
Don’t Mess with Texas Gals

On My Late Life Wife

Don’t mess with my hot Texan.
She’s Texas born and bred.
She does not fool with strangers.
She’d rather see them dead.

They said when she was born
She had fire in her eye,
The doctor wouldn’t spank her.
He dared not even try.

My Texan is a cowgirl,
Who’s skilled in mending fences.
On her Christmas list are
Hammers, drills, and wrenches.

Her daddy taught her how
To climb an electric pole,
And how to work with animals,
And exercise control.

She’ll tame a wild stallion
Who wants to run about.
She’s tougher than a cactus,
Of this I have no doubt.

She can shoot a pistol,
A rifle, and a shotgun.
She was the only girl
At a turkey shoot, and won.

They say that Annie Oakley
Was not as good as she.
She is my Texas woman
And she’s always good to me.

Don’t ever call her dainty.
Don’t try to pick a fight,
She’ll kick your private parts
And laugh in sheer delight.

I know that she’s a beauty.
One of the Texas queens.
A dazzling brunette who is
My Venus in blue jeans.



LTC Roy E. Peterson, US Army Military Intelligence and Russian Foreign Area Officer (Retired) has published more than 5,000 poems in 78 of his 101 books. He has been an Army Attaché in Moscow, Commander of INF Portal Monitoring in Votkinsk, first US Foreign Commercial Officer in Vladivostok, Russia and Regional Manager in the Russian Far East for IBM. He holds a BA, Hardin-Simmons University (Political Science); MA, University of Arizona (Political Science); MA, University of Southern California (Int. Relations) and MBA University of Phoenix. He taught at the University of Arizona, Western New Mexico University, University of Maryland, Travel University and the University of Phoenix.

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The Society of Classical Poets does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or commentary.

20 Responses

  1. Stephen Dickey

    This is a beautiful, moving poem. Caught me off guard this morning.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Stephen! She was Miss West Texas and Runner Up for Miss Texas. I wrote a true trilogy based on our late life romance (I knew her from high school and she lived across the alley from me). The books are “Where the Horny Toads Play,” “When Sunsets Glow,” and “On the Edge of Night.”

  2. Paul Freeman

    These poetic snapshots in each stanza build up a wonderful portrait, Roy, ending in that fantastic summing up phrase, ‘Venus in blue jeans’.

    The picture accompanying the poem is equally wonderful.

    Thanks for this reminder of the important things in life.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Those are wonderful comments, Paul. Bless you for them!

  3. Paul Martin Freeman

    Roy, may your beautiful Venus in blue jeans live in your poem forever!

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      What a wonderful and well-said comment, Paul! Thank you!

  4. Brian A Yapko

    Roy, the tone of this poem is wonderful — a tone which balances beings sassy, proud and deeply moving. It is unsentimental and yet your love is palpable. I also love that image of “Venus in blue jeans.” This is a beautiful tribute to a woman who must have been very special. I believe she is watching from Heaven and is deeply touched.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Precious thoughts, Brian! She lives on in my heart and soul.

  5. Allegra Silberstein

    What a lovely poem to begin this day. I would like to have met this great woman.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Allegra! She and her partner won the State of Texas debate tournament in Austin and she headed up one of the largest attorney search firms in Texas and dealt with former Governor, John Connolly.

  6. Joseph S. Salemi

    Wow, what a lady! America used to produce tough, no-nonsense, pistol-packin’ mamas like this on a regular basis.

    This was great loss for you, LTC. But your poem does her memory high honor.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Joseph, this was a great comment! I deeply appreciate the sentiments!

  7. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Roy, what a magnificent poetic tribute to your bold and beautiful late wife. The photograph is wonderful and serves to highlight your glorious words, making your Texas Gal shine brightly.

    There really is something special about Texas gals, and they’re certainly not to be messed with. I am proud to know a few – great friends who are guiding this new Texan gal to glory. This formerly demure woman is on her way to greatness!

    Your heart-touching poem sings of a rare love that will warm all who witness the wonder of it. Thank you for introducing us to this amazing lady.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      I was proud of her and her accomplishments, as you can tell. We shared a special, though short, time together. I am thankful for such kind comments and recognize how well you fit in with strong Texas women. A special thanks is due the SCP staff for putting together the montage of the picture of her I sent with the Texas flag background.

  8. Margaret Coats

    Roy, this is an endearing poem. I’ll single out the Annie Oakley stanza as evidence of your good “good” wordplay. It shows your affection and your willingness to say that there may have been a few Texas tall tales about your lady, but from your point of view, they are entirely appropriate. And of course you have told us still more Texas truths about her in these comments. What’s not to believe about a beauty with all the talents you describe, and elbow length gloves in the dresser?

  9. Roy Eugene Peterson

    Wonderful comments, Margaret, and deeply appreciated. We had a great relationship that was rekindled by a spark at a class reunion. She told me she wanted me to try a new social media at the time called, Facebook. From there the relationship grew over three years’ time. I was in Tucson, and she was in Houston. When we married, we decided San Angelo was the best place, since it had an AFB that I could use, it was almost halfway between our two places where we were living, housing was considerably less expensive, and my mother at the time was 100 years old and in a relatively close hometown nursing home. I returned to my West Texas culture. Thank you for all your precious comments.

  10. Yael

    What a beautiful tribute poem for a very beautiful woman, thank you for sharing! She sounds like my kind of woman, who does not shrink from farm tasks and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself. I have a feeling I shall meet her some day in a better place.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Thank you, Yael! It will be my pleasure to introduce you to her. Her father was the electrician for our town and county. He built a practice pole to climb in his backyard for his children and taught her to climb it. She really won the turkey shoot held in the next county over all the boys and really tamed horses.

  11. Alex Wolff

    This is excellent. I’ll highlight it on the SCP Facebook page tomorrow.

    I’m also thrilled to say I’ll be a Texan in three days, given I’m moving to get my MFA at the University of Houston.

    • Roy Eugene Peterson

      Great! Welcome to the Lone Star State. I wish you well with your academic pursuits! Thank you for the highlight! Bless you.


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