
On Hate

God hates the evildoer and I can do no less.
He gave us ten commandments for evil to assess.
He helped identify them—the evil and the bad—
And then he brought destruction with every power he had.

Sodom and Gomorrah were suffering in sin.
God said to Lot get out of there, take your kith and kin.
Then God destroyed the cities and those that he had planned,
For God will send hellfire on the cities of the damned.

In Jericho the people were comfortably aloof
But God destroyed their city when he blasted down the roof.
The walls reduced to rubble on that seventh trumpet day
And all the people living in fact were blown away.

There are a lot of preachers that I have known quite well,
Who never preached a sermon about the fires of Hell.
Oh, Hell is real, make no mistake—God’s set aside
Eternal conflagrations for evil to abide.

I hate the evildoers with malice in their hearts.
I hate the terror states where jihadists got their starts.
I hate the false religions and fool philosophy.
I hate the things of Satan and what he tries on me.

I know that Jesus told us, now love you every man.
I’m working on that premise and do the best I can.
I turn the other cheek, but when they keep telling lies,
I love them all to death and I hasten their demise.

I count myself a Christian who never has to thirst.
I never hated someone who didn’t hate me first.
I see no need for cursing. There is no need to shout.
I never hated someone I couldn’t do without.



The Meek, Not the Weak,
Shall Inherit the Earth

The evil ones laugh at the Bible with mirth.
Especially “The meek shall inherit the earth.”
The meanings of words have transformed over time.
The evil think meekness is weakness supine.

They can’t understand all the words in the Bible,
So think that their arrogance is justifiable.
It’s true that some traits they assign to the meek
Are similar traits that we find in the weak.

Long-suffering, quietly gentle and kind
Describe someone meek, but there’s more you will find.
The meek have great power; they’re ready to fight.
There’s power in God and strength in His might.

When Jesus said offer a second slapped cheek
He did not mean we are submissive and weak.
It’s courage to stand up for one’s own conviction.
To sinners it seems that this is contradiction.

Great meekness means strength that is under control.
It’s humble with God, yet we’re ready to roll.
We study His word and obey God’s command.
With the power we have we will fight for our land.



LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix.

NOTE TO READERS: If you enjoyed this poem or other content, please consider making a donation to the Society of Classical Poets.

The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

10 Responses

  1. James Sale

    Well done, Roy – I like the distinction you are making between the meek and the weak, and it’s wonderful that they are rhyme words which tends to produce our sense that they are related, because the sounds are – even when semantically they may not be. Enjoyed this a lot.

  2. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Bless you, James, for your kind comments from someone for whom I have great respect.

  3. Brian A Yapko

    Roy, I enjoyed both of these rather “in your face” poems immensely. They do not subscribe to a passive, feel-good/absurdly- inclusive view of Christ’s message but rather show some muscle, spine and some discernment in addressing the fact that these are The Ten Commandments and not The Ten Suggestions, that meekness is a very different, full-blooded ball of wax from weakness, that Hell exists and is yawning open waiting for narcissistic fools to “follow their hearts” rather than to follow God.

    I have to confess I howled when I got to the lines in “On Hate” –“I turn the other cheek, but when they keep telling lies,/I love them all to death and I hasten their demise.” This is hilariously dark and bold in the manner of Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado where Gilbert’s lyric says “I’ve got a little list of society’s offenders who might well be underground and who never would be missed…”

    I love your poetry, Roy, because you pull no punches, you suffer no fools and you’re unapologetic about telling it like it is. Don’t ever stop.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Absolutely super comments, Brian. I especially enjoyed your thought about “The Ten Commandment and not The Ten Suggestions!” I kind of chuckled to myself when writing about loving them to death. Thank you for highlighting that passage. You really have a facility for expressing your opinions and understanding the message. I particularly loved, also, your comparison to Gilbert & Sullivan’s “The Mikado,” and what transpired in that inspired play. As one who always enjoys your own poetry, I am blessed with your comments.

