind a plow. How dirty is plowman now? Vance was searching for romance. Chance overtook him at the dance. Burns was a poet with longing and yearns. Turns out he was a farmer who learns. James went up in fiery flames. Blames his loss on stupid games. Queen of Corona made a scene. Queen was fat while he was lean. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Roy, that first couplet had me rolf! I had an 18th century Scottish ancestor who was brought before the Elders of his kirk and rebuked for having skipped worship to go fishing on the Sabbath. In any case, this is a nice twisty play on the word, “rod!” The rest and the whole is quite impressive. Good go! Reply
Roy Eugene Peterson February 8, 2023 I just knew you would “catch” the one about the rod! Thank you, James, for your story.
Mia February 7, 2023 Meetings of minds, warm greetings, Fleeting worlds, time bewitching. Stay, stand your ground and slay, Pray to keep the fool at bay. Intentions create dimensions Foundations of rock or rocky subversions. Blind to the grind, Mind in tune with the sublime. Blame does shame, Lame is the fool that plays that game. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Mia, my favorite line in the lot, “Pray to keep the fool at bay.,” proves that sometimes truth can be funny and serious at the same time! Reply
Mia February 9, 2023 Thank you James and SCP for another fun challenge. I would also like to say how much I have enjoyed reading all the proverbs on here. friends not seen but yet are met devise poems of sage advice
Mark F. Stone February 7, 2023 Practice Makes Perfect How do you make it to Carnegie Hall? Vow not to turn down a gig, big or small. Take enough time to make practice habitual. Make mock recitals an every night ritual. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Mark, Your wit is as quick as ever. Funnee! I see the potential for another challenge hidden in your poetic riposte to a prose comment! Reply
Warren Bonham February 7, 2023 When men live full of fear, wondering why they were made, they will dwell on how quickly their own star will fade. Men who dwell on how each has God’s image displayed, will all know they were fearfully, wonderfully made. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Warren, This has a nice reversal of thought and a good theological twist with more than a plate-ful of truth in it. Thanks. Reply
Carl Kinsky February 7, 2023 Tired of working but still hardwired, Mired in chores, so glad I’m retired. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Carl, yours is the first to which my immediate response was to say, “Ament!” Reply
Carol C. February 7, 2023 A child that’s taught no moral restraint will fall far short from being a saint. The chip you carry upon your shoulder, if nursed will grow into a boulder. Words have a way of flying south when one inserts foot into mouth. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 7, 2023 Ha ha ha ha, Carol! What a great set of truthful mirth! Proverbs to ponder! Reply
Paul Buchheit February 8, 2023 Denied their A’s, my students, wild with pride, complied with calls for my tyrannicide. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 8, 2023 Paul, I remember during my undergraduate years receiving all “A”s on class assignments but a “B” final grade. After inquiring I found that the instructor was up for tenure and was told she was giving too many “A” grades. So she chose several students at random and arbitrarily lowered their grade. I was well aware of the politics and game-playing associated with tenure so, out of respect for the teacher’s dilemma, dropped my plan for an appeal. Even so, as a university Prof, my wife had to deal with student anger and threats over grades every term. So your proverbial couplet is both well-done and, unfortunately, an all-too accurate description of the way things are these days. Reply
Carl Kinsky February 8, 2023 Ever so proud at appearing clever, Never admitting that his endeavor Loses readers with the words he uses, Chooses coarse slang that appalls the Muses. Pity the boor that thinks cussing’s witty – Pretty some rhymes while others are sh-tty. Reply
Jan February 8, 2023 Where is the ‘laughed ’til I cried’ emoji when you need it? Love this. Thanks for the rofl level humor–needed it this morning. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi February 9, 2023 Even better is this one: rotflmao. It stands for “Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.”
