
Ponderings on the Porch

The chutes of light this autumn day
__Beam down between the leaves.
Sun’s equinox has long since passed—
__Dew drips from grass and eaves.

This sacred porch! Secure and safe
__From wasps and snakes and mice.
Decaying pine straw rides the breeze—
__I sip green tea with ice.

The dogwoods’ first blush into red.
__The old wood fence tilts right.
Another season turns a page
__And sooner falls twilight.

The autumn of my year arrives.
__A butterfly flits by.
Sunrise. Sunset. A waning moon.
__A spider traps a fly.

The future bids: despair or hope?
__The grave—is it? Or more?
Today is one day near the last.
__Dark doom or heaven’s door?



Peter Venable has been writing poetry for 50 years. He has been published in Windhover, Third Wednesday, Time of Singing, The Merton Seasonal, American Vendantist, The Anglican Theological Review, and others. He is a member of the Winston Salem Writers. On the whimsical side, he has been published in Bluepepper, Parody, Laughing Dog, The Asses of Parnassus, Lighten Up Online (e. g. # 48) and the Society of Classical Poets.

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7 Responses

  1. Roy Eugene Peterson

    That is a beautiful poem of observation in the fall while sitting on what seems to be an old but beloved porch. I love the feel of nostalgia and the vividness of what was seen.

  2. Linda Alice Fowler

    Such a soft seasonal poem. I felt the breeze while musing on the future. A bit of nostalgia. A bit of melancholy. Very nice!

  3. David Hollywood

    This very affecting poem is beautifully written. Wonderfully reflective with a fateful calmness. Many thanks.


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