
***** [Five Stars]

The Red Hotel has blood on ev’ry floor
Where ev’ry room is numbered 666
And blood-greased door knobs bolting every door
Suspend a blood red sign of ZZZ
So slaving cleaners need not knock to fix
The bleeding fat pretense of sanctuary.

The bloody owners of The Red Hotel
Have never been legit nor paid their way
And while they made a living rather well,
Uncounted millions died in half-hid cells
Where red light districts laundered night to day,
Red cash to black, blood baths to water wells.

The inn’s been quick to squat adjacent land,
To paint the whole town red, be its main star
(Four other stars were dimmed, bright questions banned).
This Trojan House, while gifting us its pride—
Red carpets make folk not know who they are—
Has tricked world thoughts to brinks of suicide.

But now its time has come. It’s shot its load.
Its blood-red dye, the ‘honor’ of its flag,
Is shown for what it is: real blood that’s flowed
From murders spent at home, not earned in wars.
Its true comeuppance fills a refuse bag
Demolished without glory under Mars.



Damian Robin is a writer and editor living in the United Kingdom.

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6 Responses

  1. Evan Mantyk

    Thank you, Damian, for this poem! I hope my words have Homer’s wings and reach the glorious firmament from which you cast your gaze. The spirit you have left here on Earth will undoubtedly continue to burn and help wreck the disgusting heap of human stupidity and rotten evil that is the Chinese Communist Party.

  2. Mary Gardner

    Damian has adeptly expressed the horror of the CCP. I understand that “bloody” and “bleeding” are near swear words in UK, and here they are most appropriate.

  3. Margaret Coats

    Damian has creatively applied English idioms including the word “red” to attack the Chinese Communist Party, not to mention employing various perspectives on blood and its symbolism. The most economical figure is perhaps, “Red cash to black,” or blood money spent to achieve a show of solvency (business running “in the black”). “Bleeding fat pretense” in line 6 may allude to kosher butchery (but with human beings rather than clean animals butchered in China), and to Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice.”

    Damian does not fail to skewer the Party’s global ambitions. “The inn’s been quick to squat adjacent land” must refer above all to Tibet. Tibetan refugees I knew said their country is three times the size allocated them as a region of China. And then there is the largely uninhabited land in dispute between Pakistan, India, and China. Eighty percent of it is said to be occupied or under military surveillance by the People’s Liberation Army. And then there are the Uyghurs.

    The poem covers much of the many despicable human rights offenses committed in the name of Chinese communism–and it is artfully done satire in excellent meter and rhyme. Worthy work, Damian. You are missed.

  4. Patricia

    First, I would like to thank Evan for his contribution to us by having Damian’s masterpiece of a poem posted! Some poems simply, stated, pack an artistic
    wallop. “Five Stars” affected me that way. The ‘Tiger of Censorship” is growing by leaps and bounds. But treated as a gentle house cat in the USA,
    The Democrats in Congress eat their own, dare they mention a thing amiss within the Biden administration! Or Hunter get by..refer to their censoring of RFK Jr,. He had to verbally fight to get the right to speak.
    I put it past no Democrat to start the slaughter of Americans.. I hope not all Democrats are as cracked
    as those on Capitol Hill. At Liberal poetry sites, there is an open call for the death of all unvaccinated, who chose not to take the Covid vaccine, to be put to death? And the few Conservatives there stay mute. I see blood overflowing here soon.
    Bless Damian! Gratefully, Patricia

  5. Tom Woodliff

    According to the Bible, ALL human governments are against God and his chosen king, Jesus Christ (see Psalm 2). All have committed and continue to commit atrocities. All are part of Satan’s wild beast with seven heads and ten horns and are thus slated for destruction at Armageddon (Revelation 19). Why single out just one?


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