
Joey’s Doomed!

The investigation widens of the traitorous crimes the Bidens
__are—and have been—guilty of for years,
As liberal scum like CNN attempt to save his ass again,
__He’s grappling with his family’s greatest fears!

What he’s done for all this time, thriving off his life of crime,
__clearly has been outed—Joey’s doomed!
Every Patriot knows the truth and, now well armed with endless proof,
__It’s crystal clear why millions have assumed

That all the walls are closing in, exposing his and Hunter’s sin,
__to fin’lly make them pay for what they’ve done!
At last we see the faded light of Justice slowly rise to bright,
__and once again, as always… Right has won.



Mark Stellinga is a poet and antiques dealer residing in Iowa. 

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13 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    I am looking forward to conviction and final dispensation of long overdue justice. I admire your forthright text and support your position. My fingers remain crossed.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Mine have been crossed for a few years, Roy, and will need to be for the next few decades, in which I won’t be around to see them pay for their crimes, which they likely never will. It’s going to wind up being a matter of who has the most courage, the most stamina, and the most bullets. Thanks for the note –

    • Mark Stellinga

      I wholeheartedly agree, Paul. That together with a massive flock of evil disciples. As shifty as a few other presidents were, Biden, and a large portion of his administration inarguably take the blue ribbon hands down for outright corruption. His deceit goes back decades. Trump did far more good than bad, and Biden’s done no good whatsoever over his entire bigoted lifetime.

  2. Joseph S. Salemi

    The Bidens are what the Snopes family is in the novels of William Faulkner — a totally corrupt, venal, unprincipled, lying pack of scumbags, whose sheer effrontery and persistence in climbing ladders of ambition have made them filthy rich.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Joe, “venal” & “filthy” are spot-on adjectives for what J. B. and his immediate family represent. Imagine what he and his perverted son & brothers have done that is yet to be uncovered. I’m 100% convinced Joe molested Hunter when he was young, which clarifies – for me – their symbiotic behavior. We already know he showered with Ashley! Enjoy your weekend –

    • Mark Stellinga

      Phil; I only wish there was something I could do to speed things up. The depth of D.C. corruption is literally amazing. Fingers crossed…

  3. Susan Jarvis Bryant

    Mark, I love your chosen form… it romps along with poetic aplomb to sing a song of hope in dire times of darkness. I hope you’re right. I hope there are enough honest elites out there to implement justice long overdue. Thank you for a chink of rhythmic light – I hope my dream comes true.

    • Mark Stellinga

      Susan, though I can’t see it happening within the next couple years, 🙁 I believe, because, at some point, “instinct” ALWAYS defeats “evil” – the same emotional force that drives ‘good’ people to risk their own safety to save someone from tragedy – the same invisible push that thrusts one into harm’s way to help a fallen soul regain their footing, the same innate power that brings good persons to tears when they see someone suffering, and triggers our smiles when we merely see others wholesomely enjoying themselves – will, once again, soundly defeat those who struggle to unravel the fabric of what constitutes – instinctively – the ‘right & decent way to live our lives’. This is why we scream at our television sets every night!! Right? Stay safe, U 2 –

    • Mark Stellinga

      Fingers crossed, C. B., a lot of good people are trying to turn things around – fingers crossed.

  4. Russel Winick

    Mark – Great poem! Trump’s trials will occur before the next election, and Biden’s will be scheduled for right after he is no longer eligible to hold office. Just by coincidence, of course.


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