James A. Tweedie February 8, 2023 Witty and sh-tty! Lol. Fortunately there are far more of the former than the latter here at SCP! Nice extended flow of thought as you met the challenge head-on and did it well. Reply
Mia February 11, 2023 or, Among the sh-tty poems he strung Some unsung nuggets of fertile dung. Reply
Morrison Handley-Schachler February 8, 2023 Love it, Mo! Why don’t you this contract man, while you’re a little plastered? I wrote the small print and I can assure you I’m a b*st*rd. Reply
Joseph S. Salemi February 8, 2023 Good fences, Frost said, make good neighbors. At least they aren’t at drawn sabers. Reply
Morrison Handley-Schachler February 8, 2023 When the false promise of first love has set your hormones surgin’, Then recollect a man can be, but not become, a virgin. Reply
Jan February 8, 2023 Brilliant. Sad. Wish we all were as wise and thoughtful in foresight as it is possible to be in hindsight. Reply
Jan February 8, 2023 What love that truly never fails, though troubles come to all The one whose perfect love prevails, to raise you when you fall Reply
Morrison Handley-Schachler February 8, 2023 Always good to be reminded. Very neatly written and comforting in troubled times. Reply
Jan February 9, 2023 Morrison, thank you for your kind words; I’m so glad to hear that you found them comforting.
Joshua C. Frank February 8, 2023 All those who will not heed God’s call Fall hard and fast, so warns St. Paul. In a life that’s filled with sin, Begin to learn: sin cannot win. Obey your parents all the way. They want you to do well someday. Mary never was contrary. Nary a sin—extraordinary! Reply
C.B. Anderson February 8, 2023 Always walk down the selfsame hallways, Today, as in a very new way You showed your prince to be a true toad. Reply
James A. Tweedie February 9, 2023 Ha! You doubled up on that last one! To which you might add, “Two-toed sloth composed a shrewd ode.” I didn’t think there would be so much creative fun from so many people. Mute musicals are moot. Cute cuticles? A hoot! That’s it. No more from me. CD, I can’t see you, can you see me? Amen, I did it again . . . Sorry Reply
Norma Pain February 10, 2023 You are all so clever, I failed in each endeavor… no, that’s not right! First word must rhyme with last word cursed… is that correct? Casanova drove her to Dover…. huh!? Left her there, sad and bereft. How am I doing now? Reply
James A. Tweedie February 11, 2023 Norma, You are funny and clever in each endeavor yourself! I particularly like #3 which works in some locales but not others, depending on local accents! I’m glad you took the time. Reply
Wael Almahdi February 12, 2023 Suffering and seasons give rise to latitude Jointly they breed a more Stoic attitude Reply
Austin Martin February 18, 2023 We are living in the age of madness, Just ask the woman who they say has a penis. Reply
Evan Mantyk February 25, 2023 Jim, I was shaking my head at how many people weren’t following the rules and then I wrote one and realized I didn’t quite follow them either… Though promising a precious thing, Equality tastes emptily, Communism comes as prison, Evolution’s no solution… Tradition holds our lives’ true mission. Reply
Alexis February 28, 2023 Face a failure’s rough embrace Misplace your pride to win the race. Efface the mark mistakes debase. 🙂 Reply
Mike Bryant March 5, 2023 A label lies so I’ll decide which fable’s wise. I’ll table guys and gals who fly unstable skies. Reply
Larry Coltin June 1, 2023 Sense’s used to to perceive a world shrouded in darkness, Can be tuned to reveal a plethora of wondrous insights. Reply
Milan June 6, 2023 Sunshine is for all, and more than only mine. Wine is sacred love; which makes our hearts to shine. Reply
Russell Jacklin July 30, 2023 Lust is an emotional craving we all acquire Desire is an expressed and expected must Reply
Norma Pain July 30, 2023 Must you only stare at me with lust? Just love is the only thing I trust. Where does love hide, now so rare? Share love with me if you still care. Reply
Gigi Ryan August 26, 2023 Chase your fears to fears erase; Brace yourself and terrors face. Fame and wealth are worldly gain; Aim ye for an honest name. Gold and silver can be bought and sold; Old one’s wisdom has a price untold. Rare the table graced with love and care; Fare is second to that joyful air. Wild the temper of the foolish child; Mild the nature of him undefiled. Choke out sense, the wise provoke; Soak the world with all that’s woke. Reply
Evan Mantyk August 27, 2023 Gigi, I especially liked the second couplet even though the rhyme is imperfect and the last one, though I might put quotation marks around wise to emphasize the irony of how the word is used now. The third couplet could be quite good but sounds awkward to me in the second line. Perhaps “Older wisdom…” At any rate, welcome to the Society! Reply
Patrick Murtha October 9, 2023 The things we often teach Are well beyond our reach; And those within our clutch We hardly reach or touch. Reply