  4. Margaret Coats

    Roy, this is muscular Christianity at its poetic best. Perfectly metered hate, no less! And trenchantly reasoned, too. “Great meekness means strength that is under control” could come from the Book of Proverbs.

    The address to preachers is needed, even to some that are very gifted among them, when they approach solid doctrine in an ambiguous manner. At the Harvard Catholic chaplaincy, I attended a seminar for graduate students (not a university course) given by the Jesuit Walter Abbott, because the renowned theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar had announced his intent to prove from the Bible that all men will be saved. Father Abbott had us eight graduate students each bring a different translation of the Bible, to look up and discuss every single passage mentioning the Four Last Things (death, judgment, heaven, and hell). After doing so, we were convinced from the Bible that Von Balthasar was wrong and his project impossible. Much later, he published a book entitled “Dare We Hope That All Men Be Saved?” In other words, he realized his plan was unorthodox but nonetheless sowed seeds of doubt while posing as a preacher of hope, or should I say he stirred up controversy that has weakened faith?

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I cannot thank you enough for your analysis and sad story of Bible revisionists gone wrong! It is beyond me that anyone can come up with the idea that “everyone will be saved.” How great to have Father Abbott instead of Von Balthasar! There are so many churches, cathedrals, temples, synagogues, and houses of worship these days that seem to be providing only what I call “social gospel” as assuaging hyssop for the mind and leave out anything that would be disturbing to the hearts and souls of their congregations/parishioners.

  5. Joshua C. Frank

    Roy, I love these! They’re refreshing after hearing all the squishy preaching from a lot of people who call themselves authorities on the Catholic faith about how we don’t get to stand up for anything, not even our own families, because Jesus let Himself be crucified. North African Christians made that exact mistake, and that’s why those lands are Muslim now. The West is next.

    That’s why I especially love “The Meek, Not the Weak, Shall Inherit the Earth.” It gives very good instruction on what meekness is and is not.

    As for “On Hate”… I feel as you do. I’m trying to love everyone, but I can’t. I have nothing but contempt for modern culture; you’ve seen my comments detailing so. I’m glad someone had the guts to express a similar sentiment. Thank you for both of these.

  6. Roy Eugene Peterson

    I greatly appreciate your sentiments and they certainly dove-tail with mine. FYI: I wrote a book that included both written text and poetry on related matters titled, “Demolishing the Demons.” Here is my back cover blurb:
    My theology is a return and resurrection of the old time religion fire and brimstone sermons in poetic form. Social gospel of the past five decades has focused on a “feel good” religion in America and Europe that assuages the conscience with feelings of peace and contentment with prayer and kindness. While that is one of the ways Christ wanted us to feel, it overlooks the Old Testament teachings that Jesus said he came to fulfill without changing “one jot or tittle.” The Old Testament catalogs the wars of the Israelites in successful campaigns to exterminate kings and all humans who rejected God’s plan. Yes, David wrote the placid 23rd Psalm, but many of the Psalms of David ask God to help in destroying the enemies of the Israelites. Not just destroy—annihilate everyone including the women and children.

    Forsaking the preaching of Satan’s roaming like a ravenous lion on earth and using his demon minions to wreak havoc has left the world believing Christians have become weak, reticent, subservient and to put it simply, ”too nice to counterattack anything they do.”

    I hear it from my friends and even relatives that God will take care of things. Why should they be involved in physical warfare on earth? They wring their hands at current events with no motivation other than to pray and make supplication to God, when they are his representatives and instruments for Holy Warfare on earth. Yes, there it is, a Crusade to destroy evil and those who perpetrate it.

  7. Joseph S. Salemi

    It’s not the earth the meek inherit — it’s the dirt.

    –Song lyric from the musical “Camelot,” sung by Sir Mordred (“Those Seven Deadly Virtues”)

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      There are some great and compelling truths lodged in “The Seven Deadly Virtues.” Thank you for the thought.


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