‘Dirge of the Dimwits’ and Other Poetry by Susan Jarvis Bryant The Society September 10, 2023 Poetry, Satire 39 Comments . Dirge of the Dimwits “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ---Martin Luther King, Jr. We’ve reached the point of no return. __We hurtled...
‘Blackberry Memories’: A Poem by Janice Canerdy The Society September 10, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 31 Comments . . Blackberry Memories We’d fill our buckets to the brim--- __my brother, sis, and I--- and rush the juicy berries home __for Grandma’s cobbler pie, our oatmeal, or for Mama’s jam--- __sweet scenes from...
‘Perchance to Dream’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson The Society September 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 24 Comments . Perchance to Dream __The sky is wide, __The sea is deep, And when we’ve woken into sleep __A place to hide __Cannot be found, For probing eyes are all around. __The day is bright __And notes are...
Songs for a Granddaughter: Poems by Jeff Kemper The Society September 9, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 17 Comments . Nine: A Song for a Granddaughter for a girl, M___, raised in my household, though not a blood relative 1 She is the girl who cheers my heart: “Come, Jeff. Let’s play!” she voices smart And innocent as...
CPL: The Problem with Prestigious Poetry Journals (Part 2 of 3) The Society September 8, 2023 Classical Poets Live, Poetry, Video 30 Comments . Classical Poets Live with Andrew Benson Brown Episode 6 Part 2 of 3: The Problem with Prestigious Poetry Journals If you enjoy this video, please like and subscribe on YouTube to support the...
‘Have a Pity for War!’: An Anti-War Poem by David Hollywood The Society September 8, 2023 Poetry, Satire 25 Comments . Have a Pity for War! Have a pity for war, When its friends are no more. All its chums gone away, With no one to slay, Left silent and calm, And no one to harm. It’s a destitute life In a world without...
‘A Curveball of Blackbirds’: A Poem by Leland James The Society September 7, 2023 Culture, Poetry 6 Comments . . A Curveball of Blackbirds “Thousands of blackbirds fell out of the sky….” —The New York Times . Five thousand blackbirds from the sky. ____I don’t know why. Neither do they, the EPA, State...
‘Pilgrimage’: A Poem by Margaret Coats The Society September 7, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 28 Comments . Pilgrimage The strong will long to go on pilgrimage, Assembling to reclaim their heritage Of sanctity and stable permanence Embezzled by debased belligerence, For life is war, as Job so aptly said; We battle...
‘The Workaholic Takes Time Off’ and Other Poetry by Russel Winick The Society September 6, 2023 Poetry, Satire 12 Comments . The Workaholic Takes Time Off Dear Partners: I apologize for having Less than normal time today. I have a wedding lunch at noon, But will stay free till then I pray. I’ll also be available At 2 if you...
‘Hymn to the Night’: A Poem by Michael Taormina The Society September 6, 2023 Beauty, Culture, Poetry 10 Comments . Hymn to the Night Every thinking creature adores the light __Where twinkling stones and stars and flowers stun Senseless matter into a sense of sight __And all behold the splendors of the sun. First...
A Madrigal Setting for ‘Come Away’ from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, by James A. Tweedie (Updated) The Society September 5, 2023 Music, Poetry, Shakespeare 6 Comments . A Madrigal Setting Music composed by James A. Tweedie for William Shakespeare's "Come Away" from Twelfth Night. Words by William Shakespeare are below. . . Come away, come away, death, __And in sad...
‘On the Existence of Two Genders’: A Poem by Brian Yapko The Society September 4, 2023 Culture, Poetry 58 Comments . On the Existence of Two Genders This poem is written in response to the trans-driven push to promulgate the idea that gender is either non-binary or does not exist at all---a nonsensical notion which is...
‘On Professionally Hesitant Poets’ and Other Poetry Exercises by Joseph S. Salemi The Society September 3, 2023 Beauty, Education, Poetry, Satire 17 Comments . On Professionally Hesitant Poets O, for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightest heaven of invention! —Shakespeare, Henry V Old Vergil guided Dante to the place Where uncommitted, opportunist...
‘On Going Through Max’s Things’: A Poem by Martin Rizley The Society September 3, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 27 Comments . On Going Through Max's Things in memory of Max Rizley, Jr., 1956-2001 As sand slips through my fingers at the beach, Withdrawing swiftly, like the sighing tide, So slipped your life away beyond my reach, Out...
‘Late Bloomers’: A Late Summer Poem by Cynthia Erlandson The Society September 2, 2023 Beauty, Poetry 25 Comments . . Late Bloomers My last red rose-of-sharon __Is slowly curling closed, Each giant shell-shaped petal __Beginning to turn in, The five of them a pinwheel, __Crepe-paper veins exposed To August’s...
‘Fallen’: A Poem by Mary Gardner The Society September 2, 2023 Culture, Poetry 16 Comments . Fallen The Universe was perfect, Heaven and Earth, Upon Almighty God’s Creation’s birth! He made the spirit-beings, Angels, free; And later, Man with physicality. Most-favored Lucifer the Fair grew...
Poetry Book Review: Making Music by Sally Cook The Society September 1, 2023 Art, Poetry, Reviews 16 Comments . Reviewed Book: Making Music by Sally Cook, White Violet Press, 2012 by Monika Cooper Making Music by Sally Cook is a book that comes with a painting on its cover, a still life no less. Wine-colored drapery...
The 2023 Society of Classical Poets International Poetry Competition The Society September 1, 2023 From the Society, Poetry, Poetry Contests 3 Comments . But the great Master said, "I see No best in kind, but in degree; I gave a various gift to each, To charm, to strengthen, and to teach." ---Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Singers" First Prize: $2,000....
The 2023 SCP International High School Poetry Competition The Society September 1, 2023 Education, High School Submissions, Poetry, Poetry Contests 2 Comments . But the great Master said, “I see No best in kind, but in degree; I gave a various gift to each, To charm, to strengthen, and to teach.” —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Singers” First...